Dinner 3

"Yi Sun! let grandma fill your bowl." Li Xiao Mi spoke up to make Yi Sun feel at ease and so that she can eat her dinner wholeheartedly without any hesitation.

Li Yunkai took the bowl from her side and passes her bowl to Li Xiao Mi. "Here is her bowl grandma."

"Elder madam let me do it." Lin Si said while trying to take the bowl from Elder madam which Li Xiao Mi just took it from Li Yunkai.

"No Lin Si! Just seat with us and lets eat dinner together." Li Xiao Mi spoke up.

"Elder madam! I will eat dinner later on." She replied.

Li Xiao Mi for "No... You have to sit with us. You have to eat dinner with us. You are our family too." Li Xiao Mi said as she dig the ladle on the steamed fish soup which is made with lime and garlic, she put it on the bowl.

"Thank you madam" she took the seat opposite of the Li Xiao Mi.

Li Xiao Mi nodded her head and passes the bowl to Yi Sun "Sun! Fish soup is good for your health. Drink it while it's hot as fish has more protein, lime contain vitamin C and help your immune systems to fight against bacteria and garlic help to reduce inflammation."

Yi Sun's eyes were filled with tears as she was touched the way they care for her. "Thank you grandma."

"Why are you thanking me? If you consider me as your grandma then better don't use that sentence. Did you get it?"

"Yes grandma! I understood." She replied while drinking her fish soup from the bowl.

Aunt Lin passes the glass of rice wine favours of cranberry to Li Yunkai.

He took the glass from aunt Lin and just when aunt Lin was about to give another glass of rice wine to Yi Sun. He said "don't give it to her. Just give her a fruit of juice."

Yi Sun glaced at Li Yunkai. While both of aunt Lin Si and Li Xiao Mi gaze at Li Yunkai and then shifted their gaze at Yi Sun with a double. First it was a hint of doubt but after looking at Li Yunkai, they were 100% sure that he like the girl in front of them.

Li Xiao Mi was so happy and desperate that she didn't know what to do. At the same time she was feeling uneasy whether it's real or it's just a dream. Because her mighty grandson who has be single until now, Without having any scandal with those rich lady is now finally starting to care and he is interested in this girl in front of them.

"Good good.... that sound good. Lin Si just get a glass of fruit juice for Sun."

Today Elder madam and first young master is on good mood Lin Si thought to herself "Yes elder madam. I will get it right away." She said as she went to the kitchen.

Li Xiao Mi spoke up "Yunkai and Sun eat the dinner as much as you both want. Don't feel shy. These meals are good for nutritions."

Li Xiao Mi brought an glass of juice after a while and they ate the dinner which were filled with different kind of delicious dinner such as hot steamed whole perch fish with roe inside, hot classic white mantou, tired-fried razor clams with black beans and pepper, white sticky rice, steamed fish soup with lime and garlic, and rice wine favours of cranberry.

Li Yunkai was happy for the first time if he remember correctly,he has never ate such an healthy dinner together for more than 6 years. This time he ate the dinner more then what he used to eat and that was mouthwatering.

After eating dinner, Li Xiao Mi said "Yunkai and Sun!" Both of them glanced at Li Xiao Mi together at the same time. "Yes grandma" Li Yunkai replied.

After a while Li Xiao Mi spoke up again "I want both of you to go on a pilgrimage for three days together day after tomorrow morning."

"Sorry grandma! I can't go as I have got lots of work to handle and meeting has been rescheduled." He replied by looking at his grandma.

Li Xiao Mi was disappointed at him as she frowned as she said "life and death are unpredictable. I don't know how long I will live. I just want you to go there to pray instead of me for a heathy and happy long life. I can't go there as am getting old and I hope you will fulfill my wishes" She knew that he can't say no as she has used to stir his emotions.

"Okey Grandma! Will leave day after tomorrow and send me the address of that pilgrimage.

"That sounds great Yun. Am so happy. Now both of you go to sleep so that both of you can pack the stuffs."

They said in unison "Good night grandma and aunt Lin" Lin Si replied "good night both of you." They went to their respective room.