"Mo..wake up! You're going to be late. The others have left to the mine"
Suddenly he feel a force pulling him up.
It was Ee Too his childhood friend waking him up from bed.
"Mo Sol.. I know you're tired but we need to hurry. Or else we might not make our quote for today". Said Ee Too with a concern face.
"Huh! a dream.." he said while rubbing the back of his head.
Mo been having the same dream for six days straight. It was so real that he thinks it's a memory of his pass life.
The reality is Mo Sol and Ee Too is a miner.
In this world humanity is very much depending on Gaya Seed. It's a crystal that poses magical power. Widely used for magic enhancement, armour cratfing and weaponry making.
The crystal are rank by their rarity. The rarer the crystal the higher the price will be.
Starting from:
Rank 1 - White
Rank 2 - Green
Rank 3 - Blue
Rank 4 - Orange
Rank 5 - Red
Once someone found a blue crystal in the neighboring village and he able to sold it for 100 Gold.
In Articia crystal are more valuable than any rare metal. Though rare metal are still useful for crafting but they are abundance in the world.
The Articia currency:
1 Gold = 10 Silver
1 Silver = 10 Copper
1 Copper can only buy 1 cup of plain water.
In this village call Boria Mine there's about 752 people who's majority of them are miners. As majority of the crystal mined here are White Crystal this village is very poor.
Their main income are from the metal ore found in the 145 year's old mine. One might said that every valuable crystal has been dug up years ago. What left are just useless ore.