Forbidden Area Part 2

The three of them was caught by surprise. The scream was so loud that leave echo throughout the mine.

"What was that?"

Asked Du Gong while cowering behind Ee Too.

"I don't know. Let's check it out"

Replied Ee Too while making a brave face.

"Let's hold hands"

Du Gong plead as his body begin to shake

"What for..are you a child. Come.. someone might be hurt."

Mo Sol began to run rush towards the mine leaving Du Gong's hand hanging in the air.

"The sound is coming from the Forbidden Area. Did something happened there?"

That thought begin to linger in Mo Sol mind.

As they began to go deeper into the mine the light had began to disappear the further they go. There's a glimpse of light coming at the end of the corner.

Suddenly Du Gong fell after stumbling upon something on the ground.



"What happened?"

Mo Sol asked while trying to catch his breath.

" that a hand?"

Pointing at the object on the floor Du Gong began to wet his pant. Blood can be seen all over the place as their eye began to adjust to the darkness.

While trying to help Du Gong to stand, Ee Too spoke softly.

"Stop looking at it. I think we are not alone here".

Mo Sol at that point try to step a bit further to the front. While trying to get a hold on what's going on the ground beneath his feet crumble.



Shout Ee Too while trying to catch Mo Sol that fell into the ground.

By the time Ee Too's hand reach the pit Mo Sol is no longer there.


Cried Ee Too and suddenly.

"Ugh..I'm okay guys. Down here"

Mo Sol voice echoing from the bottom of the pit.

"Mo..I thought I lost you. Hang in there we'll get you out of there".

As soon as Du Gong arrive at the pit Ee Too grab him by his hand and run towards the light. They know that there's a storage place nearby that might have something that can help Mo Sol to get out of that pit.

"Rope..we need to get rope"

Said Ee Too

"But..that hand and blood. What going on here"

Replied Du Gong ignoring Ee Too

As they arrived at the storage area they see a lifeless body near the wall.

"Chief Ka Dok?"

The Chief was lying there with only one arm. There an open wound in his chest. A deeper one on his tight.

Chief Ka Dok used to be a mage apprentice. His fair bit of knowledge on the Earth Magic allowing him to mine with ease. A spell called Break can help to soften any rock or dirt making it brittles. That's how he get the title Chief and gain the respect of the other miners.

Meanwhile Mo Sol try to get a bearing on his surrounding. While pointing his hand forward he try to look for a wall, and suddenly he feel something. Some sort of writing engrave on the wall in front of him.