Awakening Ceremony Part 1

Once out of his house, Xin Fei went directly to the main clan building, because today will be held the ceremony of revival.

On the way, many of the clan's disciples spoke of him by pointing to him.

"Is not Xin Fei?" A young man said with doubt when he saw Xin Fei believing he had seen a ghost.

"Xin Fei? It's impossible he can not possibly wake up after the lesson he took yesterday ha ha ha you will have to ..." even before he could finish his sentence, he was stunned because it was really Xin Fei.

Xin Fei ignored his Idiots and went on his way.


Main room

Xin Fei entered the room and was surprised by the number of people living in the clan, "to see is to believe" as some people say.

He waited and soon a clan elder who happened to be his father Xin Ming stood next to a shining altar.

"Hello to all the younger generation of the clan Today will decide the future of our Xin clan, I hope that each of you will not let us down" says Xin Ming indifferently with a smile on his lips.

"Now I declare open the waking ceremony, please each one of you come and you to stagnate in lotus position and send your Qi to the altar and calm your mind" says he

The youth of the clan lined up behind each other and Xin Ming waved a sword out of nowhere and dug it into a hole above the altar.


Immediately after, the altar began to shake and a ray of green light shot into the sky, the same thing happened in 40 different families.

Several minutes later, the ray disappeared and Xin Ming said "Go there"

"Yes old"

A young man came out of the crowd.

Immediately after his appearance, the crowd entered a tumult.

"The young master of good talent should at least have awakened a rank 7 human martial spirit," said one elder of the family.

Elders and elders all nod in confirmation.

It should be known that even their chieftain has only a human spirit.

Of course this young man is Xin Wang.

Once on the altar, he sat down and as the eldest said and immediately the altar trembled followed by a white halo that appeared with the roar of a tiger.


a yellow tiger 2 meters long and 2 meters high with a black horn appeared behind Xin Wang followed by the appearance of 8 floating stones each behind the tiger.

The crowd was astonished by the appearance of the 8 white stones.

Coming out of their dizziness, she exclaimed.

"humans ranked 8"

"Our young master will definitely ride clan watch"

Cried the crowd.

The patriarch when he was ecxity but it did not appear on his face he got a glance at his son saying "It's very good my son the forest tiger is a martial spirit having an attribute of earth with that if you enter the kingdom of condemnation in the next 6 months, you should enter the elemental sect as an outer disciple "

Xin Wang who was already happy with the rank of his martial spirit, listening to his father trembled with excitement.

He knelt before his father saying "Father your son will not disappoint you"

The patriarch was satisfied with this declaration.

Xin Wang then glanced into the crowd and his gaze fell on Xin Wei, he smiled at her, but she only looked at him coldly.

Xin Wang's face darkened immediately he put on a "humpf" and sat down next to his father.

Soon it was Xin Wei's turn

The crowd became immediately silent.

Xin Wei walked gracefully to the altar with a cold face and sat in a lotus position.

Immediately afterwards, the altar began to shake terribly after which the air in the room began to cool, a minute passed and the temperature dropped even more and from the ground, crystals of ice cream began to appear. .

The altar made another groan, and what happened next completely stunned the crowd.


A thump sounded in the room scattering the ice around and a giant egg 4 meters high and 3 meters appeared.

Cra, Crac, Crac

Cracks began to appear around the egg, then a bird's cries echoed throughout the city


Accompanied by this scream, the egg bursting and revealing a giant bird with two white pasta.

The bird slowly descended from the sky and stood behind Xin Wei's back and launched another scream


As a result, a ray of blue light appeared in the room, completely dazzling it, and four blue stones formed directly behind Xin Wei.

The altar then calmed down and the bird disappeared as early.



From the room we could hear the sound of a small stone falling so much, it seemed abnormal.

A few minutes passed and chaos began in the room.


"Heaven Class Martial Spirit !!!!!" Cried the crowd

The once reserved patriarch stood up from his chair and exclaimed, "Martial spirit class heaven ... SPIRIT MARTIAL CLASS SKY !!!!"

He was not the only one all the clan elders were fans of the same state.

The patriarch forced himself to calm down and said an old man in the crowd "Ha ha ha Old zong your daughter is very talented, fold late you can go to the treasure room and take a new beast of rank 3, 2000 pieces of 'Gold and a high-level sword for your girl' says he quickly because he knew that the sooner he will give benefits, the better he will be rewarding later.

"The former thanks the patriarch," said Xin Zong with his hands clasped in respect. It's been 40 years since he has a bottleneck and is just a step away from entering the realm of kernel training. He thought it would take him another 10 years to break through, but now he will not be able to break in the next 2 months, he could even raise his cultivation with the nucleus to between the 3 rd and 4 th layers.

He decided to give the 2000 gold coins to his daughter because she deserves it.

"Well Xin Wei you have awaken a sky-themed martial spirit the phoenix with one of the most powerful attribute, the ice congratulation now go and cultivate well" says he then he looked at his own son and had a bitter face in comparing the talents .

Xin Wang did not understand what happened, but after seeing the blue light, he had no chance.

Xin Wei still could not believe her eyes because although she was 100 per cent sure she could awaken a terrestrial martial spirit, she did not expect this turn of events to be happy and sad at the same time. time.

Happy because she can become extremely strong and sad because she will be separated from Xin Fei.

She greeted the patriarch and went to see her father. Immediately other elders and elders went to talk to Xin Zong.

Xin Zong spoke a proud and arrogant expression.

The former Ming looked at Xin Fei in the crowd with hopeful eyes.

Xin Fei gave him a complicated look because, by inheriting memories of former Xin Fei, he also inherited his love for Xin Wei. So seeing the rank of his martial spirit, he was very reluctant.

Fists clenched, Xin Fei whispered fiercely and determinedly "I absolutely must wake up a martial spirit from the sky class otherwise I can say goodbye to him," he said, gritting his teeth.

Xin Wang not too far noticed Xin Fei's frustration and feel less bitter and laughed at him "Xin Fei you still did not think you could be with sister Wei ??"

Xin Fei was silent and clenched his teeth.

"Let's see if you're fit for the sister, go to the altar," said Xin Wang, taking pleasure in it.

Xin Fei looked at the altar and his eyes sparkled with fiery fire.

Then he went to the altar.