Take My Child

The sunlight filtering through the gauzy window brought a slight discomfort to the lady sleeping within the simply decorated guest room belonging to one of the courtyards of the Li Manor.

Shan Daiyu writhed about under the sheets of the bed she was lying on, struggling to prop herself up due to her weak body.

Right. She journeyed all the way from the Capital Chang'An down to the South in the town skirting the borders of North-western Liang--Li Zhong He's domain.

During those times, she could not bring herself to stop. On top of her need to make haste, she knew somebody have been closely following her track. She only dared to cease movement after reaching the General's property.


The lady sighed in great relief.

Not even sparing a second, she called for the people opposite the closed gates of the Manor.

"I am here for the General!"

Shan Daiyu knew buying their attention means to stir ruckus, so she had raised her voice without reservation in spite of her lungs protesting for a little rest.

The gates opened after her. The people on guard could not believe that someone was boldly requesting for the respected General of the South in such an audacious manner.

"And who might you be!?" Questioned the guarding soldier.

"I seek for an urgent audience with the General." She answered, paying no heed to her struggle for air.

"We are not to take an unknown person's command." The guarding soldier replied in annoyance, seemingly appalled with her unreasonable response.

"Then I shall not leave this spot until you let me see the General." She stood resolute with her answer.

She knew better not to reveal her real identity in the open. Shan Daiyu understand that Li Zhong He has his own enemies. Her identity as an Emperor's Consort will only drag him down as she was sure that they will make use of it against him.

The guards were about to shut the gates close when the General's butler got wind of the commotion. He inquisitively approached the scene.

"Sir, that lady was looking for the general. But we could not allow her bidding as she refused to give her identity." One soldier replied.

The butler observed the lady. She looked like she came in a rush. But he can only see her lower face as her eyes were covered by the shadow of the hood she was wearing.

"My lady, what could be your business in this late hour of the night?" He asked of her this time.

"Please, let me see the General." She responded with urgency.

The butler thought he had heard of this voice before. She was most likely someone the General knows. He could not be certain though, but his gut feeling was telling him that she is an important person. So he reverted back to her, "Then allow me to see if the General is still awake." After which, he rushed forth for the Master of the Manor.

Shan Daiyu blinked her eyes as she saw the shadows of the night producing that familiar figure walking in her direction.

Her heart skipped a bit.

"General Li Zhong He." She greeted, taking off her hood to let him see her face.


She saw his stunned expression. How she missed this man. She gathered herself as she felt her emotions were about to burst.

"Lady Shan... What are you doing here?" The General hurriedly asked in confusion.

Instead of expressing her intentions by speaking, she only directed her eyes towards his. She knew he would definitely understand her wish to talk in private.

Li Zhong He was quick on the uptake. He shortened their gap and reached for her hands to help her dismount from the horse.

They entered the Manor and walked straight to the General's study.

Silence remained after welcoming them inside the room. Shan Daiyu kept her eyes averted to the ground as she could feel his examining gaze towards her. An impalpable tension wrapped the two of them in discomfort.

Perhaps because the ruling atmosphere within the study appeared to be taunting her out of her wits, the lady continued to stare blankly without any apparent will to speak.

The silence lasted until she finally decided to conjure the much-anticipated words. But as soon as she opened her mouth, Li Zhong He had already dragged her into a corner.

"Daiyu, stay here and don't make a noise." She heard him whisper close to her ears.

She was startled for a second.

Maybe because she was getting too overwhelmed by the events unfolding right before her eyes that the tears she had been holding back were now trailing down her face.

She underestimated the guts of those assassins. It made her furious.

She could hear the clashing of metals outside.

Fear and guilt started to creep into her heart. She was worried for the people of the manor. She doesn't want any casualties just because of her own selfishness.

'Really, now?!' Shan Daiyu's inner self cannot help but mock them. 'To even challenge Zhong He in his own territory?!' The lady with that undeniable ego gritted her teeth in anger.

She only calmed down when she heard the voice of the General telling them off.

Following the tumult, Li Zhong He returned back to the study like nothing happened. He found her standing unmoved in the place where she was left.

Shan Daiyu yet again, became speechless. What to do? She could feel her tired being starting to betray her own senses.

Li Zhong He saw her doll-like expression. He worriedly lead her back to her seat.

"Daiyu, tell me what really happened? You are supposed to be in the palace. How could you leave without letting him know?"

She only recovered from her mental stupor when the general asked for the question she dreaded speaking the answer for. But she also knew her time is limited, so she decided to muster all that remained of her courage and let out the words needed to be said.

"My time is getting near…" tears started to flow on her cheeks. She loathed herself for crying in front of him, but the control over her emotions has long since gone. Thus, she could only continue to bring up her concern in her utmost ability to stay calm in spite of herself.

"I need you to take care of some things in my stead... before I go."

She spoke while Li Zhong He appeared to be lost in her account. At any rate, she knew that the General is a man of great discernment & would either way soon grasp the crux of the matter, so she fearlessly continued, "The Empress wanted my child dead."

If she were to bear the seed of a future prince, it will most likely lead to a dispute between the powerful factions backing the Empress and the other party who supports the Noble Shan Clan that will threaten the position of the Empress' son as the next Emperor.

"After news of my conception was made known into the whole of the Imperial Palace, the Empress...she became my frequent audience. She was a kind and charming lady, so at first, it never occurred to me that the... the indulgence we were sharing together... was something that can harm the growing life inside of me." She told him in a stammer.

His facial expression warned her to be careful of her words. He was not trying to interrupt her from speaking as he kept his mouth shut, but she knew him well.

"But!" She heavily heaved a sigh.

"By no means will you ever get yourself involved with them just because of me." She said with clear authority.

Li Zhong He's usual calm bearing, rippled questioningly at her commanding speech. He knew very well that once she decided on a matter, no one can tell her otherwise.

"Well..." She wanted to lift the mood a little so she continued, "Twins... I gave birth to a boy and a girl." Her tear-stained face cast a genuine warm smile.

She saw his expression turn a bit soft as soon as she uttered those words.

"I went through hard times... but I have given birth to a healthy twin... Zhong He, aren't you proud of me?" And as if a deep wound began to open again, her unwilling eyes started to shed tears once more.

"The doctor who saved my children... he said I will not live long after this... this body that protected them inside the womb had been inflicted of an incurable disease after bearing the effect of the poison I have ingested. But you know, I am happy to bring them in this world."

At these words, he felt like a cold rush of water suddenly poured over his body. He opened his mouth but could not speak in utter disbelief. He was furious and aggrieved. Still, he managed to collect himself immediately to hear what is more she had to say.

"Zhong He, you are one of the few people I can fully place my trust with. Please, just this one last favor."

A stiff cry rang out of her mouth. "Take my child as your own." Her eyes were undeniably red and her breathing started to get unstable yet again, declaring her remaining words for the General to hear.

Shan Daiyu explained that she wish not to choose between who to leave inside the Palace, but as the people already knew that she had already given birth to a son who went first before the little girl, It could not be helped.

She knew she had to make a choice. Doing this means saving both. Her son wouldn't have to face the persecution of a prince who shared a womb with a princess, and her daughter will never have to experience what she had gone through.

"And besides, I want your protection over my Wei Ya. I decided to keep her birth a secret because it is already unbearable for me to see my firstborn walk the dangerous path inside the Imperial Palace."

She was in great pain but she wanted to release everything to the man she trust even with her own life, so she eagerly continued in tears. "If she were to be raised outside the royal household, she can live freely away from the overbearing responsibility of a princess, who has less power than a prince."

"A day from now, my daughter will be sent here by the nursemaid I hired to deliver my child. She is my parent's person, so I entrusted my Wei Ya to her care. Please, just this one last favor, take my child. Protect her. I beg you to make it happen."