Chapter 9

"This way, Miss Wang."

She quietly nods.

A calm expression rests on her gorgeous face while the manager of the restaurant escorts her to the most VIP section of the eatery house. Yanna Chu who was once her co-member in ☪VENTIDE☀ is the one who even specifically reserved it for her. As the manager opens the door to a room, he urges her to enter; and Ember walks in without saying any more words.

She sees the woman who immediately stood up to greet her, but Ember just ignores the greeting as she instead makes her way to the table and takes a seat. Placing her expensive bag on the chair beside her, she takes a sip from the glass of water that was prepared a few moments before her arrival.

The investigator, which is a brunette haired woman, observes the celebrity before her.

Ember Wang is really beautiful in person. She looks like a goddess by how she elegantly moves and dresses. The woman snaps out from her thoughts when Ember suddenly calls out her attention, almost making her jump out from her seat.

"Give it to me," the beauty cuts straight to the point while she outstretches her hand, gesturing for the woman to hand over the files that contain the investigation regarding a certain blonde mistress.

Her beautiful face holds displeasure. The other woman can totally see that the woman is totally in a bad mood. She does not dare to fuel the anger more as she swiftly places a thick stack of folder on Ember's hand.

Observing the thickness of papers, Ember's eyes dart towards the woman before her. She notes the shaky figure, and she cannot help but think and scoff if this is really professional. But maybe she's just judging her wrong since from the looks of these files, and maybe she did her job right.

Ember flips the first folder open, filled with huge expectations; but when she sees the contents inside, she felt like she has been dumped with cold water.

She skims through the documents; and in every folder she turns next, her face darkens with anger and displeasure. The clock ticks on and on; the poor investigator tears her gaze from the watch on her wrist and settles her gaze on the beauty before her.

Ember clearly doesn't like what she is seeing.

Reading the final folder, the thinnest of them all, Ember finally erupts as she slams all the documents on the table.

"Are you kidding me?! Are you really a professional?! You found so much information on a bunch of useless blondies but only found measly details that barely filled a single page on the woman I was talking about?!"

Ember's beautiful golden eyes are shining in anger. So angry, she even waves her hands in the air to emphasize her irritation. She is so disappointed, so so disappointed. The princess of the Wang family thought that with so many files earlier that it would be easy finding the identity of the mistress of her fiance, only to find out that is all nothing. The real target doesn't even have a report that contains any useful information!

"Do you think that一"

Ember picks up the file as she gives the disappointing woman a look of disbelief. "Do you think that this data is worth the fortune I'm going to spend in exchange?!"

Finding no response in return, she can only shake her head as she flips open the folder again. Her eyes narrow at the picture printed on the paper. That short blonde haired woman with her light brown eyes; she looks so innocent and pretty, but of course一 Ember scoffs. Not pretty enough to beat her in the looks. Ember's golden eyes narrow as she takes notes of this certain girl more. This is truly no mistake; this is the damn mistress. Her golden eyes trail towards the name beside the photo.

'Lily Lien.'

She smiles a mocking smile. Even her name suits a white lotus who's actually a golden digger beneath that fake exterior. As she continues to scan through the background information, Ember cannot help but be stunned by more revelations.

'She's in the same grade as Alessio, and they studied in the same university. Huh?!' She grips the paper tighter, slightly crumpling it. 'From a middle-class family, and she dares to steal Alessio from me. Hah! Well… that… she can only dream of.'

Her anger is slowly soaring to new heights. She is quivering in anger as she slowly turns back to the woman before her. Her anger just fills her so much; she again directs the rage to the investigator.

"Do you think that this much information is enough for the amount I'm going to pay you?" Her tone is neither too loud or soft, but one can hear the wrath seeping from each of her words. Honestly, with that amount of money, she can thousands of frozen yogurt that can last her for a few months.

Ember cannot help but think bitterly.

"Of course not, Miss Wang. I do not intend to disappoint you. I'm also ashamed of my incompetence, but someone was just trying to make it difficult for me. Someone behind the scenes has placed that woman in tight security, making it almost impossible to gather information about her."

It's the first time that Ember sees her close to a professional investigator, but the celebrity can still distinguish the slight quiver of her voice. She puts down the folder as she takes a glass of water to compose herself.

Emptying the glass, she settles it down. She gives out a harsh exhale while she glares at the empty plate before her. She cannot believe this.

'Alessio. That bastard! It wasn't enough that you betrayed me, but you're also protecting that whore!' The truth leaves a bitter taste in her mouth, and yet there is also no denying that only her fiance will go through such lengths for that woman.

Ember feels her eyes burn from the tears that threaten to leave. She tries to laugh it off, trying to vanish all those negative emotions. "Good! Breaking his promise to protect me, and now he's doing it for that peasant woman of his! Hahahaha! This is so ridiculous!" She laughs and laughs until she stops, murmuring.

"How foolish I was…"

Bitterness soaks her broken heart as childhood memories flood her mind.

"Get out," she murmurs, almost so inaudible, but it is enough for the other woman to hear. The investigator is clueless and doesn't move for a moment. Ember gets irritated and glares at the woman.

"I said get out!!! I'll wire the money on your account. Just get out of here!" she finally snaps, and the woman jumps up from her chair in fear. She respectfully bows as she scurries off to exit. Ember doesn't pay heed to those gestures as she massages her aching temples instead.

'Damn it. This is so frustrating!'

The door opens and the waiter arrives to deliver the food. Ember gives a quick glance as she waves that off.

"Pack it up. I have no appetite. I'll bring it with me instead," Ember says, devoid of emotions. She really looks so exhausted, making the waiter sighs in disappointment. He wants to ask for an autograph, but he doesn't want to trouble the poor lady.

A few moments later, the same guy arrives. This time, he is with the packed food she asked of him. He hands it to her, and she murmurs her gratitude. Standing up and about to leave, she gives the documents a quick glance. For a few seconds, she is in deep contemplation; but she then resolves to bring it as it may still be useful to her.

Wearing sunglasses, Ember steps out of the restaurant. Whispers can be heard as she passes through people. They're most likely directed towards her, but she doesn't pay attention to them. Good or bad, she doesn't care. She is used to it; she has grown used to it.

She sees her car's parking spot; and she proceeds to walk towards it, but then she stops. She sees something. Her golden eyes, that are once cold, softens. Pity and sadness fill her heart as she spots a group of children searching through dumpsters for food.

She doesn't hesitate to come close to them.

"Here," she says with warmth, "It isn't much, but I hope you guys like it."

Ember softly smiles as she hands over the food. It's not like that she'll be able to finish it alone; it's better if they eat this instead. The children gaze up at her in wonder as if they have never seen a goddess real close in their lives.

Ember smiles as they say thanks to her act of kindness. Watching them eat and be so happy, she cannot help but be happy herself. It makes her realize that even with the problems she is going through, she is still fortunate enough compared to others.

Swearing to the children that she'll make sure to have someone help them out, possibly one of her father's secretaries, as she afterward bids them farewell before going back to her previous plan.

Unknown to her, a shadow of a man suddenly appears by the corner.

He holds a paper bag that is most likely to be filled with food. Shock is plastered over the handsome face, but then a frown later dawns. He looks at the paper bag and sighs; he's actually planning to gift this to the children, but someone beat him first.


On the other side of the side, we see two young men having a physical fight within the office. The younger man is so burning fury; he continues to punch the damn man as he constantly yells out verbal insults to the bastard.

"You asshole!"

He punches him hard; the sound of a fist colliding with someone's face echoes throughout the darkly lit room. "What the hell did you do to her!" Kielle angrily snaps at his brother. He already knows what happened, but he wants to hear the truth from his brother. He wants him to say the truth, justify his actions, or something! But Alessio doesn't say anything.

Hearing no response from the man in question, Kielle became mad.

His irritation grows greater, and his blood boils from staring at the indifferent man before him. This bastard?! He can't believe that he has a brother like this?! "Some fiance you are! If you were going to hurt her, then you shouldn't have fucking made a promise to protect her in the first place!" Kielle spits in anger.

Alessio continues to be so unresponsive.

Kielle scoffs and leaves the room, fearing that he may kill his brother if he proceeds to stay with him in the same room. Alessio emptily gazes at the door. His handsome face is poorly beaten up, but he only dares to leave a quiet chuckle after the stupid confrontation.

"Why don't you ask me why I did it in the first place?" Alessio's voice is laced with sadness, bitterness, and exhaustion. Those green eyes are now filled with emotions as if screaming an untold story.