Last time on Drizz and Gang. Three random adventurers mysteriously ended up in a forest covered in roots growing all around them. The three who have just met must work together to try and escape this forest. Now back to the adventure.
Although I couldn't see the sun because of the trees I was quite familiar with nature, I could easily tell what time it was and to my calculation, we had been walking around for hours. Normally I would have stepped in right now and used some sort of tracking to figure out where we need to go; if only Nicholas would let me. His big ego has gotten to him. He keeps insisting that he knows where to go but we've walked past the same tree five times already. Why doesn't he let me take the lead?
"Hey, Nicholas? Why don't we use a spell or something to find our way out? I'm sure that way we can stop walking in circles and find a way out?"
Nicholas stopped moving to think about my question. I guess he can't do two things at once, thinking and walking must be too hard for him.
"No! I can find the exit."
Nicholas carried on walking whilst Eden and I stood there looking at him like an idiot.
After catching up with him I tried to ask again but was shot down. After some thinking and some more walking in circles, I managed to come up with a plan.
"Hey, Nicholas? You wanna know something really really cool? I heard that people who think outside the box and use creative solutions to figure stuff out, like using a magic spell to find a path, are loved by girls. Ladies love creative thinkers, especially the mages."
Nicholas stopped moving again to think about it.
"I've got a great idea!" he exclaimed.
"Why don't we use a magic spell to find where we need to go, after all, I'm sure one of you two know how to use such a spell. Ain't I great for coming up with that idea?"
"Why yes. Yes, you are. Our brains couldn't come up with such an idea. Now Eden, may you please help us out?"
I would do it myself but after Nicholas stole my idea, I should give Eden the honours.
"Alright, here I go."
Eden stood channelling a spell, the blue orb on the tip of her staff emitted a blinding white light and created a strong wind blowing around the leaves that were resting around us. The light from the staff grew brighter before suddenly stopping and shooting into the direction of more trees, curving and dodging around all obstacles, revealing a path.
"There we go!" Eden said happily as she skipped along the path.
"That was impressive. Why didn't you think of such a cool idea sooner, Nicholas?" I said as I hit the walking sack of meat on his armour and followed behind Eden.
"W-wait for me. I'm the leader."
# # #
We followed the light and eventually made it out of the forest. We were blinded by the light of the sun which was revealed to us for the first time. The absent wind had struck us in the face and refreshed our minds. We took the time to regain our eyesight and looked around.
We were standing at the top of a huge cliff towering over a small village. Directly below us were threatening rocks that would pierce anyone that fell from this height.
"Good thing we didn't walk too far when we got out. We would definitely have died." Eden said.
"What's in the village, I can't see from he-"
"Humans." I interrupted. "I can see them, it appears to be a human village. Luckily for us, they don't seem to pose any danger, I can't see any knights."
"Wait, you shouldn't say that you'll trigger a flag," Eden added
"Nah, it'll be fine."
As I triggered another flag, things proceeded to get worse. Distant screams could be heard coming from the village, and villagers were all running and locking themselves in the safety of their own homes. A wild pack of wolves came out of nowhere and started to attack the villagers, surrounding the whole village.
"Wolves, huh? What do we do guys, we can't exactly jump off of here we might not survive." I explained the obvious situation to my dumb partner.
"Isn't it obvious?" Nicholas picked up Eden in his left arm and quickly grabbed me up before I could realise what he was going to do.
"You aren't serious right?" I asked.
"Oh, gods. please let me survive this, I've been a very good girl." Eden was praying to the gods in hope that we could somehow come out of this alive.
"Ready? LET'S GOOOO!"
Nicholas ran at full speed, carrying both Eden and me off the side of the cliff into the spikes that waited for us below.