Performance Preparation

[Wednesday, After School]

All our lessons today were cancelled so we could prepare ourselves for this moment. We were minutes away from performing in front of an audience of a hundred people. As we weren't the only group performing all the parents and families had gathered to watch us in the school's main hall, including our own, as well as our fellow students.

We were preparing our lines all day, doing multiple run-throughs, making sure we all knew what the plan was and that we would all get them right.

All the others look calm compared to me, I think everything else just has a good poker face when it comes to dealing with anxiety.

"What are you stressed out for?" Ruby had come over to talk to me, she could probably see I was stressed by how I can't stand still and kept swaying from side to side.

"Just worried, typical me."

"Have you always been this bad with performances? You seem fine in music."

"I'm just good at hiding it well with music, 'cause there is often a giant piano in front of me so people can't see that my face is turning green from the pressure and I'm constantly bouncing my leg up and down."

"Right... Well, good luck."

Ruby walked off to go get into her costume, as we were playing school kids we borrowed some different ties and blazers to wear. It doesn't change much from our normal uniform. Instead of our usual black blazer, our new one was dark blue.

I was watching all the behind-the-scenes action take place, everyone was dashing around making sure that all the scene changes went correctly for the current group. The teachers were stressed and hoped that people didn't burst out laughing from seeing their friends in the audience. I've learnt never to look at the audience after what happened with Sean in that music exam. I was performing in front of a crowd and noticed him right at the front, trying to hold back his laughter, which made me laugh.

Hiding away in the back corner was Ethan who was awkwardly trying to look at Kaylee whilst she read over her notes. I can't tell if he is trying to approach or if he wants to go toilet.

"What are you doing?" I walked up and asked.

"Nothing? Why do you ask?"

"You were looking at her weirdly. Are you thinking about it all still?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to do." He said. "I'm not going to be able to move on, and the fact that you forced us to be the lead in this has only made us get closer."

"Even I can tell it's improved, you two text now and work hasn't been awkward for you."

"I guess. It's just still weird, I don't think she knows about my feelings."

"Tell her." It was a simple solution, one that could completely change everything.

"Are you crazy? What if she never talks to me again."

"Well, what else are you gonna do, we might not all still be together in summer. If you don't ask her out now you'll end up thinking about it later in life and wishing that you did, I know I would be.

It was sad to think that we might not all be together after summer ends. We all needed to decide what we want to do next year, either stay in this school or do something else completely. Even though it's not even Christmas it was something that always crossed my mind.

"Hey, Guys. You prepared?" Kaylee had come over as she had finished going over the notes.

"Of course!" Ethan completely changed his character. "I was born ready for this, we have practised enough, we can get this done. Let's do this. Everyone ready?"

Damn. He sure does talk a lot when nervous. How is he only nervous about Kaylee and not the exam?

"What about you, Kaylee, are you ready?" I asked as Ethan was too busy smiling and nodding awkwardly like a broken clock always looping.

"I think so. I'm sure we will do great" I can see what Ethan likes about her, she has a smile that is the complete opposite of mine. Wait? Maybe I'm just not happy?

"Owen, Have you seen Ruby?" Kaylee asked.

"She went to get changed. I think she is secretly nervous but didn't want to show it."

"You two sure are close, huh?"

Normally I would say something back, but my mind had just suddenly come back to me. We had a performance to do. Looking at the time I think we have about... Ah… 30 seconds.

"Owen, Ruby, Kaylee, Ethan!" A teacher called us. "You guys, get ready. You'll be on in less than a minute."

Before we moved in I quickly pulled Ethan to the side and whispered: "If you are going to do something then you've got the perfect chance."

I walked on as Ethan stood still, thinking about what to do. He had no idea what it was he truly wanted, his biggest weakness was always himself. He would always put himself last and let others do what they want without worrying about himself. If he didn't like something he won't say, he'll just let it all happen regardless.

This is why I wanted him to be the lead with her.

I believe he can change.