[Saturday, Afternoon]
It was officially the start of winter break, two whole weeks of doing nothing. As Christmas was quickly approaching I had to do some shopping for my family. I decided to go into the town and just have a nice look around. It's not a big place but it has all the essential shops making it popular with the locals. Plus since Christmas is near everyone wants to get their shopping done.
However, my peaceful shopping was to be disturbed. Resting at the side next to a shop entrance was a screaming girl, crying for some unknown reason. Everyone was avoiding her focusing on their shopping, if they looked at her it would end up being their responsibility.
I have to walk past her to get to where I need to go, I'll just keep my head down and make sure that she doesn't notice me. The crying was getting louder and louder, and everyone was moving quickly to avoid her.
The crying kept going. As long as I don't look up I'll be fine.
My curiosity was killing me, I had to look, even if it was for a second. For some reason, I just have to look. What if it was some demon?
I lift my head slightly and look towards her.
Staring right at me with wide dry eyes was the 'crying' girl. We locked eyes in an awkward exchange from across the street for what felt like a minute. I slightly smiled awkwardly before quickly walking off.
That's when the fake crying started again.
Just ignore it.
"WHAT!" I looked directly over at her and saw that she was pointing at me, of course, she was pointing at me. Pretending to cry as the eyes of everyone was locked onto me. I quickly ran up to the girl trying to get her to stop.
"Ok. Ok. I understand from our awkward exchange that you want help, just please don't accuse me of something like that."
The girl smirked at me, her eyes were sinister like she planned to accuse whoever made eye contact with her first. I was just the victim.
"OH, IT'S YOU, BIG BROTHER!" She said to get everyone's eyes off me. At first, everyone was suspicious, but with Christmas coming up they all just carried on walking, no one cared. We truly live in a great little town.
"Thank you. So, You were fake crying because you lost your sister. Also, why did you accuse me?"
"Because you were the idiot who made direct eye contact with me." She had a point, I knew she was faking from the start. Everyone did.
I didn't have a choice. If I abandon her here she will just cry and have me arrested.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"5…" For a five-year-old, she was very evil. Whoever the sister is must be teaching her to act this way.
"Fine. we won't be able to find your sister like this, it's too crowded. Get on my shoulders and I'll carry you. You can tell me when you see her."
"I don't really wanna get on a stranger's shoulders."
"Ok, goodbye." I was already leaving. I wanted any excuse to leave and this was it.
"NO WAIT, FINE!" She called back to me.
# # #
We walked around for a bit with her on my shoulders, she couldn't see her sister because of the crowd.
"So, what does your sister look like?" I asked.
"Similar to you. She has straight dirty blonde hair. Oh no, She cut it, didn't she? She is kinda small but she doesn't like being called small. So I guess she doesn't look like you. But she might be the same age as you."
What is this kid saying? For a five-year-old, she sure seems smart.
"Well. Do you know where she might be?"
"Hmmm. Don't know."
"Of course, you don't." I guess I'm stuck with her until we find her sister.
"You know." The kid began to speak. "You're kinda depressing aren't you?"
I don't want to hear that from a kid.
"I bet all the girls don't like you. I'm sure you have tons of issues at school."
Well, she isn't wrong.
"I have a few female friends," I said, not able to let that go. "Besides, my love life isn't that bad. But, I do keep causing problems for this one guy."
Why am I telling her this?
"Sounds harsh." Her vocabulary is surprisingly good for a five-year-old. "Whatever happened between you and your friend I'm sure will work out."
Hmph, I'm even being counselled by a five-year-old.
"What about you then, got your eye on anyone in your class?"
"I could have you arrested for sexual harassment, you know?" Ok, just what is this kid? Part of me wants to drop her off my shoulders.
"But since you asked. There is one boy in my class, but he only ever looks at this other girl."
Ah, the typical situation. I've been in this one many times.
"What you should do is try to get him to notice you, and if he still won't look at you then forget about him. It's not worth all the pain that will come later."
"Hmmm." She was in thought. I feel like we've lost track of our original goal. "You say some smart things for an idiot."
What did I ever do to this kid? Aren't I the one helping her?
We walked around the remainder of the town hoping to find her sister. We spent time talking about random things that didn't matter much, like school and the future. At first, I thought it was annoying but it's not that bad.
"AH, there she is." The girl pointed to a group of people in the crowd before jumping off my shoulders and running into it.
"Wa-Wait," I ran after her trying not to get lost.
I ran into the crowd but lost her immediately. I looked around but couldn't find her, I don't know her name so I can't call out for her. That's when I felt something tug my arm and pull me out of the flood of people, making me fall to the floor.
"You've fallen over again?" I heard a voice I wasn't too sure of, I looked up and saw the kid from earlier and also saw an unamused-looking older sister.
"I remember you. You're the girl Sean rejected, right?"
She was shocked to hear me say that, but it was the only way I'd have remembered her.
"I have a name. It's Charley."
"Sis, this is the guy that helped me find you. He isn't that bad. Just because he looks like he would sexually harass someone doesn't mean he will."
Thanks, kid, good to see you have my back.
"Stand up. Your name is Owen, right? You're friends with Sean."
Now that I've stood up she does seem kinda short. How does she know my name? I guess she is a creepy stalker type.
"You are kinda small from up here."
I can see what the little sister was talking about with the height thing.
"I also notice you cut your hair. You used to have nice long hair before, why cut it short? Was it because Sean broke your heart?"
"WAH?" Charley was unable to say anything back because she knew it was true.
"No… NO!"
"Hmmm, Really?" I said tirelessly. "You kinda seem like a different person to how you were with Sean. You said some nice things back then but now you don't seem as cute."
"I don't know what you are talking about." She pouted. Something about her reminded me of Ruby.
I guess when she is in school she hides her true self.
"Well. You've found your sister so I'm off. I've got shopping to do."
"Wa-Wait" Charley called out. "Do you wanna come shopping with us? As thanks, I'll buy you something. As thanks, of course, nothing more."
Charley was surprisingly cute, I was against her short hair at first but It's grown on me now. She is in the year below me, so I do know many people that are dating someone in the year below. I didn't think she could be cute with a personality like that.
"Do I have to?" I asked, wishing I was doing anything else but that.
"FINE! COME ON, LET'S LEAVE THIS DEPRESSED GUY ALONE, HE'LL JUST DIE ALONE ANYWAY." Charley stormed off with her little sister in her hand. I put my hands in my pockets to find a note, the handwriting was slightly better than mine, it must have been written by the five-year-old. I opened up the note to read what it said.
"Thank you!"
I smiled to myself before putting it back into my pocket and going back to my shopping.
I'm sure I'll see Charley again at school.
What was it I was buying again?