[Friday, Registration]
"HEY, GUYS!" Sean ran in, on time for his usual morning shout.
"What is it this time?"
"Do you know what day it is?" Come on? Do you?" Sean's leg was bouncing up and down like a dog.
"Is it-"
"Valentine's Day! Yes! The day!"
He didn't even let me guess.
"So, what you think you're getting something? And can you please sit still? It's like you downed 10 gallons of coffee."
"Well maybe. Who knows? The school does do the rose thing where you can give someone an anonymous fake rose. Maybe I got one?"
"How many did you get last year?" I dared to ask, knowing the answer will only hurt me.
"Hmmm Don't remember."
He may not remember but I remember. Every year I count how many he gets out of spite so I can curse him and hope he gets none the next year. But each year he gets more and more. He is the ace of the football team and as things go I worked out he should get around 25 this year.
However, Sean wasn't the only one excited for today.
"Come on. come on." Someone in the corner was mumbling to themselves.
"When will she arrive." Ethan sat in a corner in full anxiety mode. in case it wasn't obvious, he was stressed about today.
"What are you doing?" I asked, despite not caring.
"What does it look like? I'm waiting for Kaylee to arrive."
My bad, it was obvious that he was obsessed.
"What if she doesn't show up? What if she is ill?"
Ethan hadn't even considered the idea. He was too hung up on his plan to give chocolates that he forgot about the idea that she might not be in. His anxiety-fueled body was now in overdrive as he bounced around the room unsure of what to do. The little people in his head were screaming, trying to put out the fires that were caused by the meltdown.
"What's happening, guys? What's Ethan doing?" Kaylee appeared out of nowhere, sneaking up behind us as she entered the classroom. I guess we said her name too much.
Ethan hadn't noticed and was still bouncing around smashing his head against every surface he could find. He is mentally unstable and should be put down.
"Ignore him, he's an idiot."
"Ah Okay! I'm going to go to my seat the—"
"Why hello there, fair maiden!" Ethan had noticed and pounced as soon as he could. His anxiety was flushed away in an instant and had evolved. But 'fair maiden'? Really?
Maybe it was his cringe that evolved.
"Hey, Ethan. What's up."
"Not much, you know me. Just doing everything I normally do. Walking… talking… breathing… banging my head on tables. Just the usual. Ah! Since you are here I hav—"
"I think class is about to start! Let's take our seats. We can continue talking later."
Kaylee shot him down. It was obvious to an outsider that she didn't want to talk about Valentine's day but to Ethan, that wasn't the case.
"Okay!" He raised his hand into a large thumbs-up whilst winking at her with confidence.
Does he still think he has a chance?
"Do you think I have a chance?" He turned to me to say.
"No. She left already dude. She spoke for less than a minute then left."
"But I still have a chance, right?" said someone who was living in a fantasy world.
"So, do you think you guys will be getting any roses this year?" Sean said as he rejoined the conversation.
"Sean, didn't you already ask that?"
"Maybe. But maybe not?" Valentine's day is the day Sean needs to boost his ego. It's a shame he becomes extremely annoying all day.
"What about you, Owen? Expecting anything? A rose? Chocolate? Maybe you are giving one? Hint Hint" Ethan rubbed his face into me as he tried to prey me for information.
"No, no and no. I'm not expecting anything and I'm not giving. If someone wanted to give me something sure I'd take it but I don't know how I'd react. I mean what if I get all awkward and don't stop talking or say something stupid? What if it was a mistake and it wasn't for an Owen but an Oliver instead? I'd be very embarrassed then. It's like how you are walking down the street and someone waves and—"
"Dude. Stop talking… no one cares."
Ah, I was rambling again. Glad they stopped me. What great friends I have.
"Oi, Idiots. What are you talking about." Ruby had stumbled over to join in on our conversation. We kinda forgot she was in our class. I thought I would be able to hear her goat hooves approach but I guess I was too focused on myself.
"Just VALENTINE'S DAY plans."
"Ok Sean calm down." Ethan said, leaning away from the over-energetic child. "We get it. you are popular. You're making Owen cry."
"Ha! Are you guys expecting anything this year?" Ruby added.
Didn't we just explain this?
"Nope." I said
"I want to give something to Kaylee but can't find the right time."
"And I will be showering in roses tonight."
That's an image I don't want to think about. Sean all naked and covered in roses. Well time to bleach my eyes, again.
"What about you? Giving anything to anyone?" I asked.
"Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. What does it matter to you?"
"Ok? I was just asking. It's called making conversation, have you ever tried it? Or do you accidentally revive the dead when you speak? I know your singing kills people."
"What a lame insult. Can't you think of anything better?"
This girl is annoying from time to time. Why can't she just leave me alone?
"Not at the moment. Would you like me to try?"
"No need. You've already lost. It's time to go to lesson anyway so I should leave."
"pfft. trying to be the teacher's pet, huh?"
"AM NOT!" Ruby's shouting almost alerted the class.
"HA! You reacted poorly. Looks like it's my win." Well done me. Well redeemed.
"Errgg. Goddammit. Whatever. I'm going."
Tsk tsk tsk. She slipped up and let me get a kill in. that's like my 200th win now, but who is counting?
"Well aren't you two just cute? Why aren't you dating yet?" Ethan said with a very obvious level of disgust. He even started to stick his fingers down his throat, in order to throw up all that he just saw.
"We will never date. Besides she's not cute at all."
"I don't know. I think she has her charm." Ethan said.
"Ha! she lost all her charm as soon as we started Secondary School."
"When we started? You knew each other before Secondary School?"
"Uh-huh." I nodded.
Ethan and Sean started violently shaking me back and forth. I was too tired to stop them. Part of it was kinda relaxing, but my neck was too loose and started to hurt from all the flailing.
"I didn't think it mattered. Besides I'm sure she doesn't even remember meeting before. She's forgotten who I was and that's that. Also, CAN YOU STOP SHAKING ME!"
"I can't believe you knew a girl before Secondary School." Ethan said in wonder; as if I had just told him I knew the answers to the universe and everything.
"You knew no girls before secondary school? What a sad life you live if you knew no girls."
"You know what I meant. It's almost childhood friend levels."
I understood Ethan's logic. But it was stupid. Ruby and I are nothing more than friends. If I was to date her I'd have to take tons of painkillers before just to be able to put up with her.
"Well, If we are so-called 'childhood friends' then you should know that the childhood friend never wins. So leave me alone."
"Only if you have tons of girls going after you. You have zero and in the future, you'll have zero. Your best bet is to settle with Ruby. Unless you want to die alone?"
I was tired of hearing all this. I've already hit my daily talking limit and want to go back to bed.
"Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Can we go to our lesson now?"
"Yeah sure. Maths right?" Ethan stood up from his chair, we were the last three in the classroom.
"Yeah, and Sean has English."
# # #
[Friday, After School]
"What if she has already left? I mean did I miss the chance to give it to her? I haven't seen her since lunch. Why did we have to have English while she had Maths? Why can't I be in the other set? eerrugh! Why! Why! Why! WHY ARE OUR LAST LESSONS SWAPPED WHY CAN'T WE ALL BE IN THE SAME CLASS? THIS SYSTEM MAKES NO SENSE!!!"
"Hey, Ethan?" I said.
"What is it?"
"Shut up."
"Hmpf, whatever. You can go home if you want. I'm going to wait here."
The two of us were waiting outside, in the shivering cold by the gate, just to see her. The last time this happened it didn't end well. Hopefully this time It doesn't end with me being broke and covered in Ethan's tears.
"What if Simon shows up again?" I asked.
"I don't care."
"I'm determined to do this. I've got to do this. I know I can do this."
"Well good luck."
We stood in silence watching all the people flood out of the school. It's not that I didn't want to speak, but I had nothing to talk about. I was shocked to hear about his resolve, that I felt it was best to stare towards the school gates and count those who walk past; there were a lot more depressed-looking people than usual.
The wind was blowing my hair all over my face, blocking my vision. as much as I enjoy the wind it was a good reminder that I needed a haircut.
The clouds above looked as if they would cry at any moment. Well, if there was ever a time for mood rain it would be when he gets rejected.
"Ah! I think I see her."
"You do? Where I can't see her?"
"Over there, next to Ruby."
Oh, now I see, who knew tomatoes could walk? Have I already used that one? I better think of new material just in case.
"Right. Wish me luck."
Ethan was psyching himself up. Jumping up and down on the spot like a boxer preparing to step into the ring with death.
"Good luck dude. I'll be here watching."
"Oh… I'm not doing it here. I'm going to walk home with her."
"Ah… yes… of course. That makes sense, my bad. Good luck."
"Thanks. Well, here I go."
I watched him walk off and strike up a conversation. I couldn't hear anything as the wind was too loud, maybe I didn't even want to hear them.
I looked at them as Ethan's face lit up. the two of them walked on as if it was normal, casually laughing and smiling at each other's jokes. I didn't even notice how close those two had become. Looking at it from far away. I do wonder what it feels like. My heart felt a strange tug of loneliness as I watched them walk away, leaving me alone.
"Oi, you."
"Ow! What did you do that for?" The walking stop sign approached me from behind, kicking me in the back of the knee.
"Just wondering what you are up to? You were just standing here. Making everyone uncomfortable."
"No. I was just thinking."
"What about?"
"Nothing important."
"Well since you aren't doing anything you can walk home with me." said Ruby.
"What? Why would I do that? You live the other way to me." What is wrong with this traffic light? It seems to be broken if it thinks that I would walk all that way.
"Well, I did just leave Kaylee so Ethan, YOUR FRIEND, could talk to her. You should take responsibility for making me walk home alone."
"So? I walk home alone all the time. Why can't you do it?"
"EERRRRGG!" Is it just me or did her hair get darker with rage?
"YOU DON'T SEE ME AS A GIRL DO YOU?" She snapped and shouted, dropping the bag in her hand on the floor.
"WHAT? Where has that come from? We weren't even talking about that."
Ok, this traffic cone is delusional.
"And to think I was going to give you this." Ruby opened her bag and pulled out a tiny box neatly wrapped.
"What is it?"
"Well… it's chocolates."
Chocolates? On this day? What does this mean? My brain is doing the calculations, but can't come up with a response. All I'm getting are errors.
"As thanks!" she quickly added. "As thanks for helping with the band. I felt bad that I took up some of your time."
"Oh, thanks. I guess I'll eat them when I get home." I said, ready to put them in my bag.
"NO! I mean. At least have one now. Just in case you don't like them? Then I can take them back."
Hmmm. she's acting suspiciously. Did she poison them?
I carefully inspected the box before opening it. Inside the tiny red box were 6 tiny little chocolates sitting perfectly in their slots. I grabbed one, gently putting it into my mouth as Ruby watched with a killer's stare.
"Hmmm. Yum! This is pretty tasty!"
The chocolate was delicious. There was a great balance of milk and cocoa. The smell seemed to have a tint of strawberry and as the chocolate waltered in my mouth a strawberry taste lingered on my tongue.
"Really? You like them?"
"Yeah, these are great! Which shop did you buy them from?"
"Eh? shop?"
"Yeah, shop. Which one?"
"Ah, right. It's, um... that one on the corner when you walk back from my house. The little one."
I think I know what shop she means. I may have to check it out at some point.
"Anyway, I'm going to go now." said Ruby, strapping her bag back on her back. "My stepdad will complain if I'm not home soon."
"Wait, I'll walk you home. let me just put these away."
"No, it's ok, I've got to go."
Ruby hurried off without looking back. I was too busy staring at her that I didn't realise I had already eaten half of the chocolates. I just wished she would have stayed a bit longer, I forgot to thank her for the chocolates.
# # #
At the same time, Ethan and Kaylee were walking home. Along the way, Ethan tried to engage in conversation to stop any awkwardness from arising.
Along the route back was a small park that they could walk through to save time. Ethan quickly pulled Kaylee over and the two of them walked through the park, slowing down their pace as they enjoyed the scenery.
"What's up? Why did you want to go this way?" Kaylee wondered.
"No reason." Ethan was anxious. He had been preparing all day but now that the moment was in front of him he didn't know what to do.
"Can we stop here for a minute?" Ethan asked.
"Sure! What's up?"
Ethan sat on the frosty grass and pulled out a small blue box from his bag. He managed to stand up and hold it out in front of him. Taking a large gulp before trying to get his words out.
"U-u… um… y-y… you know… t-this… is for… y-you…"
His arm was shaking, no amount of restraint could stop it. He looked down avoiding her reaction. He could feel a slight tug at the box that quickly retreated.
"This must be chocolate right?" Kaylee asked.
"For me?"
"It's been so long since someone gave me friendship chocolate."
"Fr-friendship ch-chocolate?" Ethan's heart started to break.
"Yup! That's what this is, right? I used to get them back in primary school from my friends."
Ethan looked up to see Kaylee perfectly composed. Her regular smile stretched across her face. He wasn't sure what to make of it. Ethan was smart and had thought of hundreds of different possible conversations that could happen. Many different outcomes so he could prepare himself for this. But this outcome was one he would never have thought of. Yet, it was the most heartbreaking, as his feelings weren't coming across.
"Ah. Yes. Friendship Chocolate. Of course. That's what it is. 'Cause, we are friends. Haha."
"Thanks. I shall happily accept this then!" Kaylee snatched the box out of his hands and proceed to eat them in front of him.
Ethan's heart sank lower than it had already gone.
"You don't have to eat them now."
"Hmmm. Yes. it is quite tasty. Oh, that's quite good." Kaylee continued to chew as Ethan's mind began racing.
'What if they aren't cooked properly?
What if I used the wrong ingredient?
What if Bella sabotaged them?
No that's not right. I tried them.
What If my taste buds are weird???'
"I've got my verdict!" Ethan stood in anticipation, waiting for Kaylee to announce her results. Ethan was facing a professional chef, ready to give her rage-filled judgement.
"It was good. 8 out of 10. try to make it a 10 out of 10 next time!"
"Wait. You knew they were homemade?"
"Of course! Who can't tell homemade chocolate from looking at it? It's obvious you are no professional. But I did enjoy them. So keep it up!"
"Ah right." Ethan smiled to himself, his heart was slightly being stitched together.
"Shall we go then?" Kaylee asked.
The two of them walked on in silence. Kaylee continued to eat the chocolate whilst Ethan tried to stop himself from screaming in pain, he had spent many hours trying to perfect his chocolate. He tried to do everything he could to make it perfect. constantly working and rewriting the script within his head. Only for it to backfire in his face. There was nothing he could do to predict this moment.
"By the way Ethan?"
"How many roses did Sean get?"
"Oh. I think it was something like 37 this year."
"37? Damn, that's a lot. I didn't even get one."
"Huh? Same. but, oh well. It doesn't matter anyway."
"Right! I wouldn't know how to react when I got one."
Ethan and Kaylee continued to walk home. Kaylee spent the entire time happily eating Ethan's chocolate whilst Ethan responded with minuscule words. He could only think of how much he loved her, with the occasional glance that made his heart skip a beat. Their hands were walking side by side, but Ethan knew how out of reach it was.
That night when Ethan returned home he stared at his ceiling until he fell asleep. Unable for his heart to make any noise or his brain to create a single thought.
Ruby returned home and practise playing the piano while studying until her parents made her go to sleep.
Both Owen and Kaylee enjoyed the chocolates they were given, whilst Sean added the roses to his collection from the previous years. Sean was ready to brag to the other's about his collection and was already sending pictures to their group chat.