[Sunday, 4 years ago - Year 7]
"Huff… huff… Welcome, Everyone! Please, come in."
"Thanks for having us!"
It was strange for Ethan to invite Sean and me around suddenly. We asked why he wouldn't invite us around sooner but refused. I guess he wanted to get to know us better. But, before we arrived, he insisted on entering first and after 10 minutes he rushed back out, exhausted, and let us in.
"Your house is fancy. Or at least, a lot more than mine." said Sean.
"Thanks! My parents decorated."
"Well, of course. I wouldn't expect an 11-year-old to do this!"
"Hehe. Yeah."
Why is he so stiff? Does he think he is bringing around a girl to his house or something?
Wait… maybe?
"Is it possible we are the first people you've had around your house?" I asked.
"What? pfft… n-no."
Right on the money.
"Well anyway. Come this way to my room. Does anyone want any drinks? Food? Drugs? Haha. That last one was a joke."
Glad he said it was a joke. Here I was about to ask for a kilo of whatever he was selling.
"Your room is fancy." Sean said as he looked around at the game posters on the walls, jumping on the bed that was pushed to the side.
"Let me guess, your parents decorated?"
"Please stop making fun of me, Owen. I'll cry."
"Oh… ok…" for some reason I didn't doubt him.
"Hey, Ethan. Have you got some batteries? The TV remote died." We had just made ourselves comfortable when in walks a much younger female Ethan. It's like I'm seeing double.
Did Ethan get caught in some sort of time rift?
I quickly looked back and forth between the two of them to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. It appears they are both real. Maybe?
"What is your problem?" and it seems like she has a sharp tongue.
"The batteries are downstairs, Bella. Just leave me alone I'm trying to impress people here."
He does know we can hear him, right?
"Right, right. I'll be downstairs then."
The younger paradox Ethan left whilst giving me a cold stare the whole time. I wonder what I did?
"Was that your girlfriend?" Sean asked.
"NO! Absolutely not! She's 7! And that was my sister! Her name's Bella."
Interesting how he cared more about the age than the fact they are blood-related.
"Oh. That explains it. Why is she so cold to you?"
"Well, It's just a sister thing. don't you guys have siblings?"
"Nope." I said.
"I have a brother."
I think Sean has mentioned his brother a few times already. All I know about him is that Sean looks up to him, I hope I get to meet him.
"So, what exactly are we doing here?"
"Hey, Ethan." Bella entered the room again, barging open the door.
Ethan's twin had returned holding an empty remote. I guess she couldn't find the batteries.
"I can't reach the batteries."
"Well, you are only 7. You'll get taller. I guess you'll have to go without batteries until then."
Bella slowly approached Ethan who had occupied a place on the floor. Ethan looked up at her as she stood above him, but his face quickly turned to dread as her feet dug into the side of his ribs.
"W-what is it… Ow… Ok ok... OW… Stop kicking me… Ow… stop…"
God, I'm glad I don't have any siblings.
"Sorry guys. I've got to quickly do this. I'll be back."
We knew Ethan wouldn't be gone for long but Sean and I knew exactly what we would do. For the first time in what I assume will be many. We were on the same wavelength.
"Let's look for his collection!"
"Shush, Sean, you are too loud."
"Oh sorry. Let's look for his collection" Sean repeated in his indoor voice which was only one decibel quieter than before.
We searched the room for about 10 seconds before we heard footsteps coming back up from the stairs. We looked everywhere. Under the bed, the drawers, his wardrobe, and even his laptop history.
"Quick, Sean. Act natural."
We both returned to our original positions. Sean spread himself across the bed like a starfish whilst I froze up and pretended to be part of the furniture. This reminds me of the time I played the table in my Primary school production.
"What are you two doing?" Ethan asked.
"Well anyway. Owen, I need your help."
The first favour of hopefully many. I can't wait to cash in this one. Maybe I'll save it for a rainy day.
"What is it?"
"Well… It's kinda embarrassing, but I can't reach the batteries."
Sigh… I knew it would come to this. I was the tallest so it was only fair.
"Ok ok. Just show me where they are. I'll go get them."
"Hmmm. Bella is down there she'll show you."
"You are seriously going to leave me alone with your sister?" I asked, not that my intentions were anything but pure.
"Well, she is only 7. But she is smart enough to call the police if she has to. If anything you'll be the one calling the police."
# # #
Downstairs, Bella was standing in the kitchen in front of a cupboard, looking at me as I approached, saying nothing.
"I-is this where they are?" I asked out of fear, like a child speaking to the police after getting caught.
"Mm-hmm." She nodded.
"Ah… I see. I'll just get them then, shall I?"
What is with this girl? She's like a different person when Ethan isn't here. What if it's me? What if she doesn't like me? She is only 7 so is it rude to ask?
I searched around the cupboard but couldn't find any batteries. There were a few packets of cards and a few rubber band balls but no batteries.
"Sorry. There doesn't seem to be any." We stayed in silence as I waited for her to respond. I was hoping she'd tell me to leave, but she just kept staring at me as if I was meant to do something.
"I might have some batteries in my bag?" I said to break the silence, hoping this will be my escape "Do you want me to go check?"
"What kinda person has batteries in their bag?"
Bella's cold tone was too much for me. I could feel the tears approaching the ends of my eyes as I watched her heartless eyes.
"I-i don't know. Maybe? I'm sorry!"
"Why are you apologising?"
"I don't know. I felt as if I just don't something very bad. Please don't hurt me!" My body tensed as I squinched my face to brace for impact.
"Hurt you? I would want to do more than hurt you."
I guess this is it. I'm going to die. This is the end for me.
"W-why?" It was the only thing I could ask when faced with death.
Bella refused to answer but slowly walked over to the knife rack and pulled out the largest one she could find.
"You seem close with Ethan, Right?"
"Ah… I guess so. I don't have to be! I can leave him! I shall never speak to him again. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"
"Kill you? I'm just going to slice this conveniently placed cake."
Ah, thank goodness for the conveniently placed cake.
"Anyway. Forget about the batteries. I want you to tell me why Ethan talks about you and Sean a lot."
Eh, he does?
"Eh, HE DOES! Ohh. I'm honoured to be mentioned in his family. What does he say? Good things I hope?"
"Errrggg. Nothing!" said Bella, despite showing visible annoyance. "He doesn't say anything. Stop getting distracted! Forget I asked!"
"Yes, ma'am. Well at school he seems about the same as normal. He is a bit of an idiot at times but a good guy. I think. I've only known him for a few months so I can't really say."
"I see."
"Why did you ask? You seem to be cold towards him but ask all about him. What's with that?"
"Hmpf. I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand. You are too young."
Aren't I older than you?
"But, I asked because I worry. He never had friends come over before so when he said he was bringing people over I called him a liar and started kicking him, but I was happy when you guys arrived. But now that I've spoken to you and you are annoying I take it all back. I'd prefer he be lonely."
What a sweet little sister he has. Makes me wish I had siblings. I'm sure in a few seconds my opinion will change. But why does she speak like an adult? Clearly, she's more mature than her older brother.
"Don't mention anything to him. Or next time, this cake won't be the only thing this knife cuts."
"Y-y-yes Ma'am."
Bella proceeded to cut 4 slices of cake. What a lot of cake for a 7-year-old.
"Here take these three up. I don't need the batteries."
"Thanks, but I don't get it. Why are you acting so cold towards him?"
"hmm. I act cold towards him and I act kind towards him. I'm cautious of those he hangs around with just in case he hangs around with the wrong group of people. I enjoy the time we spend together and hope no one ruins that, I hope we can stay like this forever. Which is why. I've poisoned one of the cakes. It's a lucky dip. One out of three."
What a scary 7-year-old. Are all kids this scary?
"Haha. That's a joke, right?"
"Of course. I wouldn't poison a cake… Unless?"
I shouldn't have come here. I'm never going to come back.
"Oh, Owen. Remember, if you tell him. CHOP. this apple will be your head." Bella's sinister eyes felt as if they would appear in my dreams and haunt me. The apple she cut was sliced into two chunks, then she bit out of one.
I'm more scared that she knew my name.
"Haha… don't worry. I won't tell. But, in my opinion. Maybe you should try and be a normal sister for him now and then."
"What are you saying? You saying I'm not normal?"
"Nope. That's not what I meant." I forgot she was wielding a knife. "I need to get back. Goodbye!"
I quickly dashed off back upstairs to Ethan's room where Sean was still spread across Ethan's bed reading his collection of comic books and Ethan was playing a single-player game by himself on the TV.
"What took you so long?" Ethan asked.
"Ah… I was asked to get this cake… here." I said throwing it down on him.
"Hmmm, I didn't know we had cake. Is this red velvet?"
"I hope so."