[Friday, Lesson 5 - English]
"So. I've been thinking." said Ethan as he blankly stared into the distance.
"Thinking? That's something new. Try not to hurt yourself."
"Haha very funny. But it's actually about that Pars guy."
This isn't like Ethan. First, he uses his brain, now he wants to talk about someone other than Kaylee. What has this world come to?
"What about them?" I asked.
"I was just thinking about how they do their exams and how they deal with things. Do you think they get stressed out about pointless things like you?"
"What are you trying to say? The things I stress about are not pointless at all."
"Don't you get stressed whenever you have to wake up?"
Ok, he has a point. But I could say that he stresses about girls, which is arguably worse.
"Well, personally I think everyone deals with stress differently. For example, we both deal with stress by complaining. Although you don't complain out loud we all know you like to complain in secret."
"I see. And what does this have to do with my question on Pars?"
Errggg. He is definitely going to annoy me a lot in this lesson. I can feel it.
"Ok. Well, we don't know much about Pars. But I'm sure they deal with stress the same as all of us. Deep down they probably have a lot of trouble with the stress of the educational system and wish that they were part of a system that benefited everyone and doesn't cause an avalanche of stress onto children forcing them to be depressed and antisocial when they grow up."
"Well, damn Owen. Way to kill the mood."
"What can I say? Someone has to do it."
"Anyway, forget about the depression for a second. Back to Pars, What do you think about them? What if one day we meet them and they don't live up to our expectations? What if they are a slob who wastes their life and never leaves the house? What if they hate me?"
"Yeah. I'm sure that's only a problem for you." Ethan was getting more and more excited and worried as the person in his head started to reject him.
I feel like Ethan wants to replace me, or Sean, with this Pars guy.
"Why are you asking these things about them anyway? Why suddenly mention them?"
"I'm just curious. I thought that maybe we could be friends. If they did show up, that is. I was thinking that maybe I could help with my charms. Maybe help get them a partner. Wink wink."
What is this idiot thinking?
"And what if they already have a partner?"
"Well, that's just impossible. If I don't have a partner then how can this nobody have one? As far as I'm concerned, he is just a minor character."
Ouch. Poor Pars. Whoever they are.
"And what about you? In Pars' story, you are just a minor character. I even heard rumours that the guy comes from a rich family so they might already have their whole life set. They may not come to school because they already have enough money for everything."
Ethan stared blankly into my eyes. His soul had left his body. We all truly wished to live a life doing nothing and according to the rumour I just made up, this Pars guy was doing it.
"Imagine if I had money. I would love to retire at this age. Maybe I can marry that Pars person."
"Go for it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you want to live your dream then go do it. I won't judge you for it."
I will be super judgy, as always.
"Anyway, we keep getting distracted. What I was originally asking was if there are any new rumours about Pars."
Is that really what he was trying to ask originally? Because no one would have been able to work that out.
"Well. I heard that they recently got back from abroad after managing a photo shoot for the richest people in the world."
"Ok. Stop lying." said Ethan, disappointingly
I forgot that he never believes my lies. He only hears what he wants to hear.
"What other rumours have you heard then? Actual rumours this time, Owen. No fake ones."
Ok. I'll try again.
"Well.." I have to be careful here. I need something believable to increase my rumour reputation. There are people in our class who will spread rumours easily. They could destroy lives with a single sentence. So I need to start with something easy. Work my way up and then anything I say will be believed.
"I heard he likes Anime…"
Ethan looked even more sunken. I wasn't sure if he believed it or not. Or if he was hoping I would say something obviously fake.
"Yeah, I can believe that."
Ok, step one is done. I have officially started a rumour! Self five!
"Why did you just slap your hand?" Ethan asked.
Oh. Did I just high-five myself in real life? I thought it was thinking it.
"Errr, there was a bug?" Nice save.
"Right… A bug. Ok."
Phew, I think I managed to get out of that one. Looks like my lying is getting better.
"OH SHIT!" Ethan screamed.
"What? Do you mind not screaming in my ears?"
"I forgot that I was supposed to collect the homework from everyone."
"Ha… Good luck."
Ethan went around to collect the homework from everyone in the class. Awkwardly apologising for leaving it so late. Sweat poured down his face, you could see he didn't want to be there.
"Ok… so I got all the homework, and I had a thought."
Two thoughts in one day? This kid is going to hurt himself.
"What is it now?"
"Let's check the homework for Pars!"
Ethan's grand scheme was a stupid one. As a grand scheme goes it wasn't very grand. It was more of just a scheme if anything.
Ethan flipped through all the papers quickly reading the names. The rate at which he was flipping through them was unbelievable. The tips of the papers were catching fire from the ridiculous speed he was emitting. Lightning was emitting from his fingertips.
"Yeah, he isn't here."
"Why am I not surprised."
"I thought he might be."
"Don't they hand their stuff in after school? That's what I would do to avoid people like you."
"I guess you could be right. Sniff… perhaps he is avoiding me. Sniff." Tears started to form around Ethan's eyes as he upset himself.
I wish I could avoid you.