Last time on Drizz and Gang! By working together and combining their powers the group successfully took down an Orc camp. Hoping they can find information, they attempt to hunt down the captain that abandoned the camp before it was attacked.
After a night of drinking and partying the group woke up covered in pain. From headaches to backaches, everyone in the group was suffering, except for Reela.
"How lucky. If only I didn't listen to this idiot I wouldn't be like this." Drizz said kicking at Nicholas's passed-out snoring body.
"Hehe. This type of stuff has never affected me. I guess it's because of my healing spells?"
Reela and Drizz spoke quietly, so as not to wake up the others. The sun was barely up and the only reason these two were awake is because of nightmares that reminded them about the horrors of their homes being destroyed.
"Seems like these two are cosy." Drizz stood above Crow and Eden who slept arm in arm. The two of them snuggled close together to keep warm.
"What does Crow look like under her mask?" Drizz asked, wishing to take a peek and lift up the vail that covered her face.
"She's really pretty. Prettier than anyone I've ever met before."
"I see. I suppose we better wake everyone up. Oi, Bonehead" Drizz said kicking at Nicholas's dead body harder than ever.
"Get up. It's morning."
"Morning? All ready?" Nicholas let out a mighty yawn that infected Reela who gently woke up Crow and Eden.
After taking some time to come to their senses the group gathered around a light fire and cooked a variety of meats they had gathered from hunting earlier on in their journey.
"So... chomp chomp, what's the plan?" Nicholas said stuffing his face with all the meat it could handle.
"I say we continue travelling east, we may encounter the leader of the camp," Eden suggested.
"Hmm." Drizz thought about everything he knew about the orcs. All their patterns and how they survive. He couldn't imagine the leader being close to them.
"No. The leader is gone. There is nothing we can do."
Everyone looked at Drizz and questioned where his lack of obsession went.
"What's everyone looking at me for?"
"Nothing." they all said in unison, turning their heads away as if they were never looking.
"I vote that we go South!" Reela said.
"South..." Drizz thought. "I guess we could. I'm not familiar with these parts so it would be ideal if we had someone who does leading."
Drizz looked to Crow and Reela who were raised in the village that they had just left. Hoping they knew where they were going.
"Of Course!" Reela said.
"I also suggest we go south," A mysterious cute voice said.
"What was that? Who's there!?" Nicholas shouted as he stood back to back with Drizz having already drawn his bow.
"You idiots!" Reela hit them on the head. "That was Crow!"
"Crow? She can talk?"
"Of course, she can. We've been friends for years. How do you think we communicate."
"Sign language," Eden said.
"Through written communication," Drizz suggested.
"You don't!" Nicholas triumphantly stated.
"You all thought I couldn't speak?"
"Well, of course! You hide your face so all we can see is your hair and eyes. We have trouble trying to figure out what expression you are making."
Crow fell to the ground defended. Reela patted her on the back trying to cheer her up whilst the other three gathered around to quietly discuss what they were witnessing.
"It seems like we've upset her," Nicholas said.
"I can see that, meathead."
"Who would have guessed our most mysterious member was actually sensitive," Eden whispered.
"She does have a cute-sounding voice."
The three of them looked over to see if Reela was done cheering up Crow. Crow sat on the ground playing with her knives.
"Ah!" Drizz suddenly said. "I've got an idea. Follow my lead."
"Hey, Crow… how about you remove your mask so we can see your face? That way we can be closer to you."
"You fool, Drizz!" Nicholas pushed him away with the mighty force of a truck and whispered to him. "You just can't go asking a lady these things. It's personal."
"Why not? We can see most of her face anyway? She only covers her face because she is a rouge."
Nicholas stared Drizz down whilst thinking. The gears in his head turned quicker than ever before, smoke began to rise from the top before a small ding was heard from his head.
"I guess you are right!"
'Well, that was easy to change his mind.' Drizz thought.
"Very well," Crow said as she slowly removed the clothing surrounding her face. Everyone watched closely except for Reela who had seen it all before.
The three moved closer and closer with each second she spent removing it. Drizz began to question just how much material was covering her face.
With the clothing gone, the adventures stared at Crow's naked face.
"She's pretty," Nicholas said whilst creepily gazing at her.
"I agree," Drizz said.
"I'm cuter," Eden said under her breath.
"Y-your skin is so smooth. And your neck is so slender." Nicholas creepily approached taking each step lightly. "You are true beauty unlike anything I have ever seen and it is comparable with the goddesses above."
Nicholas's words continued as he was flooding Crow with nonstop poems of praise.
"Stop it!" Reela said poking Nicholas with her staff.
"Ow… Ok… I'm sorry."
'Good to see someone else is finally hitting him.' Drizz thought to himself happily.
"Ok then!" Reela said "Let's move south. Follow me!"
"Do you know where you are going?" Drizz asked. After following Nicholas around the forest aimlessly he was suspicious of everyone's directions.
"O-of course," Reela said unconvincingly.
The group travelled south for over an hour. Exploring a wide-open field full of various flowers. The field spread further than they could see. The forest that was behind them vanished and all they could see were hills.
Reela stopped in the middle of a field and turned around to the group.
"Please don't be lost. Please don't be lost." Drizz kept repeating to himself.
"I have a problem!" Reela said.
"I'm lost!" Reela stood cheerfully with a smile across her face.
Drizz exploded in anger. He ran around aimlessly screaming to try and tire himself out but was full of adrenaline from shouting.
"That's fine!" Nicholas began to speak. "We shall rest here for a bit. It is lovely and sunny and we are surrounded by perfect scenery. Let us enjoy this while we can."
They all sat down in the field attempting to tan their bodies. Whilst they relaxed with a gentle breeze blowing over them they could hear Drizz' screaming to soothe their ears.