The three scientists

[Thursday, Lesson 6 - Science]

"Soooo cuteeeeee." Kaylee ran up to Lily as soon as she entered the room and began squeezing her as tightly as she could, like a boa constrictor trapping its prey.

"Alright, Listen up!" The teacher began to speak. "We are combining classes for this lesson due to the other teacher being ill. So form groups of three and do the usual."

"I wanna be with Lily!" Kaylee said rubbing her face against Lily's soft cheeks, almost creating a furious friction burn.

"Alright. Let her go." Ruby said. "She has turned bright red so you should probably let her go."

"Ah, sorry!" Lily regained her composure when Kaylee released her tight grasp. She fixed her messy hair and looked at Ruby and Kaylee with a smile.

"So cute." The two of them said under their breath.

"Right!" Ruby said trying to compose the group. "What are we doing?"

"I think we have to follow this sheet," Lily said picking up the paper that was given to them.

Kaylee said nothing but stared at Lily. Trying to resist the urge to squeeze her again. But she could feel the evil thoughts rising in her mind.

"Kaylee?" Ruby said. "What are you doing?"

"N-nothing." Kaylee slowly moved away from Lily without breaking eye contact.

"AND THEN IT GOES BOOM!" Ethan screamed from across the room.

"Stop it, you idiot!" Owen scolded him. "Let's just do this work. please don't bring back the vampire sketch, that one wasn't well received."

"What are those idiots doing?" Ruby asked her group.

"Don't know, it looks fun though. We should also get on with our work!" Kaylee attempted to become organised and read over the sheet countless times hoping that she would eventually understand it.

"I don't understand?" She said finally giving up.

"Give it here." Ruby snatched the paper out of Kaylee's grasp and read it as quickly as she could.

"It makes perfect sense. All we have to do is follow this sheet."

"Hehe..." Lily tried to laugh wondering what mess she just got herself into.

# # #

"Ok, so I just asked Owen," Ruby said. "Apart from wanting to kill his partners, he seemed to be burning something."

"Burning something. That sounds dangerous." Lily slumped in her chair like a child, worried that the school was going to burn down as Kaylee's eyes lit up with passion.

"Don't worry!" Kaylee jumped up. After seeing a weakened Lily she wanted to do whatever she could to help her. It was like she found an abandoned puppy in the rain and Kaylee wished to shelter it.

Kaylee vanished suddenly and returned with a mountain of equipment, covering her entire body. The pile climbed high and blocked her vision completely. It was a miracle she made it back to her group without falling or dropping something.

"What is all this?" Ruby asked.

"The stuff we need."

Ruby looked at the various objects Kaylee had retrieved. From Bunsen burners to toothbrushes. Kaylee picked up everything and anything she could find on her way to the storage cupboard, just in case they needed it.

Ruby journeyed into the pile and began rummaging through. She pulled out several books and threw them away as they seemed useless, especially one strange note engraved into a wooden board.

"I didn't even know this school had steel drums," Ruby said.

"If you think that's surprising, wait till you get to the tarantula!" Kaylee cheerfully spoke as Ruby pulled her hands out of the pile as quickly as she could.

"HAHA!" Kaylee burst into laughter. "I was only joking! Right, Lily?" She looked towards Lily, who wore a mortified expression. Anyone would think she had passed out but she was just hanging on from entering heaven's gates.

"Please don't joke about things like that," Ruby said about to kill Kaylee with a fish slice from the pile of rubbish.

"Sorry, sorry. There are no spiders so don't worry."

Ruby sighed with relief as she continued to search through the pile again.

"Snakes, on the other hand."

Kaylee's words made Ruby retreat again. Her hair was on fire as she approached Kaylee with murderous intent.

"Haha!" Kaylee continued to laugh.

"Here is a list of things. Get them out for me. Since you want to make jokes."

"Fine fine. I'll get them for us."

# # #

"OK. This is everything, I think?" Kaylee looked at everything in front of her. From the pile of over 100 objects all of which were various shapes and sizes, she took out 3 things. A Bunsen burner and two small glass jars.

"What's the next step?" She asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Ruby said.

"I-i think we need to heat up what's in the jar," Lily suggested.

"Of course!" Kaylee screamed. "It was right in front of me this whole time. Quite literally."

"I think I feel Owen's pain now. I understand what it's like to put up with some idiots." Ruby said hoping it wasn't too late to change groups.

"BLUUD!" A loud Ethan screamed from across the classroom.

"PLEASE STOP THIS! WE DID THIS LAST TIME!" Owen retaliated by attempting to set Ethan on fire, ripping out the Bunsen burner from the gas pipe as the teacher had to step in to stop them.

"Looks like fun. We should try that."

"NOPE!" Ruby quickly stopped Kaylee from picking up the Bunsen burner and moved it as far away from her as possible, whilst sealing the gas tap shut with tape.

"We shouldn't take after those three. Look, they are being sent out for it. They'll probably have to write an apology letter now."

Whilst Ruby attempted to control Kaylee, Lily sat in the corner doing the work on the sheet. She followed all the instructions perfectly and had no injuries or issues with completing the task.

"Hey, Look." She called the other two over.

"It's a purple flame."

"Ooh." Both Kaylee and Ruby stared into the flame to the point where their hair would catch on fire.

"Good job Team!" Kaylee said taking all the credit. "I think we did well."

"It was all Lily," Ruby said trying to stop Kaylee's head from getting inflated.

"I'm just glad we had fun," Lily said as she gently swung her body from side to side.

"So cute..." Kaylee slowly began continuing her approach on Lily. She wanted to squeeze her as much as she could and never let her go. Kaylee saw Lily as a stuffed toy that she would die for. If anything bad happened to Lily, Kaylee would kill them.