[Wednesday, Lunch]
"Do you remember when Owen, Ethan and Sean wrote those stories during Form time?" Kaylee asked as she sat beside her friends at the lunch table in the hectic dinner hall.
"I think so…" Ruby replied.
"We should do our own," Kaylee suggested whilst Lily listened, sipping her apple juice carton, trying to figure out what was happening.
"I guess, it's not like we are doing anything else."
"Perfect!" Kaylee screamed. "Let's say we have five minutes to write something. After the time is up we all read it to each other."
"Do we have a theme?" Lily asked as she was already thinking of several ideas.
"Nope! That's the fun of it. Write about whatever you want!"
# # #
The time went by quickly. The three of them were surrounded by noisy children running and screaming as they sat focused on their writing. Kaylee had already thrown away multiple pieces of paper whilst Ruby observed Lily's handwriting from afar and could only admire and hope that one day, her handwriting would look that good.
"It's like a picture of the perfect sunset," Ruby muttered to herself in amazement.
"ALRIGHT!" Kaylee shouted. "Time's up. I'm going to start."
Kaylee cleared her throat and prepared herself to read her story as if she were reading it to a class of children.
"One day, A man who lived atop a giant hill wondered to himself. His house was situated above an endless sky of clouds and he wondered what was below him. He had never left his hill and always thought that he was alone.
One day as he watched the sky rage down below from above, he thought about what it could be that was happening. He could hear the roaring thunder and stared at the night sky whilst surrounded by grey clouds.
The following morning, when the clouds returned to their calm nature. The man moved. For the first time in his life, he travelled down and wished to see what he was missing. He weaved his way through the thick clouds and tumbled down the hill. He walked and walked for what felt like miles. The air around him became clearer and the floor was in sight.
When he reached the bottom he looked around at the calm ocean that surrounded the small piece of land he lived on. He looked as far as he could in all directions but found nothing. He hoped he would find someone, but all he could see was water.
He looked back up at the journey he had travelled and doubted himself. He didn't understand much about where he was or who he was.
For the remainder of his life, he stayed at the bottom. He travelled back up to dodge the rain and spent his time listening to the calming sea. Although it was a lonely life, he found it to be rather peaceful."
"Wow," Ruby said. "That was really good."
"I agree," Lily said. "I love the whole story and character. I almost wish to live in this world that you have created."
Kaylee and Ruby looked at Lily as she gave her feedback, they didn't realise it before they started, but Lily always receives a near-perfect score in English. Their chances of beating whatever she came up with were slim. They were against someone who secretly writes stories to escape her current life. They were against an expert.
"Ok." Ruby began to organise her papers and mentally prepared herself. "I'm a bit embarrassed about reading this."
"It's ok. Just go for it." Kaylee said supporting her.
"Sat in an isolated room. She lay awake. She looked over to her dusty violin case and wondered where the time went. She roamed around her house and looked at the memories hung up on the walls. Her past was something she left behind. She abandoned it and never felt the same.
She stood facing her reflection and saw the violin case in the corner. She approached it and dusted it off before taking it out. She looked through her collection of sheet music and smiled at the memories. Each piece they played together and each emotion they felt. She picked out the first piece they ever played and let her mind take over. Her movements were flawless, she never missed a note and could hear the accompaniment even though he wasn't there. Her tears fell passed her violin but her passion never fled. She performed to herself but in her mind there were thousands. The sound of them clapping and the thrill lit up her heart. The memories of her husband and their playing would never die."
Kaylee and Lily gently wiped away the tears, clapping at Ruby's story.
"That was amazing." They both said.
"I wonder who it was about!" Kaylee said changing the tone and hoping to hint at something.
"No one," Ruby said with a stern, displeased face. "No one at all." Her expression stuck fear in Kaylee who backed down and didn't say another word.
"Lily, your turn," Ruby said.
"Ok… Here I go. It might not be very good. "
Everyone sat patiently and waited for Lily to read hers. They were expecting great things and were ready to throw their votes right into Lily's lap.
"The star that was so bright in the sky. I looked up at it as it stood out amongst a sea of darkness. It looked around at those beside it but never changed. It remained as the brightest, the guiding light for the others. Even with clouds covering it, it never went dull. It surrounded itself with those weaker than it. Did it even care about those around it? Did it matter if those around weren't as bright?
It always supported those. It remained a beacon for years, a sign, a way back home.
Thousands of light-years away but it was the brightest. It was out of my reach but to me, you were the brightest. I looked at you from as close as I could. I wanted to reach out to you but I couldn't, for you were too bright for me. I wished to have been guided by you and went to you in times of trouble. I looked up and you were always there for me. I will never forget you."
Lily placed down her paper feeling pleased with herself for reading and looked at Ruby and Kaylee with a proud smile plastered across her face. Although, Ruby and Kaylee had the opposite expression. Tears poured down their faces with no self-control. The flow was unstoppable and the two of them threw their votes at Lily.
"It was so good," Kaylee said through the tears.
"I know, right." Ruby followed with. "Why was it so magical." She said pulling tissues out of her bag.
"Well, shall we vote?" Lily said to the others as they had just finished crying and drying their eyes.
"Yes. I vote for Lily." Kaylee said.
"I do as well."
With Ruby and Kaylee having both voted for Lily, she became the winner. However, the real competition was second place. Who would Lily recognise? Would it be Kaylee's story about a man on a hill? Or would it be Ruby's story about memories?
They both eagerly waited to endlessly brag as Lily was about to place her voting paper in front of second place.
"Kaylee?" Ruby asked. "No matter what, we will remain friends."
"Of course." She replied.
Ruby's agreement was torn in seconds. Ruby let out a triumphant scream and threw her hand up in the air, signally her victory.
For the rest of the week, she didn't shut up about it and continued to tell everyone about how she was better than Kaylee.