[Wednesday, After school]
Whenever you take a subject such as Music or Drama, the final exam will always require you to perform in front of an external examiner. This person could be your best friend or your worst enemy. They will make it their mission to hate whatever it is you show them, or they will love you even if you mess it up.
Ruby, Kaylee, Owen and Ethan stand in front of an examiner and an audience of younger years. The performance is recorded for future reference and the performers start by saying their name followed by their student exam ID number, then they can start their performance.
When the lights shine bright on the stage, revealing the simplistic interior of a student flat. Sitting in one of the only chairs in the house was Ethan, reading today's newspaper.
"I can't believe this." he began to speak. "What is wrong with this world? Three letters down, They come in last. What the hell does that even mean?"
Ethan's sat alone struggling with the crossword in today's newspaper. He looked up at the time and heard a knock at the door.
Knock knock
"Hey there. I was in the neighbourhood and thought I should stop by." Owen walked in and stole the seat Ethan was using along with the newspaper.
"Three letters down, They come in last. What does that mean?" He said.
"No idea," Ethan replied. "I've been stuck on it all day. It is not like I have anything else to do here because I don't even have wifi."
"Yeah yeah, you're poor, I understand. Anyway, you'll never guess who is back in town."
"No! She isn't?!" Ethan said
"Of course she is. Only everyone's favourite and least favourite student from our school growing up."
"Kaylee," Ethan said. "If only she accepted my invitation to prom that night, maybe we'd still be together.
"Yeah no." Owen interrupted. "Anyway, we need to go see her."
"What? Why? I don't want to. I'm sure she's perfectly fine and happy as she is."
"You say that." Owen was reluctant to tell him. "But, the reason she is back here is that she's in the hospital."
"Well, thanks for making me look like a dick. Let's ride!" Ethan said picking up his coat and leaving his apartment.
When they arrived at the hospital Ruby said outside Kaylee's room, guarding the door.
"I brought him, just like you asked," Owen said.
"Good, ok, now that we are all here. Let's go through the plan one more time."
"What plan?" Ethan asked.
"Shush, I'm talking," Ruby interjected. "From what the doctor told me, she doesn't have long left to live. We need to make it so that her last moments are the best time of her life, and maybe as a plus, she'll write us into her will and we'll get a little cash money."
"You are such a bad person," Ethan said walking into the room.
"I only said it as a joke," Ruby said. "But if she offered I wouldn't say no."
Inside the room, Kaylee laid in a bed staring out the window to the building opposite her.
"Hey, guys. Long-time no see." She said attempting to sit up but was quickly forced back down by her illness.
"Looks like you are dying," Owen said.
"Yup. haven't got long now. I can't wait."
The room went silent at the awful place for dark humour. The four of them looked away for one another.
"Kaylee," Ruby said breaking the silence. "Do you remember Ethan?"
"Of course I do. I rejected him many many many many many many many many many many times. How many times was it?" she asked.
"Oh, I don't know?" Ethan said. "Something like 495, but who's counting?"
"That's right. Quick ask me out 5 more times so we can make it too 500."
"Got it! Kaylee will you go out with me." Ethan spent his whole life getting rejected and had no fears in confessing again.
"Yes," Kaylee responded.
"Errr, come again," Ethan said. Everyone was shocked to a yes. They had heard no their whole lives and to suddenly hear the yes was certainly out of character.
"Just kidding," Kaylee said breaking the silence. "I don't have long so it's a waste of time."
"Ah, got it. Thanks." Ethan replied falling from the golden tower inside his head.
"Owen, Ruby. Can I speak to Ethan alone?" Kaylee asked.
"Of course," Ruby said forcing Owen out.
"What do you think they are going to talk about?" Owen asked.
"Quiet you. Leave them alone."
With the two of them alone there was one thought going through the audience's mind 'what the hell are they watching'.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Ethan asked.
"Nothing much… I just wanted to see how you were."
"Oh, yeah… I've been fine. I've been studying well and hope to get a job as soon as I graduate, What about you? I mean, I can see you are ill but what about studying and life?"
"How awkward asking someone on their deathbed how they feel, but to answer your question it was fun. I enjoyed it all, even the time we spent together. All 4 of us had fun."
"It was fun," Ethan said. "I wish you could have witnessed it more."
"Yeah, I do to…"
After several minutes of talking, Ethan left the room to see Owen and Ruby pulling away their ears from against the door.
"Well, what did you talk about?" Ruby asked. "Did you get some money?"
"No, we just talked about the past that's all."
"Lame." Owen and Ruby said in unison.
"Whatever, let's go home."
That night when the three of them were drinking together, they got a call from the hospital. Kaylee passed away that evening. The three of them toasted to their memories of Kaylee. They had one last drink and shared tears.
The lights dimmed on this strange performance, even though no one really understood what was happening, they were in tears. Even the examiner held back his tears. Luckily for them, the sound of clapping drowned it out.
"That went well," Kaylee said to the other behind the stage.
"Yeah, it did. I still think the idea was weird though." Ethan said.
"What do you mean?" Owen said. "It fit the theme perfectly, I'm sure even the teachers worked that one out."
" 'A possible future' It certainly was a personal theme, but I think we did it well," Ruby said.
The four of them cheered one last cheer for finishing their final performance. As the school year approaches and subjects hold their final exams, they were all ecstatic to finish their first one.