The exam period lasts around 3-4 weeks. During this time students are meant to spend hours every day studying. If not then they risk failing. These exams are no joke. These exams are an important first step into the future.
At the time of exams, most kids are 16 with some of the late July and August birthdays still at 15. There was an unnecessary amount of pressure on them.
Everyone takes the exams in the same place and in silence. A room filled with 200 teenagers. The faint coughs and sneezes were always present, with half the kids trying to silence their stomachs as they couldn't eat because they were too anxious to do so. The sound of scribbles and chairs moving rushed students to finish. Only at the 5 minutes left mark did they truly feel the amount of pressure.
Students like Owen and Ethan always finished early. Ethan was the type to review his answers over and over, checking that they are correct or if they need fixing.
Owen was the type to check once or twice, if he didn't know when writing it then he won't know when checking it. All he could do was fix up his writing and add more to the endless amount of bullshit he already had written.
Sean wrote until the time limit was up. He had no choice, he had to. His natural handwriting was slow and he wanted to make sure it made sense or at least could be read.
Ruby, Kaylee and Lily all have the same strategy. They work until the time limit and within the last 5 minutes, they reread everything. They flip frantically through their papers, so much so that it can be heard around.
Owen had finished his exam paper and already reread it. He looks at the tiny desk he is on and looks at the doodles on it. They often were flowers or someone insult someone else, there was never anything helpful.
He sat facing the front, arms crossed, and paper closed. This may look as if he knows nothing but he is actually still thinking at this very moment. As he sits in silence he focuses on himself. Listening for the sound of his stomach which could erupt at any minute, begging for food. At the time it begins to roar, he sits back up and flips open the paper. His master strategy of pretending to look over his work just so he won't get embarrassed was passed down onto him by himself. He could only hope to inspire younger generations with his plan and wrote down on the table his master plan. It's a shame that in this world only a select few people can read his handwriting. This alone has made his hint, lost in time.
After the exam finishes, everyone waits for their row to leave. If there wasn't an exam in the afternoon they would have the extra pressure of folding the chair. Some would say that this moment is worse than the exam itself. Folding the chair was no easy task. This whole time you had been crushing this poor little chair. For several hours your ass was sat on it, and now it decides if it wants to be folded or not.
This wasn't so bad for Owen who was in the later rows, as there was less embarrassment from the lack of people, but someone like Ethan in the first row, there was tons of pressure. He had the whole room watching him as that was all they could do. He had to pick the chair up and hope his chair would save him from the embarrassment that would last a lifetime. Even if it went smoothly there will always be one person in the friendship group who complains about their chair when outside the exam hall.
Typically, students discuss the exam they just had. Some would leave and go to prepare for their next exam but it was common to share answers. Especially in a Maths or Science exam.
The fear of asking was another challenge. What if someone says a different answer? What if you wrote down 7 only for the answer to able the mitochondria? There was a lot that could go wrong. It was embarrassing to find out how stupid you were which is why most people leave.
This process is repeated for each exam, most students will have around 13 subjects that they study during Year 11. Most subjects don't just have one exam. If life were that easy maybe students would enjoy learning more. One subject having three exams was always hell. Even if the amount of content you'd learn is the same as if they were in one exam, the thought of having more to do will always contribute to the stress that is poured onto students.
On this wonderfully sunny Friday afternoon. Sean, Owen, Ethan, Kaylee, Ruby and Lily, have all finished their final exam, with smiles on their faces.
"Finally!" Ethan screamed. "It's now summer break!"
"It feels strange for it to be over," Sean said.
"It was hell," Owen said. "It will only get worse in Sixth form."
"Sixth form, huh?" Ruby thought. "Let's hope we all get to stay together next year."
"That's not like you?" Owen said. "Since when were you so soft? OW! Why do you kick me?"
"Well? What do we do now?" Kaylee asked.
"We've got summer before we get our results and figure out our next moves. We can always meet up?" Ethan suggested.
Although exams had ended and they would soon have to decide on a part of their future, most people enjoy the moments of peace they have. For this short time, the battle they had been facing had come to an end.