"Well, everyone. We did it." I said as the school threatened me.
"Another two years together, huh?" Ethan said.
"I look forward to it," Sean said taking the first step forward.
"Wait, hang on. I'm not ready yet." Ruby said trying to pull Sean back.
"Make sure to breathe in deeply. That's what helps me." Lily said trying not to laugh.
"I wonder what the next two years have in store for us?" Kaylee wondered.
The six of us took our first steps as Sixth form students onto the school premises. Most of us had been here for 5 years already, and hopefully, we will graduate from here in two years.
Sixth form isn't the same as what we had been through in the last 5 years. We were entering what some people refer to as post 16, or years 12-13 but most commonly it is called A-Levels.
It's two years in hell. If you thought that year 11 exams were hard, apparently this is the largest leap you'll ever have to face. However, instead of studying 9 or more subjects, you study 3 or 4 subjects in year 12 then go to 3 in year 13. It's a lot easier as you have free time on your timetable to study. We should be getting those today. There aren't any lessons until Wednesday for us. Today was the day where we would get our new timetables and find out our new form members. It was common for people from other schools or even students who have taken a year off of school to come back to Sixth form. So maybe some new people will show up. Don't count on it though.
Since this is an introduction day, I shall also introduce some things. The main thing to remember is our subjects. For the next two years, I'll be studying: Computer science, Music and Media. I was a bit lost on my third subject, and since Sean was also doing Media, I decided to join him. Speaking of, Ethan is doing: Computer science, Maths and Physics. He went for the super-smart subjects. Sean decided to study this year, he wants to do better so he went for: Computer science, Sociology and Media. I'm sure he can study when he puts his mind to it.
As for Ruby, she decided not to change a thing, she's doing art, music and drama. The exact same as last year, how boring.
Kaylee decided on: business studies, drama and history. A surprising change to last year but she seemed committed to them.
It was no surprise to me that Lily would pick essay-based subjects, I had heard from Ruby that she was a good writer, which is why she chose, Geography, History and English Language.
Now that all those are out of the way, one last thing is that we have free time on our timetables. Meaning we don't have to show up unless we have a lesson. Basically, I get to sleep a lot more, although it will kinda be sad not seeing the others as often.
"Are you done explaining everything with a shitty interior monologue?" Ruby asked.
"Of course! I believe I covered everything, if not then who cares. I can't wait to no longer be in the same form as you all."
We sat in a room with all our other fellow students, the number had suddenly dropped. There were less than 200 people now, I would probably even say there are less than 120 of us now.
The teacher read from a piece of paper the list of everyone who is in the same form. I was eagerly listening for my name as well as the others. About 5 of the 6 forms had gone past and I hadn't heard any of our names. I think I can understand what was about to happen…
"WHY ARE WE ALL IN THE SAME FORM! I WANTED PEACE!" I screamed and banged my head in frustration.
"It's not that bad," Sean said. "It's the same as last year but we have Lily with us."
"Tsk. I forgot we were all in the same form for the last 5 years. I thought that was just a bad dream."
"You can't get rid of us that easily." Ruby said "It will be good that we are all together. We can make sure that we all are focusing on studying. I want us to graduate together."
Wow, how mature. Didn't know Ruby could be so mature.
"I agree." Ethan and Kaylee said at the same time but got extremely embarrassed and also depressing for Ethan.
"It would be good for us all to graduate together," Kaylee said.
"Well, we have two years together, let's try not to kill one another," I suggested.
"Alright class, look this way." Our form tutor began to speak. "I hope you all get along for this year. It won't be easy but I'm sure you'll all love it and hate it at the same time. For those of you that get stressed, just don't worry about it, you can always talk to someone. But don't talk to me. I don't want to hear about your problems."
The classroom was dead at her attempt at a joke. She was one of the history teachers and I think she teaches the A-level class.
"Anyway, forgetting about what I said. I wish you all the best of luck with this year and the next. I'm sure this time will be one of the best for many reasons. I hope you all enjoy your journey into the future."
And as our teacher's terrible speech ended, our journey that would last another 2 years began.