[Friday, Morning]
This is blissssssssss. I've never had so much free time before. Being able to sleep in on most days is what I was missing in this world. I feel so clear and also so shitty at the same time. I never knew sleeping into midday was so great but also so guilt worthy. I thought that I would have fun just sleeping all the time, but now I feel as if I get nothing done, and since I get nothing done during the day, I stay up till 2 am. What a wonderful process. On a day off, I sleep until 12 pm, go to bed at 2 am. When I need to be in at 8 am, I wake up at 7 am and still go to bed at 2 am. What a wonderful system this is.
Being in sixth form has given me a lot of free time. I should be spending it doing work, that's what Ethan is doing. He's been going in on some of his days off just to do work. I personally would call him crazy, but I guess I can understand what he is talking about. I mean, I would do that, but it's starting to get cold again. I would much prefer to rest in my warm bed then read some boring book. I'll just grind it all out at the end of the year like last time.
Bzzt bzzt.
Ah, that must be my phone. I always get notifications when I'm trying to get back to sleep after randomly waking up at 11 am.
Bzzt bzzt.
Another one? Wow, I'm so popular.
Bzzt bzzt.
Ok, what is it?
I sat up and checked my phone, since I didn't have my glasses on I held it as close to my face as possible, not that I needed to but it was a lot of effort to hold it out.
"What time are you all coming in?" Ethan's text read
Seems like he sent it to the group chat with me and Sean. Isn't Sean meant to be in today? I don't know their timetables so I can't say.
"Lunch," Sean said. I guess he has the morning off as well.
"Please someone come in," Ethan said. "It's just me, Simon, Ruby and Kaylee. This is super awkward. I don't want to be here."
"Tough," I replied. "You shouldn't have gone in if you don't need to."
Bzzt bzzt
Bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt bzzt
Damn, I'm so popular.
"Simon is so cringy," Ethan said. "What's his deal?"
It seems as if Ethan is unaware that he is also cringy.
"Why do you care?" Sean said also wanting to go back to sleep.
"Maybe he's planning to get an education?" I sent back.
"Haha. very funny." Ethan said whilst Sean just replied with a laughing emoji.
"What if he starts flirting with Ruby?" Ethan said.
"Then good for her," I responded.
"You wouldn't care?" Sean said
"Should I care?"
That was the last message I sent. No one responded to me, and that was the story of my life. They both ignored me and I attempted to get back to sleep after checking out all of the usual social media apps. Just as I was almost back in the dream world, surrounded by beautiful girls and a happy life, my phone buzzed again.
Bzzt bzzt.
"PLEASE COME IN!" This time it was Ethan private messaging me. It seems like this is too hard for him to handle.
"What would I do even if I came in?" I asked.
"You can at least make this less awkward than it is."
"I don't understand isn't it like 11? Shouldn't they be in lesson?"
"What? Look at your phone idiot, it's not even 9."
Oh shit, he's right. He woke me up before it was even 9, no wonder I don't want to go in.
"Well, since you've woken me up at such an early time, I guess I can leave you on your own."
And blocked. Stupid people. Don't they know they'll get blocked if they keep spamming me with useless texts? I don't take no one's shit.
Bzzt bzzt
Oh, what now?
"Please unblock Ethan," Sean said. "He's crying."
Somehow I don't doubt that.
"Fine fine. I'll unblock him but he better let me sleep."
I unblocked Ethan and was bombarded with thousands of texts. Some of them were of him apologising, others of him crying, and even some poems. At least, that's what I think they are. Some of them are unreadable.
"Please come in…" Ethan's last message read.
"Fine. I'll be in around 10. Let me just get some more sleep first."
What can I do? I can't do much. I guess I'll just go back to sleep and go in at 10. At least, that's what Ethan thinks. Obviously, I'm going back to sleep and waking up at 12. The plan was just to shut him up until lessons start. Once lessons start he has no reason to complain. So by saying I'll be in, he'll be quiet and leave me alone. This was a true 200IQ play that only I could have come up with. What a genius I am.
Although I called myself a genius, when I arrived at school a crying man approached me. There was too much snot to see who it was but it sounded like Ethan.
"You swaid youwd be here wat 10????" he said choking on his tears.
What do I say to him? Do I tell him the truth? I guess I should.
"I overslept."