[Saturday, Night - Halloween]
"Welcome everyone!" Sean said in a top hat and cloak greeting his guests. "Come on in. My mum and brother are away so we have this place to ourselves. I have some snacks and games set up already."
"I don't think I've ever been to Sean's house," Kaylee said taking a good look at all the photos on the wall.
"I'd be surprised if any of you girls have been here," Owen said casually strolling as if he owned the place.
"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Ethan asked.
"I said earlier. I have some snacks and stuff set up."
"Oh, drinks," Kaylee said. "I'll go get everyone something to drink."
"I understand that. But why is Simon here?" Ethan said.
"Because I wanted everyone to be here and have fun. Just try and enjoy yourself." Sean said.
"Pfft. I'd rather die." Ethan whispered to himself before slumping on a chair.
Despite the awkwardness between Ethan, Kaylee and Simon, the mood was surprisingly light. They all spent a good while playing a variety of card games before the power in the house suddenly fails. Leaving everyone in darkness.
"What the hell is happening?" Kaylee said.
"How am I supposed to know?" Owen said. "I can't see shit."
"Who just touched me?" Lily said making herself as small as possible.
"Guys, guys guys! Calm down!" Sean said turning on a torch. "Is everyone ok?"
"I think so." Simon and Owen replied.
"I am," Ruby said.
"Guys…" Kaylee said shaking to the core. "L-look…" she lifted her jellylike finger, barely able to point outside.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" Ruby screamed.
The group all looked through the window, unable to understand what just happened. They all were looking at the same thing. All of them believed it to be true instantly. Ethan's mangled body sat outside on the cold isolated grass.
"I-is he dead?" Simon asked.
"S-should we check?" Lily suggest.
"I-I'll do it." Owen was the first to volunteer. He had waited for this moment, but now that it was right in front of him. He wished it never happened.
Owen stepped outside with the others watching through the glass. He checked Ethan's pulse and looked back at them. His face turned pale, as did Ethan's body.
"This can't be happening?" Lily said rapidly drinking from her cup.
With everyone back inside, they all sat around, unable to look at each other. The lights came back on several minutes after confirming Ethan's death.
"What do we do?" Simon asked.
"Well, isn't it simple?" Sean said standing up. "The murderer is one of us, and I'm going to figure out who it was!"
"And how do we know it wasn't you?" Owen said causing Sean to think for a few seconds before sitting back down.
"Good point. Ignore me."
"I-i think Sean is right," Ruby said. "It's someone in this room. We all have our reasons to kill him. Which is why it must be Owen." Ruby said without hesitation.
"WHY MUST IT BE ME?!" He screamed.
"You always talk about killing him. Of course, it's you."
"Why would I kill him? His sister is always saying how she'll kill me if I harm him. I'm scared of her more than anything."
"Guys, baselessly accusing each other is going to get us nowhere," Simon said.
"He's right." Kaylee jumped in causing Simon to get a sudden burst of happiness.
"We still don't have a good plan on what to do," Owen said.
"Yes, we do!" Lily said jumping up. "Out of everyone here, I am the least likely to kill Ethan. Meaning that I will uncover this mystery and find the murderer!"
Lily's plan was agreed upon by everyone. Everyone had their reason to kill Ethan, Lily was the only one who hardly spoke to him, making her the least likely.
Lily interviewed everyone and looked around the body, finding no evidence.
"This is taking a while," Owen said playing cards with Ruby.
"What can we do. We can't leave until we find out who killed Ethan," she said
"Well, who do you think it is, Blood detective?" Owen asked.
"Hmm." Ruby thought to herself and looked around the room at everyone getting along with their activities. No one was acting suspiciously. Lily went around the house looking for clues whilst the others all watched one another downstairs.
After several minutes of searching. The sounds from upstairs turned silent.
"Lily!" Kaylee called. "Find anything?" but there was no reply.
"We need to go up and check," Sean said running at full speed.
He ran up and opened to doors, finding Lily's body, collapsed on the floor, no longer breathing.
"How!? How did this happen!?" Sean said slamming his fists on the ground in rage.
"I-i don't know…" Simon said.
"Wait…" Owen said. "Look at her mouth."
Sean picked up Lily's body and sniffed her mouth. "Poison?" He said.
"It must have been in her drink," Owen said. "We should stop drinking from now on and only use new bottles to be safe."
The group returned downstairs with Lily's body, resting her on the sofa. They all looked at one another, knowing that no one could be trusted. None of them wanted to say anything. Becoming detective only puts a target on your head, and that is what Lily's Death told them. But none of that mattered, for if they didn't act soon. Another one would fall victim.
Those who remain: Owen, Sean, Simon, Ruby, Kaylee