[Thursday, New Year's day]
Once again the year has ended, and once again I feel as if I've accomplished nothing this year. I don't know what I'm supposed to be accomplishing but whatever it is I haven't done it.
As usual, we've all decided to meet up and talk about our problems because we have nothing better to do on this cold miserable morning.
We always meet up in the same place, the park, but this time we're joined by some guests. They overheard us planning this during the last week of school and decided to invite themselves. I was hoping that something bad would happen with Ethan so Kaylee wouldn't show up. Then I needed Lily to, as awful as it sounds, have an anxiety attack and stay in. With those two gone I just needed to remove Simon, that was easy. When Kaylee cancels so would he. Surprisingly I didn't have to deal with Ruby, she couldn't make it so that made my life easier.
So that was my ideal plan. The perfect scenario. My new year's wish. Seems like it didn't come true.
"Are we all here?" Sean said as I sat on the swing, frantically swinging back and forth to avoid conversation.
"I think so," Simon said.
"Shame Ruby couldn't make it," Kaylee added.
"Her stepdad is just super strict and wanted to go on holiday or something. Can't help it… plus it is her birthday." I said slowly bringing the swing to a halt.
"Don't you think it's gotten worse?" Kaylee asked me as if I was supposed to know the answer to every question ever asked.
"I don't know. I don't remember how it used to be. I don't try to remember things that don't matter."
"Ignore him," Sean said. "Every year one of us has super problems. Last year was Ethan and this year it seems to be him. It's usually never me though."
"R-right." They all said judging me with their judgy eyes.
"So what's the plan?" Lily asked.
"Nothing, we usually just talk about how our Christmas was and insult each other."
"Great, I'll start." Simon seemed eager to get his insult shoes on. Who will be his first target?
"Oh, wait. Ethan isn't here so I'll wait." Ah, I see he is a man of culture, such as myself. I too would rather wait for Ethan instead of firing off random shots.
"Anyone want to go next?" Sean said but was met with the most deafening silence in the world.
"Are we all waiting for Ethan?" I said to which they all nodded. It appears we are all educated in the proper insult culture. I've never been more proud.
"How was Christmas?" Sean asked to keep us on track whilst we waited.
"Mine wasn't bad." Kaylee said, "Just a bit boring sometimes."
"I had to spend it with family…" Simon said as if he just got PTSD. "There were too many people… they all got drunk… I wanted to die."
Ah, he wanted to die? He truly is a man of proper etiquette.
"Hey, guys! Were you all waiting for me?" Ethan said running up out of nowhere.
"ETHAN!" We all screamed at his arrival.
"Wow, are you all happy to see me? Jeez, that makes me happy!"
"Alright, shut up nerd," I said before he forgot his place.
"How was everyone's Christmas?" He asked.
"We just talked about that," Sean said. "Didn't you read the last paragraph?"
"Of course not," he said. "I only read the ones I'm in."
I don't blame him. I also do the same. Which is fine since most I'm in our from my point of view.
"ANYWAY!" Ethan screamed. "So I had a great Christmas! Did you all have a great Christmas?! Kaylee? Want to answer my question?!"
He looked over to Kaylee with latching eyes that looked as if they were never leaving its target. I wasn't sure if Ethan was truly using his eyes to look at Kaylee but it was clear from her expression that she was creeped out and rather uncomfortable.
"You're a little too much today, dude."
"Oh," Ethan said crumbling to the ground in thousands of tiny pieces which reassembled themselves next to me on the swings.
Eventually, Lily gave in to the hypnotic swings and joined us. Currently, it was 3v3. Swings or standers. Place your bets now! Who will be the next to join the swings?
"I'm hungry," Simon said. "Shall we go get something to eat?"
"Good idea," Kaylee said.
"WHAT!" Ethan responded by jumping off the swing and landing like some tough gangster. "Wat ya say punk? I'll fight ya."
Is this how gangsters sound? I have no idea, so I won't judge.
"I think it's a good idea," Lily said joining in.
"I agree," Sean said.
I wasn't getting involved. I like the swing and was happy to stay here. I'd rather stay here or go home.
"Will anywhere be open today?" Ethan said throwing an amazing argument for the swings.
"Some places are." Simon retaliated with facts and logic. The standers really are strong.
"B-but, did anyone bring any money with them? I know I don't have any money." Ethan responded losing the argument for the swings. This is the last time he debates for me.
"I do," Simon said. "I'll pay for those who don't."
"Oh, free food!" I said jumping off the swing. "I'll come."
"O-Owen?" Ethan said looking at me as I betrayed the swings.
"What can I say? It's free food."
With that, Ethan was left alone swinging by himself. Lily was of course there but she was also going to follow along for food but just wanted as much time on the swing as possible.
"Come on Ethan," Sean said holding out his hand as if leading a baby along.
"Alright," he responded holding Sean's hand all the way to wherever it was we were going to get food from.
"Alright Simon," I said. "Since you are paying. I'll have 2 of these, 5 of these, 1 of these, 6 of these, 9 of these and finally 4 of these."
What can I say? It's free food.