[Friday, Registration]
At this time of the year, the seasons quickly change. Spring was approaching. The once unbearable cold would go and the equally unbearable insects would come out. For school, this didn't mean much. The spring air was refreshing for schools. The atmosphere was something that can't be explained. Everything about it felt lighter. That's why these three, Owen, Kaylee and Ethan are arguing at this wonderful time.
"I'm just saying, it's really strange!" Kaylee screamed at Owen who was resting on the table trying to ignore the world around him.
"Look, there is nothing strange about it. These things just happen from time to time. It's nothing to worry about."
Owen and Kaylee stayed in a heated argument that neither of them could escape from. To Owen, the argument was far from heated, he was too busy not caring about whatever it was Kaylee was talking about. He attempted to get Ethan to stop Kaylee from talking but that only made him join her side.
"I think Kaylee is right," Ethan said. "It is strange."
"Well, what do you want me to do about it?"
"I don't know," Kaylee said. "Talk to her? Find out if everything is ok at home?"
"Listen," Owen said. "What happens between her and her parents isn't our business things have always been like this and nothing bad has happened. So why not just leave Ruby alone. She won't want you to worry about her."
"Hmpf!" Kaylee pouted and stormed off back to her seat, Ethan stayed and looked at Owen who was still against the table.
"Is it really ok?" Ethan said. "I don't know about her family situation as much as you but it does feel like it's happening more often. She's not even here right now. Something must have happened."
"So she doesn't show up on time one time and something bad happens?" Owen said already annoyed with the conversation. "I can't speak for her but I can say that it's best if we stay out of it. Her stepdad is super scary. But I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a dick."
"See," Ethan said sitting down next to him. "You admit that he isn't fair to her. If I compiled a list of all positive and negative things I've heard about him then we would only have negatives. I've never heard one good thing about her stepdad."
Owen didn't say anything but instead lifted his head and sigh loudly with a visible look of annoyance. "Fine," he said. "If it will shut you up I'll ask her when she comes in."
"Really!?" Kaylee jumped back in after listening to their conversation from afar. "Thank you!"
"I don't know why you are thanking me... I haven't done anything. I may not be able to do anything."
"As long as you try your best. You two are cold to each other but you really care about one another, don't you?" Kaylee poked Owen whose unamused expression didn't change, despite this it was clear that he was getting angry.
"Come on, Come on," Kaylee repeated whilst anxiously tapping her leg. "Where is she? Lessons will start soon."
"What if she isn't coming in," Owen said. "Does she have a lesson?"
"We have drama first thing, she should be here by now. We are in the same group and everything. She told me she'd be here."
"Look, I thought I was the one who worries too much. Clearly, you need to relax. Find a hobby or something. She'll get here when she gets here."
"Hmmm, maybe you are right," Kaylee said. "But what else can I do other than anxiously wait for her arrival?"
"You can study? Read a book? Draw something? Talk to someone about something other than Ruby."
"Ok then," Kaylee said. "Let's talk about your gemstone. What is it again? We are both July birthdays... and July is? ah! RUBY! Of course, the July gemstone is ruby, how could I forgot."
"Kaylee," Owen said filled with malice. "Please shut up."
"S-sorry." She said hiding in her chair sitting quietly as if she was a child that had just been grounded.
"Hey, guys. what's up." Through the door only with 2 minutes left till lessons start. Ruby finally arrived.
"I dyed it back to black. I was getting sick of it being red. what do you think?"
Ruby stood with the same smile anyone would have if they stood out. As soon as she walked in the room's attention was all on her. Owen and Ethan watched from afar. Ethan visibly confused whilst Owen sat quietly staring at her.