"Hello class, we have more transfer students this time. They may look weird but don't judge them they seem rather shy."
Oh, great, more transfer students, what kind of character will it be this time?
As I was wondering about the wonderful question, a giant mountain like man burst through the door followed by three smaller, when compared to the giant, people.
"Hello Everyone!" The mountain exclaimed. "My name is Mane, Let's get along."
"I'm Ifer." The one hiding at the back said.
"I'm Tempus,"
"And I'm Sagitta."
This certainly was a strange group of people. I've never seen a group like this before. I would have assumed that we would at least be getting humans as our new friends, I wasn't expecting people who look as if they are straight out of a fantasy novel.
"What cool-looking people," Ethan said staring at them. "Do you think they know magic?"
"Magic isn't real," I said shooting him down.
"Oh, ok."
"Magic is real," Tempus said. I'm guessing he overheard our conversation. "Magic is wonderful and has many uses. Look at this."
Tempus pulled out what can only be described as 'a book' he opened it without using his hands which one would assume was the trick. What I wasn't expecting was to look at a version of myself made from ice.
"This isn't me," I said looking at it from all angles. "I'm much more handsome."
"That's you alright," Ifer said still hiding in the back.
"Wow! This is so cool!" Ethan was flaunting over the magic-user and getting him to create all sorts of various people out of ice. I had to stop him when he started to let his fantasies get out of control. I also had to remind him that they were made out of ice and it would be very cold.
"This dude is so tall!" Ethan said climbing up Mane's back. "How does he fit into this classroom?"
"He doesn't," Sagitta said shooting an arrow at Ethan knocking him off of Mane's shoulders.
"Wow, so cool." Regardless of what danger Ethan was in, he would always be impressed. It seemed as though he was too in love with the idea of fantasy being real and forgot about the fact that he can actually die. Maybe he thinks this is a dream? Maybe a video game?
"What else can you do?" Ethan said as they all went outside to follow Ethan's every order.
Outside I stood as far away as possible whilst having a good view of whatever was going to happen. I didn't want to be as close as Ethan who was within talking distance but I also paid for this ticket so I was going to get the most out of it.
"So what should we do?" Ifer asked.
"Why don't we have a good old fight, like the old days," Mane suggested.
"Oh, a fight!" Sagitta said already holding her bow. "I'm ready."
"I... I don't think this is a good idea," Tempus said retreating backwards.
"Don't be such a coward, just this once," Ifer said pushing Tempus back into the centre.
"Oh, are you going to fight?" Ethan asked still as close as possible.
"You might want to move away," Tempus suggested. "I'll make sure to put up a barrier so this place doesn't get destroyed."
"That's fine," Ethan said. "I don't care what happens to this school."
Despite Ethan's words, Tempus erect a barrier around the school and the students, protecting us all from harm. It was strange to have a shield around me, it felt warm but also slimy. Is it meant to feel like this?
"Alright. Ready?" Mane said wielding a large sword that was bigger than himself.
"Of course!" Ifer said spinning a spear around his back and catching it with one hand.
"I'm ready!" Sagitta pulled back her bow which caused the arrows to ignite at the tip.
"Y-yeah, I'm ready," Tempus said clearly not wanting to get involved.
If you were to tell me that coming into school today would mean that I would see an intense fight that looked as if it could last for days, I would believe you because some of the younger years are restless. If you told me that this fight would involve magic and people moving faster than the eye can see, causing the floor below them to crumble and freeze over, I still might believe you as that sounds like some intense metaphor for something.
It was interesting to see all of this. Ethan still had the front row and the whole school came to watch, someone even brought popcorn. The battle lasted for a while, eventually, they had to stop and go back to wherever it was they came from. I can't say that I'll miss them. I think a life like theirs that is full of danger doesn't work out for me.
# # #
"Hey, Ethan," I said the following morning. "I had a really weird dream last night."
"Oh really?" Ethan asked. "What was it?"
"I don't know. I was looking at myself made from ice, and you were there. And you made an ice version of Kaylee. What happened next I really don't understand."
"Hang on," Ethan said interrupting me. "What did the ice Kaylee look like. Can you draw it for me in extreme detail, for research?"
"If I told you things you attempted to do to that pile of ice in my dream, you'll never need to use the internet again."