[Monday, Lunch]
"GUYS! Sean projected with a large amount of enthusiasm. "LET'S PLAY IT AGAIN!"
"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked.
"Remember over a year ago when we played Rock, Paper, Scissors. I thought that we could do the same thing."
"I'm in," I said hoping to reclaim my title as rock paper scissors king.
"Sure," Ethan said calculating all the odds of winning based on previous match history. I'm sure he was even calculating what we were going to pick based on what we have used before.
"What are the rules?" I asked just to double triple check that we all knew when to throw our hands.
"Rock Paper Scissors go, so reveal after Scissors," Sean said which was the same words he said before.
"Ok… and we all go this round then the winner is safe?" Ethan asked. "After that, we go to second and third place?"
"Yup!" Sean said. "Just like before."
I'm surprised Ethan has forgotten all about the rules. He was the one that lost last time, I was sure he would have had that moment engraved into his mind, unable to escape the horrors of his mistakes.
"Alright, I'm ready," Ethan said finishing his computations.
"ROUND 1! START!" Sean exclaimed as we did the usual Rock Paper Scissors routine only to all throw Rock.
"What an interesting start," Ethan said checking his papers again. "This is going like planned."
For some reason, I can't let him win. His arrogance was annoying. I have to make him lose.
We all throw our hands but all did separate ones, resulting in a draw, meaning we have to go again.
"This is… something…" Ethan said as his calculations fell apart in front of him.
"Come on, Ethan," I said. "You ready?"
This round we actually had a winner, first place was decided and announced to the world, just like last time.
"YEAHHHH!" Sean screamed causing everyone to look at him. "I WIN! SUCKERS!"
"Well done, Sean," I said. "I guess it's just me and Ethan."
I looked at Ethan who was staring at the ground with wide eyes as sweat dripped off his face. Each drop fell in slow motion. His brain malfunctioned with each new droplet. Whatever his calculations were, it doesn't seem as if they are working out for him.
"O-one second…" Ethan said as he pulled out his calculator and attempted to fix his working out. "Where did I go wrong? I should have predicted it…"
"Come on, Ethan," I said waiting somewhat patiently. "Hurry up."
"Alright, alright." He said.
"WWWWEEEELCOME, ONE AND ALL!" Since Sean was out he was in charge of presenting. I still have painful memories of the time I had to announce a stupid rock paper scissors match.
Sean's announced to everyone in the common room and easily drew in a crowd that proceed to cheer along.
"You better win, Owen!" Ruby said on my side.
"Good luck, Ethan!" Kaylee cheered from the sidelines. I think Ethan didn't notice anyone around him. He was too interested in my hand looking for any hints he could get.
"Ready?" Sean said as the crowd was getting restless. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!"
The crowd let out a loud cheer that shook the whole building. Teachers ran in to break apart the crowd thinking there was a fight, except when they got to the centre of the crowd all they saw was Ethan crying on the floor, with his fist closed and mine open. Defeating his rock.
"GOD DAMN IT!" He screamed, punching the floor in a blind rage. "I LOST AGAIN?!"
"Tough luck Ethan," Kaylee said. "I'll take a juice…"
"I'll just take water," Ruby said joining in.
"I don't remember the bet involving you two?" He said trying to get out of it.
"Stop being a sore loser and go buy our drinks," I said picking him off the ground and pushing him out the door.
"Damn it," he said as he was leaving, pulling out his calculator to see where his calculations went wrong.