[12 years ago - Simon and Claire's Primary School]
Several years ago, back during their first years of education, a young Simon and Claire were starting their first year of Primary education, Year 1.
They both went to a rather normal primary school. It wasn't popular and it wasn't famous. It wasn't bad, it was just a school.
They were 5 years old and at this point had never spoken to each other. They had never met and had never even known the other person existed.
"Alright, everyone!" The cheerful teacher came in on the first day to see an overly excited class. "Are you all excited?"
The teacher made the effort to try and communicate with the class. As they were all young, they were all full of life and happiness that they may one day miss in the future.
The first day of school was always an introduction, everyone gathered around and introduced themselves to the class whilst trying not to laugh. The laughter was often covered by a slight swaying from side to side and biting of their finger.
"H-hello… I-I'm Simon…" A young adorable Simon said still with the green tint in his hair.
The class clapped at all the introductions and eventually it got around to Claire.
"Hi! I'm Claire!" She said showing everything that she was full of intensity right of the bat.
"Alright!" The teacher spoke. "Now that we have gone around everything, I'm going to split you into groups! The Sun group shall consist of this table. This table is the Star group. And lastly, this table is the Moon group."
The class was divided into table groups with the hopes of them befriending one another. Although some of them knew each other from their time in the previous year, reception, it was common for some people to meet new friends.
Friends you make in primary school often last a lifetime.
"This is stupid," One boy on Claire's table said. "I don't want to be here."
"Come on!" Claire said handing him a blue colouring pen. "We can do it together!"
Although all they were doing was pointless bonding exercises like colouring, it was intended to create bonds between the kids. Claire was friendly enough to talk to anyone and help them with whatever they needed. Simon, who sat on a different table, looked on as he saw Claire doing something he struggled with.
"Simon?" A girl on his table asked. "Pass that one." She said taking it before Simon could grab it.
"Oh... O-Ok,"
The class continued with their activity with Claire looking after her table better than the teacher could. She controlled her table trying to get along with everyone, even if they didn't like her back.
By the end of the first week, the first accident occurred.
"Claire hit me," A boy said to the teacher forcing tears on himself.
"Claire?" The teacher said to her. "Go and apologise, ok?"
Caire didn't question it. Although she was certain it didn't happen, she didn't complain. She was willing to do whatever it took to get everyone in the class to like her. Even if it meant throwing away her pride.
A few days later, the same thing happened, but it got worse. The same boy came crying to the teacher about a bruise on his face, claiming Claire was the one who did it.
The teacher believed the boy almost suspiciously quickly. After the first few times, the teacher assumed that Claire was a problem child. Isolating her from the rest of the class, with even her classmates that she tried so hard to befriend betraying her.
A month had passed and Claire was still getting into trouble. She sat by herself and ate lunch by herself. The issue never became big enough that her parents were called and they never found out that Claire was isolated.
Until one day, where the boy came in bleeding.
"Claire!" The teacher snapped. "You've really done it this time!"
"T-that…. I-It wasn't…" Claire attempted to defend herself for the first time but after never doing so before, the teacher assumed that she had done it again. Even when Claire started crying the teacher didn't believe her.
The class watched as Claire was ridiculed and insulted by the teacher. The boy that was covered in blood came in crying with no one doing anything about it.
"That's not true…" A voice called out from the back. "I-I saw it,"
Claire spun her neck to the source of the voice to see someone she never spoke to defend her. Someone who never spoke up in class and kept to himself.
"Simon?" The teacher said. "What do you mean?"
"I-I saw it, h-he hit himself with a rock... Behind the school..."
Of course, this could have easily been a lie, but since it came from someone who had never lied before, it became more believable. The teacher didn't know what to do and eventually had to check dodgy CCTV footage to see who was telling the truth. It was a matter that had to be solved immediately. If a student was beating another student to the point of bleeding, the school had to solve the issue.
"W-why did you stick up for me?" Claire said approaching Simon wiping away her tears.
"I-I just said the truth," Simon said avoiding eye contact and swaying.
"T-thanks," Claire said hugging him as she thought that was a common thing to do when you thank someone for sticking up for you.
"N-no problem…" Simon stuttered with a red face.
Time continued to pass and Claire and Simon quickly became friends. They spoke every day, before, during and after school. They were inseparable and the boy that caused the problem never caused any problems for Claire after that. They both moved on with their lives for the next 5 years both of them becoming best friends to each other. Until starting their first year of Secondary school.