"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? We must be there soon? Are we there yet?" Kaylee pestered Ethan from the back seat as he tried to have his full attention on driving down the empty roads.
"PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!" Owen screamed as he sat in the middle seat between Ruby and Kaylee. "WHAT IF WE CRASH?!?"
"That won't happen…" Ethan said. "I'm a good driver."
"I still don't know why I was invited," Bella said from the front seat.
"I want to know why the smallest one isn't in the back," Owen said leaning forward to talk. "You'd think to put the tallest person, myself, in the back is a bad idea. But to be honest, I am enjoying being crushed between two girls."
Owen closed his eyes and slowly began nodding slowly at all of his wildest thoughts. It wasn't until Ruby punched him that he woke up from his dream and went back to the crushing reality.
"How long left?" Bella asked as she tried to find where they were on a map.
"Not too far," Ethan said as he carefully checked each and every sign.
"Hey… pst… Kaylee." In the back seat, Owen and tried to get Kaylee's attention. Even though they were sitting next to each other Kaylee was staring out of the window pretending she was in a music video.
"Want to play a game?" Owen asked.
"What is it?" Kaylee carefully said trying to hide the slimy feeling she had.
"Rock, paper, scissors," Owen said without missing a beat. His hand was already in a position to go. He was ready to play a game he was already playing for the last 3 hours of this journey.
"Stop messing around, Owen," Ethan said. "I'll challenge you when we are out."
"No thanks," Owen replied.
"I'll play with you," Ruby said.
"No thanks." He repeated. Everyone stared silently at Owen who was looking at Bella in the front seat, silently on her phone. As if they were waiting for her to ask.
"What?" She said,
"Nothing…" Owen replied after being shot down.
# # #
A few cars behind, on the same section of the motorway, Simon was driving trying to catch up to Ethan. His car was silent with only the radio playing. His car was bigger than Ethan's and so there was no complaining. In the front next to him, the biggest person, Matt, casually read direction to him whilst occasionally bringing up the topic of cars. They both had common ground to speak on. They both spoke about cars whilst Sean and Lily sat next to each other in the back secretly holding each other's hands under a coat that covered both of them.
Claire was also in the car with them. She rested her head against the window snoring as quietly as possible, but it was impossible to stop a pig from squealing.
"I can't believe she is asleep," Simon said. "She was the one that wanted to have the most fun on this ride."
Before the journey started, Claire, Simon and Lily all stood waiting for the others to arrive, talking to one another.
"So I've got allllllll these games," Claire said bouncing with excitement. "I've got tons of stuff we can do. I've got cards. I even found tons of other games we can do. I've got all this fun stuff ready."
"Sounds good. It's about a 5-hour drive so it'll be good to have some entertainment." Simon said mentally preparing himself for the worst.
As they got into the car and started their journey behind the others. Claire kept talking.
"So we can play this game. Or this one. Or this one. Maybe this one. SNORE!"
During her attempts at talking, she randomly passed out whilst letting out a loud wet pool of a snore. The others were concerned about her but Simon insisted on leaving her alone, unsure if she was even alive.
# # #
"WE MADE IT!" Kaylee screamed as she jumped out of the car, leaving Ethan and Owen to get all the bags out the back.
"This is a different beach to before," Ruby said. "It's on the other side and it's much clearer."
"And hotter..." Owen whispered as sweat already dripped down his forehead, crashing onto the stone roads and evaporating in seconds.
Ruby didn't waste any time and jumped into the crystal clear water that splashed on her glistening face. Forgetting that she was wearing her clothes and they hadn't booked into the hotel yet.
"I guess we better go get the keys," Owen said as he found the energy to drag himself to the hotel, knowing it'd be air-conditioned.
Ethan and Owen gathered the keys from the simple hotel they had booked. The rooms were split between the boys and the girls, and once they had given the girls their keys, they dashed straight to their room.
Whilst Ethan and Owen were passed out on their beds in the boys' room, eventually, the people from the other car walked in.
"HELLO!" Matt and Sean announced themselves. "Where is everyone?"
"At the beach…" Ethan said as he sunk lower into the bed, only to be joined by Simon as he pushed his way into the room and collapsed onto it.
"Alright," Matt said. "We shall join them. We'll see you guys down there!"
"Wait..." Owen pulled himself up, "I'll come with you."
"Even though you were complaining about the heat?" Ethan's voice muffled through the bedsheets.
"I can't hear what you are saying... I'm just going to ignore you."
The door quickly closed behind them leaving Ethan and Simon to regain their energy from the long car ride, unaware that they were sleeping in the same bed.