[Sunday - Simon & Claire's Side]
"So what do you want to do?" Simon said as he had no control of the plans that were ahead of him.
"I hear this beach has some good dating spots. We have the fair down by the dock that we could go to later in the day… It's only lunch now so why don't we get something?"
The two of them explored the area that was new to them. Walking hand in hand. Claire smiled brightly as she squeezed Simon casually whilst he sheepishly looked away. Unaware of what to do in this situation.
"This is fun, isn't it," Claire said aware that Simon was feeling uncomfortable.
"Y-yeah… it is good fun," Simon said. "I thought I'd end up hating hanging out with Ethan and them lot but they are a lot more fun than it seems."
"Heehee… We outsiders gotta stick together. We joined late after all." Claire said never letting go of Simon's hand.
"Well, technically Kaylee was also late," Simon replied to Claire's annoyance staring into his emerald ocean eye.
"Forget about her. You've got me now." She said cutely pouting in front of him, getting lost in his gaze.
"I know. I know…" Simon said looking back on his primary school life with Claire. "I guess it worked out in the end." He whispered.
"What was that?" She said with her sharp ears listening.
"Nothing. What do you want to eat?"
[Sean & Lily's Side]
"This place is great!" Sean screamed as he bought his 5th cone of creamy vanilla ice cream just as Lily was finishing her 7th.
"It really is," Lily said as she rested on Sean's shoulder once he sat back down on the bench.
"What do you want to do next?" He asked.
"I'm fine with resting… we should go to the fair tonight. There are tons of games I want to try and do."
"Of course!" Sean jumped off the bench causing Lily to hit her head on the metal benches arm.
"You know, Sean." She said, "I never would have imagined this. Not in a million years would I have thought I'd be hanging out with all my friends… and the person I love."
"Eh?" Sean said hearing the l word. "What did you say?"
"Don't make me repeat it!" Lily quickly retreated to her pink hoodie fort. Covering her dark pearl hair that the sun was absorbing.
"Don't worry," said Sean. "I love you too!"
Lily, hearing the words she always wanted to hear, slowly crawled her head out of her shelter to see Sean's bright grin staring at her sapphire eyes. He smiled endlessly at the girl in front of him who placed her hoodie covered hands on his cheeks. Pushing his face to hers.
"I love you, Sean." She said again, unafraid to bombard Sean again.
[Ethan & Kaylee's Side]
"It's really hot, don't you think?" Ethan said hoping to find something to talk about. In the heat, he didn't need to sweat from nervousness. Although, he could blame the nervous sweat with the heat sweat.
"It is…" Kaylee said fanning herself. "I'm glad I brought good clothes for the weather."
Ethan was trying not to look at Kaylee's large loose top with her swimsuit underneath. The shirt was too big for her but in this heat, she wanted to be prepared to tackle the ocean if needed, and also look good at the same time.
"What do you want to do?" Ethan asked.
"Hmm… let's sit on the beach," Kaylee suggested the same thing Ethan had done all day yesterday.
At the beach that was crowded with a large pool of people, Kaylee and Ethan sat awkwardly apart under an umbrella. Ethan casually looked over at Kaylee who stared into the sea, mesmerised by all the people playing and cheering.
"You know, Ethan." She said, "There's a lot that has happened between us."
Ethan didn't need to hear anymore. His heart was already on full alert. It was ready to shut itself down at any moment that this conversation became too much for him. The anxiety had already taken control.
"I just thought." She continued. "That maybe… It was wrong of me. To run away back at prom. To keep rejecting you. And to keep being your friend. I thought it was harsh that I was still in your life. Even when you said you'd move on from me, I was still there. How can someone move on if the person you like is still around?"
Ethan listened to Kaylee's words which calmed his heart. He didn't know why, nor did he care. The history was too confusing for him to remember when he did and didn't like her. From the times he confessed to the times he said he'd move on, it all blurred together for him.
"When you said you'd move on from me. I didn't know how to react. I went home that day and cried. I didn't even have time to wait before I cried. As soon as I saw your back I cried. I cried in the darkness of my room. From the coldness of my untouched covers that eventually became warm from my tears. It made me realise how much I thought about you. It made me think about how late I was."
"No!" Ethan interjected with wide eyes. "It's not too late."
He stared at Kaylee with a determined resolve and refused to back down. His heart was one inch away from pulling the lever. He was ready to face it all only to back down at the thought of misunderstanding the situation.
"W-wait… unless that's not what you mean?"
"Hahaha…" Kaylee burst out laughing. "What do you think I meant?"
"I… err…. I don't want to say…"
"Well, then how about I say it?" She said slowly walking out towards the sea, only to stop, spin around and face Ethan. "Hi Everyone, my name is Kaylee and I hope we get along for the remainder of the year!"
Ethan heard loud and clear what she said. The words never left his mind. They always were at the back. The radiant memory of their first meeting. It never left.
"Alright." Ethan smiled standing up and ambitiously holding Kaylee in his arms and quickly kissing her. "Will you go out with me?"
Kaylee smiled at him but quickly pulled him closer kissing him on the silvery sand.
[Matt & Bella's Side]
Back at the hotel, with the sun setting, Matt and Bella sat playing card games. Matt taught her every game he knew. Every cheating method and every way to outsmart Ethan in the future.
"What do you say we go to fair?" Matt suggested as he drew a card from the pile. "It starts soon."
"Sure," Bella said, throwing down her hand. "I win."
"Wait?" Matt said inspecting the deck and hand. "What game are we playing again?"
[Owen & Ruby's Side]
"Come on, idiot," Ruby screamed as she hit Owen over and over. "How have you not knocked it over yet?"
"Sorry but it's not that easy." He said looking down at the toy guns tiny child sight. "It must be rigged."
"It ain't rigged." The vendor said, "If ya can't win anything for ya girlfriend then what are ya?"
"Oh, she isn't my girlfriend?" Owen said as he fired the last shot, missing by a greater distance than before. "Damn it. What a shame, let's go." He said dragging Ruby away.
"Thanks for your business."
In the evening. Once the sun had set, the local fair was lit up. From the various game vendors to the lights hanging above. Torches flickering with kids screaming with excitement from the thought that fireworks would soon be lit off.
"Want any food?" Owen asked. "Cotton candy is popular here..." He only said as he noticed many kids running around with some.
"So long as you aren't going to have to win it for us. We'll starve that way."
The two of them spent the day walking around in silence. The oldest of friends with large blanks in their history were unable to talk like normal people. Bantering was their way to communicate with each other. From the usual hair insults from Owen to the strange and almost random gibberish from a panicked Ruby.
"Shall we sit?" Owen asked.
The two sat on a wooden bench that pointed out towards the calm swaying ocean that quickly got dark. They looked out to the reflection of the few stars above that perfected the picture. With only the lights from the fair behind them.
"Pretty…" Ruby said.
"What is?" Owen replied, eating a hotdog that he had quickly bought.
"You are!" She screamed causing Owen to choke in panic.
"You heard me…" she said turning away even though she covered her face with her hands.
The sound of the ocean and the faraway screams was the only thing stopping it from being silent. They sat with their backs to each other before they were called out to.
"There you guys are!" Matt said running over with Bella. "How goes it?"
"Where is my brother?" She said staring Owen down with a potential knife behind her back.
"I-i don't know…" He replied hoping he had something to barter the devil with.
They looked over to see Claire, screaming as loud as she could on top of Simon's shoulders. From afar it looked like a large monster but to Ethan, Kaylee, Sean and Lily, who were next to them, it seemed normal.
"I guess we should go," Owen said looking at Ruby who wasn't getting up.
"You coming?" He said holding out his hand to her.
The four of them ran as fast as they could to meet up with the others. They stood on the pier and watched out to the sea as the fireworks lit off one by one. The explosions and colours tranced Owen who stared up at them as if it was something new to him. He looked back down for a moment to see his friends, Ethan and Kaylee, quietly kissing under the sound of the fireworks. He looked away out of awkwardness. A shyness and uneasy beating in his heart. and tried to focus back on the wonder in front of him. Only to be dragged down by the hand he was holding that forced his lips onto Ruby's.
The display lasted for 20 minutes. For some, it went by quickly. For the rest, it went by even quicker.