The party that was created by the year 12s. It took up the space of the common room. There were various pizza and alcohol-free drinks. Hundreds of tables were placed around for people to claim their seats that they would have for the rest of the event. The music that was playing was loud enough for people to enjoy whilst still talking. Balloons were all over the floor and the ceiling with enough space in the centre for people to get up and dance.
"I hope everyone is enjoying this," Charley said to her committee of elites who were tasked and trusted with the most sacred of jobs.
"I'm sure it will be fine, master." one of the girls said bowing to Chaley as she watched everyone around her.
"This isn't bad," Simon said. "I thought it would be worse."
"We all did," Lily said jumping in and stealing a slice of pizza. "Good pizza though."
"It's a nice send-off, don't you think?" Ethan said bringing up the worst topic.
"I guess," Owen said looking at everyone around him who was celebrating.
"Seems like not everyone has the same view of departure as you," Ruby said slumping herself down next to Owen who looked distracted.
"I guess not," he replied.
"..." Ruby had nothing else to say. She was just able to gain the confidence to sit next to him and now she had to somehow keep the conversation going.
"So…" She said with her first attempt. "What's up?"
"Nothing much. Just thinking about it all. We won't see this place again."
"Strange, right… We spent 7 years at this school. All the memories of it will be with us. We may even forget about them eventually. Kinda sad when you think about it."
Ruby attempted to talk more but felt as if it were better left unsaid. It was enough for him to think about it all and the look on Owen's face seemed as if he was dealing with a lot already. Ruby looked at him whilst he was in a world of his own and gently placed a kiss on his cheek.
"What was that for?" Owen said breaking out of his trance and unable to hide his red face.
"No reason… just wanted to bring you back to the land of the living. I'll see ya."
Ruby went off back to the end of the table where she hung out with Ethan and Kaylee. Owen looked around at the others who were all talking to their partners.
By the time the music changed, they all decided to get up and dance with some of the other students. Owen just watched from afar whilst even Lily danced with Sean. Owen could only laugh and think of all that had happened with Lily to bring her to this point. The same could be said for Kaylee and Ethan.
"Hey, dipshit," Charley said as she kicked Owen's chair. "I need to talk to you."
"What about?" Owen cautiously backed off protecting any vulnerable areas and checking for no places he could get thrown into.
"I wanted to ask what you decided to do in the end." She said, "For your future I mean."
"Oh, that…" Owen said. "I decided to go to university."
"To study what?" Charley said even though she was about to get the answer.
"Music. I thought about doing computer science but music was what I decided in the end."
"So are you going to the same university as Ruby? Isn't she studying music?"
"She is… but we are going to different places. She got accepted at a better university than me. I didn't want to go to a fancy place like that anyway."
"Hmmm. You seem depressed." Charley said. "Like more depressed than usual. It's kinda ruining my party so please stop being sad."
"Wow... thanks I'm cured," Owen said sarcastically but after looking at the unamused look in Charley's face he wanted to backtrack and forget he ever said anything. He would normally expect to be hit but she just looked at him as if she was giving him a free pass.
"What about you?" Owen asked. "What's your plan when you graduate."
"Don't know. Maybe something English based? Something history based? What subjects am I doing again?"
"Ha…" Owen let out a little laugh at Charley's poor attempt to humour him. "You've still got time ahead of you… you'll be alright."
"As will you, Owen," Charley said as her warm eyes were joined by a soothing smile. "These last few years were rather enjoyable."
Charley didn't stay any longer as she felt embarrassed about what she said. She left quickly but her words had already made an impact on Owen who slowly got up and joined the others on the dance floor.