Graduation [END]

[Friday - The day of graduation]

To reflect on my time at school… to say it was eventful was definitely that. I remember meeting Ethan and Sean for the first time. I remember seeing Ruby in my form and wanting to speak to her. I remember playing old maid with my friends and hanging out around their house over the Easter and summer break. I remember hearing rumours about a girl that never came to school and did all her work at home. I remember the transfer student that my friend was obsessed with. I remember it all. The music performances. The drama performances. The addition of new friends I never thought I'd have. The girl that hit me a lot. The girl that hid in her clothes. The guy that would end up being my friend's rival in love. And a strange girl that I guess made my final years more enjoyable.

"What are you spacing out for, Owen?" Ethan asked me as we all waited outside the hall to go in.

"No reason. Just thinking to myself." I replied.

"You aren't going to cry today, are you?"

"No promises."

It's possible I will cry. I'm very close to my emotions. But it's because of this that I am who I am and I do what I do.

"Here they are!" A booming voice called as it quickly approached Ethan and me.

"Good to see you, Matt." We said, greeting him.

"Congrats on graduation. I remember my graduation. What great memories."

"Congrats on graduating, boys." Sean's mum came out from behind Matt.

"Thank you both."

"Where are your parents, guys?" She asked us. "I haven't seen your parents in ages, Owen."

Well, no surprise there. The only parents that never show up. Even Sean's biological father got more time than my parents.

"Haha… they are here somewhere," I said laughing it off.

"Hey!" Another voice called out.

"Oh. if it isn't the lovely Bella." Sean's mother said to her as she handed her some pocket money. "What a cute girl."

The once iron defence Bella was apparently weak to Sean's mother as she was blushing and accepting the money rather coyishly.

"Congrats on graduating." She said to me not trying to even act nicer.

"Thanks," I replied, not wanting to anger the beast. "Where is Sean?"

"He is already inside," Matt said. "He's with Lily and the others."

Guess we better go and see them.

"You look weird in those clothes," Ruby said as soon as she saw me. Although it wasn't a university graduation so we didn't need to wear a gown we still needed to be somewhat fancy. A kinda smart casual. So I guess it was weird for me to be back in normal trousers and a neat shirt.

"You look just as weird," I replied.

"Stop arguing on the big day." Kaylee interrupted as she got Ethan to help her with whatever she was doing. "We need to move these boxes inside so the parents can have their tea and coffee for afterwards."

"Why aren't the head students doing that?" I asked.

"Why do you think?" She replied annoyed with my comment.

"Good point."

"HAVE NO FEAR!" A mysterious voice called from afar. I turned out to look for the source of the voice, I didn't need to work out who the voice belonged to as its high pitched screeching was more than enough to tell me.

"I am here." A tiny Charley appeared from nowhere.

"Oh, it's only you, Chi," I said patting her.

"STOP CALLING ME CHI!" She screamed as her anger allowed her to pick up all the boxes and move them inside with ease. Like as if she was conditioned to unlock her true potential after hearing that word.

"That was easy," I said going inside to find where I had to sit.

"To think it's over," Charley said tugging my clothes, stopping me from going in.

"Yeah…" I replied not sure what else to say as I was left alone with a demon.

"I know we've said all the lame stuff already but…"

As I looked at Charley I couldn't help but see the sadness on her face. I've seen many expressions from her and loneliness was one that hurts to look at.

"Congrats on graduating." She said through a smile that seemed as if it was the realist smile she's ever put.


Inside the usual hall, the chairs were laid out in rows. Enough to fill with both students, teachers and family. The lights were all ready and the teachers seemed just as nervous as everyone else. All hanging around the edge hoping nothing goes wrong.

"Over here!" Sean called us. "This is my seat. Remember how it all works?"

"It's not that hard," Lily said mentally preparing herself to be in front of everyone. The lack of her jumper made it harder for her to become more… mentally stable? Is that the right way of wording it?

"I'm excited," Simon said sitting down at the other end of our row. "It will be strange to think I'll be graduating."

"Same with me," Claire said. "It was something…"

I can agree with them on that. Their arrival was a surprise but a pleasant one to be sure.

"Anyway, it's about to start soon," Kaylee said pushing everyone around. "Go and sit down."

As we were all forced to find our spaces, we all sat spread across the hall, for it was in alphabetical order. We could see each other through the gaps in our fellow students. Some who were nice to us and some who were just background characters… I mean most of them were background characters.

I listened carefully for my name. I listened to hear what they were saying. A speech on the future. A speech about how all the teachers enjoyed us. I could say a lot about that but since it's graduation, I'll hold off.

Claire was the first to go up, she proudly accepted and walked off as casually as possible. A way to demonstrate to us how it should be done.

I watched as Ethan stood up and walked onto the stage when his name was called. I could hear his parents clapping louder than anyone. No matter how loud they clapped it was impossible to hide their tears. Even Bella teared up a bit.

Kaylee was after and she enthusiastically took it, letting out a sigh of relief. She got a loud clap from all the boys. Seems she is liked.

Lily was on and off in less than a second. Her mum was tearing up in the back and I can't blame her.

I went next. I stood upon the stage and took my certificates. I could see my parents in the audience, they were as clear as day to me. I looked at them with a bright smile and slowly walked off the stage, hoping not to trip.

Ruby was after me and her step-dad was the loudest crier of them all. He put everyone to shame.

Sean was next, with Matt and their mum hugging each other tightly, not to disturb the graduation with their tears.

Simon was last. Looking at him up there, I'm strangely proud of him. Sure he ruined Ethan, kinda, but it all worked out. I'm glad I could call him my friend.

After we all sat back down, we had to listen to one last speech from the head student.

"Thank you, to everyone here. All the students, teachers and parents. The people that graduate here today will inspire many. They will path the future and create many many more memories. We will look at these people in front of us and think about what they are up to 10 years from now. But all we know is that whatever they are doing, they are always inspiring. Creating a wonderful future for everyone."

The hall clapped and we all had to leave to go back outside, into the wonderful clear cloudless sky that was above.

"That was something," I said to Ethan and Sean.

"Certainly was…" Ethan replied.

"It's all over…" Sean said


We were silent, we stood by ourselves and kept to ourselves. I guess some things don't change.

I was doing well up to this point. I had told myself building up to this event that it wasn't going to happen, but it appeared that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"Sniff… I'm going to miss you all."

"Sniff… Don't cry." Ethan said. "If you cry...sniff...I'll cry."

The two of us started crying. Unable to build the iron defences behind our eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Ruby came over to say.

"Did you really think they weren't going to cry?" Sean explained for us.

"Good point."

"What's with the waterworks?" Kaylee also joined so Sean had to explain again.

Eventually, I wiped away all my tears. The heat helped dry them, and my face dried pretty quickly. Luckily my eyes didn't get red or that would be embarrassing.

"Sniff… sniff…" From afar, another crying person walked over. "It's just so sad." the person said revealing themself to be Lily who was hiding behind her hair.

"It is," Sean said, hugging her.

"I haven't known you guys long but it was fun," Simon said, shaking all our hands.

"Let's stay in contact," Ethan said.

"OF COURSE WE WILL!" Claire barged in from behind Simon. "We will all meet up again. Just because we are all going to separate parts of the country, and some the world, doesn't mean we will be far."

"She's right," Ruby said, looking at me. "We'll always be friends."

The tears that were passing down all of us eventually stopped. Our families didn't interrupt us and our other friends didn't come up to us. They all looked from afar as their kids grew up for one last time.

"Hey, I got a good idea!" Claire screamed. "Let's take a picture!"

"Good idea."

To reflect on my time at school...

"Hey, stop pushing…"

"No, you move."


From when I started back in year 7 to now. What an eventful time it had been. However many years it, was it felt like more. Even so, as I'm getting pushed around as we all try and get someone to take our picture. I look at those around me.

I don't think I'll be forgetting my time at school any time soon.