[Many years later - Saturday, Evening]
Centred in a park, located in the usual town their parents grew up in. A 17-year-old girl who went by the name of Maya stood on top of a swing, talking to the 3 people below her. The three were standing in order of not only height but also of age. It looked like the world's worst army was about to be formed.
"Recently, there have been strange people on our turf," Maya exclaimed as she began swinging. The subtle bits of jewellery she was wearing swung back and forth, hitting against her opened leather jacket, but not getting caught up in her violet colour hair that rested on her shoulders.
"Yes, miss!"
Joined in her rag-tag group of children born from idiots, is Cody. Cody is biologically related to Sean and Lily. He aged just as well as his father and combined his awkwardness with Lily's shyness. Creating an obscure amalgamation of ineptitude.
"We… Have… stopped them?" He said as if he wasn't sure what he was doing., breaking the illusion that was strong in his mind.
"How old are you now, Cody?"
"I'm just enjoying this time." Another member of Maya's space cadets was Hana. Her life is a mystery to most. Maya and Cody know very little about her but her desire to go along with anything was stolen from both parents, Simon and Clair. "It's fun hanging out like this."
"No, it isn't…" Maya said as she swung with enough force to knock out an Indian elephant. "We have to look after Kit."
"Kit's fine… just leave him to me… miss…" Cody saluted to Maya's disgust.
As if by magic. A simple command. Kit started crying. Just like his father, Ethan, he cried all day and night. It is accepted at his age as he is still considered a baby. But when he gets older, everyone is certain that he will keep crying every day till he dies.
"There there…" Maya stopped swinging to pick up Kit and place him in the baby swings, lightly pushing him to make him silent as their ears slowly started to repair themselves.
"So kind…" Cody sat in amazement, staring at Maya's hair that blew through the rustling wind as if she was part of a shampoo commercial.
"What are you looking at?"
The four of them sat in a park by themselves that their parents would frequently visit. Whilst Maya favoured the swing, Cody attempted to join her by sliding into the vacant seat that was next to her, only when he did, it was quickly stolen by Hana who pushed Cody onto the floor and used his back as a footrest.
"So, what's the plan?"
"We just swing…"
Maya continued with no interruptions, she didn't want anyone to ruin Maya's time. She'd put in her headphones and hum along to some random song that would come up on shuffle. If it was anyone of her parents' songs, it was instantly skipped without hesitation.
"I don't listen to trash." She'd say to herself whenever it came up, no matter the situation. Even when she's secretly listening during one of her school exams she'd randomly scare those around her with those words of wisdom.
"What do you listen to?" Hana said as she barged through the headphones, forcing them into her ears as she hummed along with Maya before the song was stopped and the rope that attempted to seal the gates of hell started to rip open.
"Please don't do that ever again."
"I would never do something so dangerous, Maya!" Cody said from beneath Hana's feet.
"Cody, if you keep talking Kit will start to cry again. Please shut up."
"YES MAYA!" He screamed with a blazing excitement as if he had awoken something inside. No matter what it is he has awoken, knowing his father, it was not puberty.
"You guys do know I can talk right…" Kit spoke as if for the first time, still on the baby swing. "I'm 11…"
Maya, Cody and Hana all stared at the short-haired baby that was in front of them and watched it slowly morph into an 11-year-old boy who had an attitude. Along with his metamorphosis, came Maya's hatred towards him as her face went from a blissful smile to a vile sour.
"Well, you stopped being cute ages ago."
"What do you mean!" Kit, the 11-year-old boy, started crying at one really mediocre insult.
"You cry more than Hana and she's 9!"
"I get that ability from my mum!" Hana announced as if it was something to be proud of considering her mum was a politician who has blackmailed many.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Cody, get me a drink."
"YES MISS MAYA!" The dog said as he ran as far away as possible to get Maya her favourite drink, water.
"Now that he is gone, let's leave."
"Where are we going?"
"Well, I'm going home." Maya's deadpan face exposed how just uncaring she was about everyone around her.
"I think I'll also go home…" Kit joined in, "You're just rude to me."
"I'll go with you, Maya!"
Whilst the three of them discussed their plans, they didn't notice that Cody was charging back like a rhino chasing its prey if rhinos even have prey. He kicked up the grass as he ran through the field, giving them even more reason to waste money on the park rather than using it to fix the bumpy roads their parents loved to complain about.
"We took too long. He's already back." Maya sat back down, accepting her fate, engraving the hours into the metal swing poles. "This is the day I die…"
She continued to swing with the wind whistling a gentle requiem to her. She smiled towards the sun brightly as a single teardrop rolled down her face. And, ever so quickly, death arrived.
"I'm back, Maya." Cody held out his hand, a fresh bottle of water that was from the finest mountain springs. Just by looking at the mess on Cody's clothes would make you assume he climbed an actual mountain to get it, but all he did was buy one from the local shop.
"Well well well," A voice from the other side of the park called, "If it isn't Maya the dumb."
Maya's bloodlust eyes were fast on her target. She jumped off her swing with a thud and approached the boy who dared to call out to her. A weak-minded boy who was the same age as her, about to make a big mistake.
"I see you're here with the loser squad?" The boy called, pointing to Kit and Hana who were protected behind Maya's leather jacket; tears forming around Kit's eyes as Hana hit him to make him stop.
"And your boyfriend is also here."
Cody looked at the boy's finger to see who he was pointing at. Checking to make sure that he was certainly pointing at him. After a few doubts and mental battles in his head, Cody was certain that he was being called Maya's boyfriend. As such, a large stupid smile rose on his face as he scratched the back of his head, attempting to play it cool.
"He's not my boyfriend."
"Oh?" The boy said as he took another step forward, looking down on Maya as she was only the average height for a girl and this guy was at least 6ft, but it could have been 7.
"Calling me his boyfriend is disgusting. He's disgusting. Come one step closer and I'll kick you in the balls."
"What an empty threat-"
The so-called 'empty threat' was not empty. It was the opposite of Cody's airhead, needless to say, she kicked him in the balls.
The kid's short introduction ended. He had no purpose to be here and needed no introduction or description as he was a nobody. But, he got in the way of Maya and her fake gang. One that earned a reputation after this day. She was all known throughout the school as a 'badass' and even the youngest, Hana, was keeping up the act and playing the badass role.
It should be said that these four people will go through a lot in life. In life, you think about a lot of different things. People focus on different parts, be it future, fame or even love. Love to carry on the bloodline. When worded like that it does sound kinda creepy. But it's thanks to this love that friendships are formed and best friends are made. And their favourite memories are crafted.