Can You Turn On The Lights?

*Jisoo's POV*

While walking to my bus stop after working at the supermarket, I felt like someone else was around. That ominous feeling of someone drilling holes into my back as they watch my every movement wouldn't leave me alone. I turned around and saw no one. I started feeling creeped out so I hurried rushed to my bus stop and waited. Once the bus arrived the door opened up and Mr. Kang greeted me.

"Good evening Jisoo."

"Hello, Mr. Kang," I answered him as I paid my bus fare. I could sense a presence behind me and I turned quickly and saw that it was the same guy in the black hoodie from the store earlier.

Was he the one following me?

He paid his bus fare and quickly passed by me into the back of the bus. I watch him in curiosity. I wanted to follow after to take off his mask and see his face. I head towards the back of the bus too but, sat a bit further away from him. I couldn't help but steal a few glances at him.

"You know a picture would last longer," he suddenly said.

Embarrassed that I had been caught staring at him. I turned away from him and stared out the window. Soon I felt someone sit next to me. I faced the man in the dark hoodie. He finally takes off his mask and I saw the boxy grin on his face.


"Did I surprise you?" His wide grin never leaving his face.

"What are you doing here? I just saw you on the news earlier."

He grew quite upon hearing what I had just said.

"How are you taking the news of Hyung's engagement? Doesn't it hurt you?"

"I've told you before Taehyung. I don't like your Hyung. I was doing fine for the past month and I will be fine going forward."

"Liar..." He deep husky voice whispered out to me as he stares into my eyes.

"You still like Jin Hyung."

I broke the eye contact by looking out the window.

"You can't lie to me Jisoo. I know you still care for Hyung. So please help me," his voice was breaking. I turned back around to face him and his eyes were watery.


He held my hand and his tears broke loose traveling down his handsome face.

"Don't let Hyung marry Sunni."

I didn't know how to respond to him. He was crying so sadly. I could only hold the boy as he wept into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Taehyung. I don't think I could help you with this."

I really can't. There was no way Jin was going to ever fall in love with me. He loved Sunni too much. Even if I tried to fight her for him, he was never going to choose me over her. I knew that fact, so I was not going to give myself a heartbreak. His phone started ringing and he broke away from the hug. He quickly wipes away his tears before answering his phone.

"Hello? Yes, this is Kim Taehyung..."

His sad puffy face soon turned into panic as he screamed at Mr. Kang to stop the bus. I worriedly called out to him.

"Taehyung, what wrong?"

He didn't answer me. He was antsy and wanted to get out of the bus. He kept pounding on the door while Mr. Kang was pulling over. The door finally opened up and he runs out of the bus. I ran out after him. He ran to the street and starts waving down a taxi.

"Taehyung, what happened? Why are you like this?" I asked him as I caught up to him.

"My parents and Hyung got into a car accident. They're at Seoul Hospital right now."

The information that Taehyung had just relay to me kept on repeating over and over again in my head. Jin was hurt. He was currently in the hospital. I felt the tears building up in my eyes and a taxi finally pulls over for Taehyung. He quickly got in and I followed him into the taxi. He didn't say anything and neither did I. We rode in silence to the hospital. When we arrived at Seoul Hospital, Taehyung paid the driver and we both rushed inside. We ran up to the front desk and Taehyung frantically asked about his family.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. My family got into a car accident and they were just admitted to this hospital."

"Names please?"

"Kim Woohyuk, Kim Hyesoo, and Kim Seokjin."

"They are all on the 7th floor. Kim Woohyuk is in room 705 and Kim Seokjin is in room 707. The two ladies that were with them are okay with minor injuries."

"Thank you."

We both hurried towards the elevator. I bit my lips nervously. I didn't know why I even came here in the first place. I had not seen Jin in over a month. Plus, I didn't know what lies Sunni had told jin on the day that I was fired by her.

We entered the elevator and soon arrived on the 7th floor. Taehyung ran out of the elevator, but I slowly followed him out. My heart had suddenly lost the courage in them. I didn't know how to face Jin. My breath and heart had increased ten folds. Taehyung ran into his father's room first.

"Taehyung!" I heard an elder woman cried from the room.

"Taehyung, you're dad left us. He's no longer here with us anymore," she wailed into his arms. I covered my mouth in shock at the news. I slowly approached the door and saw Taehyung halted in place. His mother sobbed into his arms as he held her. He starts shaking and crying with his mother as they comfort one another. I could see Sunni behind them. She had a bandage around her head, but other than that she looked okay.

"What about Hyung? Mom, is Hyung okay?" Taehyung's broken deep voice asked.

His mother pulled away from Taehyung angrily as she wipes away her tears.

"Don't even talk about that bastard. It's his fault I'm a widow now. He was the driver and he killed my husband!"

And she starts sobbing into his arms again. Taehyung led his mother to a nearby chair and sat her down as he comforted her. I turned away from the room. I don't think it's right for me to be here and hear any more of this conversation. I walked up to Jin's room. My hand lingered on his door. I wanted to go in, but I was scared. I just wanted to see if he's okay. I took a deep breath and opened his door.

Even though the sun was setting for the day, the light from the setting sun still shined bright through the window and I had to wait for my eyes to adjust to the light before I moved in closer to him. He was laying in bed motionless. His monitor was beeping continuously. My eyes welled up with tears at the sight of him wearing a hospital gown and laying on a hospital bed. He had a bandage around his head also. I let the tears fall down my face as I moved in next to him. My right hand moved in close to his face. I wanted to touch him, but I stopped once I was an inch away from his face.

Please be okay. Wake up Jin...

He suddenly starts to stir and he opens his eyes. He blinks a few times before grabbing his head and his face turns into a painful expression. I stumbled away from him and ran into a chair next to the bed causing him to look my way and slowly sit up in bed. He turns his attention towards me, but something about him was off. He was looking in my direction, but he wasn't looking at me.

"Who's there? Sunni?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did he not see me?

"No, I'm-"

"Where am I? What am I doing here?"

I couldn't answer him. I didn't know how to answer him. Also, I didn't know how he felt about me being in the same room with him after not seeing him for a while. But then, his next question left me broken and I finally realized what is going on with him. I covered my mouth to keep him from hearing my silent cries.

"Can you turn on the light?"

To Be Continued...