Tell Me Pt. 2

*Jisoo's POV*

Dinner tonight was really awkward. Especially with Yoongi Oppa burning holes into me as his gaze never left me. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and when I couldn't take the way Oppa was staring intensely at me, I got up and told my family that I was going to go to work.

"But you didn't even touch anything sweetie," my mother called out to me as I grabbed the lunchbox that I packed for Jin. I put on my shoes quick before answering my mother.

"I'll eat with my friend later. I'm not too hungry at the moment."

Without saying another word, I opened the door and exited as fast as I could. I was already stressing enough with lies that I've told Jin and now in my own home, I'm going to have my brother to deal with. Life just doesn't like me too much now does it?

It was starting to get dark and I was rushing to get to the hospital. I've left Jin alone all day since this morning. Thinking about how lonely he must be feeling right now, I ran as fast as I could to the bus stop. When I reached my stop I exited the bus and made my way into the hospital.

Once I reached Jin's door, I heard some talking from inside his room.

Did someone come to visit Jin but who?

It couldn't have been Taehyung or Sunni. I slowly opened the door out of curiosity to see who it could be.

"Hyung, I really don't know how to tell you this... but Taehyung and Sunni are together now. They are dating and probably won't be coming to visit you."

"W-what do you mean they are together now? Sunni hasn't been feeling well. She's been in the hospital for the past week. Minji told me so."


"The private nurse that Taehyung hired for me. I don't understand Namjoon. You're not making any sense."

"Hyung, it's true. Taehyung also took over the company. They had a meeting after your father's funeral and Taehyung won with a majority vote. Most of the directors lost faith in you after the car accident."

I watched on in shock as Namjoon stood in front of Jin and told him. Jin didn't cry though, which honestly shocked me even more.

"I always knew he liked her too..." His voice trailed off.

"I thought Sunni loved me... but I guess she was like any other girls out there. She loved my money and not me..."

"Hyung, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Namjoon. I never believed Tae when he told me that Sunni had been cheating on me. I wanted to believe Sunni. I wanted to trust that she loved me in return. But I guess I was wrong. Thanks for stopping by to let me know. You really are the only one left that I could trust."


I saw Namjoon lower his head. He seemed to be struggling with something else that he wanted to say.

"I just wanted to say that everything will be fine soon. I will be leaving now and I'll be sure to come visit you often in place of Tae."

Namjoon gave Jin a hug and pat on his back before turning around and catching my eye. His eyes widen in shock when he noticed me.


I frantically cut him off by shaking my head 'no' and silently shushing Namjoon with my pointer finger on my lips. I didn't want Jin to find out about me being Jisoo, especially after just finding out about Taehyung and Sunni. I quietly beckon for him to come out so I could talk to him. He nodded before saying goodbye to Jin and we both left the room and walked down the hallway further away from Jin's room.

"What are you doing here Namjoon?!"

A smile made its way across his face and his deep dimples that I admired so much appeared on his cheeks.

"I could ask you the same."

I immediately shut up. I didn't want to have to explain anything to Namjoon.

"Just tell me how you know Jin then."

"Jin and Taehyung are my cousins. The three of us go way back."

"Then why did you tell Jin about Taehyung and Sunni?" I snapped at him.


His voice was soft and he looked so much like Taehyung earlier. Like he had so much he wanted to say. What were those two planning? Can Jin and I really trust Namjoon?

"I told him so that he could finally move on. He has every right to know. Jisoo, can I trust Jin in your care?"

I still didn't fully trust Namjoon, but I couldn't see why I wouldn't be able to trust him either. In a way, you could say I was relieved that Jin knows now. I didn't have to be the one who told him this awful information. I felt a bit thankful that Namjoon told Jin. Plus, Jin seemed to have taken what he heard quite well. So, I nodded to answer him 'yes' and those dimples found their way to his cheeks again.

"Thank you Jisoo. I have some things to take care of and will stop by to see you two as often as I can."

"It's Minji."


"My name is Minji around Jin. So don't call me Jisoo. You almost blew my cover earlier."

"Oh, so you're the private nurse that Jin Hyung was talking about earlier?"

"Yes. I am, but since you told him about Taehyung and Sunni, he might not trust me anymore either since I told Jin that Taehyung was the one who hired me."

I bit my lip and frown sadly.

"Then tell Jin that I am the one paying you now."

I stared back at the man. He didn't question why I had lied about my identity but instead encouraged me to keep lying to Jin. He was just as confusing as Taehyung was to me and I couldn't read him either. I agreed to his request so I could spend more time with Jin and not have him question me. He bid his farewell and turned to leave. He stopped and turned slightly towards me.

"Jisoo, don't hate Taehyung too much. You'll find out soon enough about everything."

And he left, leaving me once again baffled at his statement.


*Namjoon's POV*

I got a phone call from Taehyung this afternoon. I picked up and greeted my dongsang.

"Hi, Taehyung. How's everything going?"

He was sniffling and crying on the other end of the line.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?"

"Namjoon Hyung. I need you to do another favor for me. Will you go visit Jin Hyung and tell him everything."


"About me and Sunni and the company. I want Jin Hyung to find out as soon as possible."

"What! Are you crazy?! That's going to crush Jin, Taehyung! You know how much he loves Sunni."

"I know, but if you don't then... then Jisoo will be the one who ends up telling him. I-I don't want her to suffer. I've hurted her enough already."


Why would he be worried about Jisoo in this situation? And then it hit me.

"Taehyung, are you in love with Jisoo?"

The line was silent. All I could hear was his sniffles and light breathing through the phone. His silences told me everything I needed to know. He had fallen in love with Jisoo.

"Taehyung, stop this revenge plan of yours. If you love Jisoo, just tell her the truth. Why can't you just confess to Jisoo and make her fall in love with you instead of Sunni?"

"Because....... she's already in love with Jin Hyung."

"Taehyung, you know that by doing this, Jin Hyung will probably not trust you anymore. He might even end up hating you."

"I know...."

And that was how I came to the hospital and told Jin everything. Now as I am about to leave the hospital, Jisoo showed up in front of me. I wanted now than ever to tell her everything about Taehyung's ridiculous plan, but I bit my tongue shut and waited for Taehyung to realize it and for him to tell her himself. All I could do was ask her for a tiny favor.

"Jisoo, don't hate Taehyung too much. You'll find out soon enough about everything."

I walked away from her, hoping that the little favor of mine could be fulfilled by her and hoped that soon, Tae will come around and tell Jin and Jisoo everything. I turned the corner and bumped right into someone.

"Oof, sorr- hey!"

The man grabbed my arm and pulled me hastily away to a different hallway in the hospital before I could get a good look at who he was. His back seemed familiar though.

"Who are you! What do you want from me?!" I tried to jerk away from his tight grip.

Once we both were alone, he turns around to face me.

"Yoongi Hyung?" I questioned him. The male was breathing heavily.

We both met in school and became fast friends through music. But what was he doing here? And why was he so harsh with me. There was fire burning in his eyes and he was angry. I've seen Yoongi Hyung mad before and I never wanted to see it ever again.

"Namjoon, I need you to explain everything to me and tell me what the hell is going on with my sister. Now!"

To Be Continued...