It Was His Fault

She cried to herself while trying to get memories of Yoongi out of her head. Her loud wailing startled both of the males who were in the same room.

"Sunni-" The older called out to her, but she quickly interrupts him. 

"NO! Don't you dare call my name!" She screamed at Yoongi and it pierced his heart. He didn't understand why Sunni was acting the way she was.

Taehyung was in total shock. He had never seen Sunni so weak before. It made him curious about what happened between Yoongi and Sunni to cause her to have such a reaction towards him. With the way Yoongi boasted about their love, Taehyung was sure she'd be whipped once again for Yoongi.

Yoongi attempted to move closer to her and she shouted at him.

"Don't come any closer!"

"Sunni, I don't understand-"

"I said don't say my name!" She shrieked out loudly before covering her ears and shaking her head violently.

"I hate it! I hate your voice!"

She couldn't stand the way he called her name. How it just rolled out of his tongue and mouth like nothing.

Every cry, every tear from the girl just made Yoongi want to hold her even more. So he pulled her into his arms. He hugged her as she furiously broke free and slapped him hard across the face.

"Don't you fucken touch me! I will never let you touch me ever again! I hate you Min Yoongi!"

And his whole world came crashing down that very moment.  He held his redden cheek as she screamed repeatedly towards him.

"I hate you! I hate you Min Yoongi! I HATE YOU!" She started to hyperventilate as she clutched her aching heart.

Taehyung soon rushed to Sunni's aid. Though he despised her so much, seeing her having a mental breakdown caused him to worry about her. He grabbed a hold of Sunni and hugged the shaken girl tightly in his arms.

"Babe! Baby... Calm down..." He gently stroked her back as he held her.

She started to breathe normally and calm down in Taehyung's arms. She hugged him back and sobbed painfully into his shoulders. She wanted to stop the pain. Sunni didn't want to see Yoongi anymore.

"Oppa, please make him leave..." she quietly sobbed into him. He nods and gently rubbed her back to comfort her before turning his attention to Yoongi.

"You heard her. Please help yourself out. We won't see you to the door."

He led the crying girl to her room and closed the door, but it didn't close shut so Yoongi could still hear everything.

Yoongi refused to leave. Not until he understood why she reacted the way she did when she saw him. He was going to wait until she had calmed down and he will try to talk to her again.

So instead of leaving, he moved closer to her room. Her cries could still be heard and Yoongi wanted so much to be in Taehyung's spot to embrace and console her, but he clenched his fist tightly as he waited outside her room.

Once her cries had slowed down, Taehyung asked her what happened. If he knew she was going to take it so negatively, he would have never brought Yoongi.

She gazed lovingly at the man in front of her who was comforting her. Her heart fluttered as he gently wipes away her tears and she knew that her once closed heart was slowly opening back up to him.

She had never told anyone before. All that suffering, she had always gone through it alone. All the guys she had been with had only wanted her because she was so willing to give up her body, but Taehyung was the first to never touch her in any way like that. He loved her, or so she thought.

He gave her kisses on her cheeks and forehead, cuddles with her, and made her heart jump like crazy. So like a little girl who fell hopelessly in love once again, she told Taehyung about Yoongi. She told him everything from how Yoongi took her virginity only to break up with her a week after. How she lost her mother soon after and desperately needed money later. How much pain and suffering she went through because of Yoongi. She talked about Jisoo too and it peaked Taehyung's interest right away.

"You remember Min Jisoo Oppa?"

Taehyung nodded letting her know that he does.

"Jisoo is Yoongi's little sister. I met her about a month ago at a little coffee shop near work. I thought to just ignore her when I first saw her, but seeing her made me think about Yoongi once again. It brought back the pain. But I knew that I would never be able to face Yoongi, so I was childish and choose to pick on Jisoo. I thought that by hurting her, it would be the same as hurting Yoongi."

She went on about how badly she had treated Jisoo in all the time that Jisoo worked for Sunni.

A tear escaped her eye as she talked about Jin. How she didn't love Jin, but he had money. He would secure her future if she stayed with him, but her fear of being abandon was too tremendous that she constantly cheated on Jin. She felt horrible because she knew that Jin loved her a lot. So after her last fling with Kang Jisung, she stopped. She had planned on settling down with Jin after announcing their engagement, but the car accident happened.

Jin became blind. She needed someone who could care for her. Someone who she could lean on. She couldn't do that anymore with Jin. She knew she couldn't take care of Jin either because she didn't love him, so she ran. She ran from Jin and had planned to quit the company and leave without a trace.

"But then, you came along and confessed to loving me. I was surprised by the sudden interest you showed me. I never knew you liked me when I was Jin. You were just the brother of my fiancé. I know it's wrong, but I couldn't help but fall for you."

She snuggles into Taehyung's chest and the male stiffens as she hugs him.

He hated to admit it, but he was starting to feel bad for her. There was a tiny bit of regret lingering in his heart as well. Sunni was already so broken and yet here he was trying to hurt her more with his revenge plan. Taehyung couldn't help but think what the girl might do if she found out he had been playing her all along.

"I'm in love with you Taehyung. You were the first to call me precious. You actually cherish me. You respect me, you really love me, not just my body. I want to change into a better person. A better me. I want to be a good one, just for you. [Fake love promotion again. LOL (^_^)] I'll beg Jin if I have to for his forgiveness because I love you. I love you Kim Taehyung."

His heart pained. He got her right where he wanted her, but after finding out about her past just made him sick to his stomach. He didn't love her. He didn't even love himself at the moment. He hated himself so much for hurting Jin and Jisoo and now he hated himself even more because of what he's done to Sunni.

Taehyung couldn't say those words back to her. Not anymore after knowing that she truly meant it. Those 3 short words, 'I love you' has such a deep meaning behind them, and yet he used those words to lure her, to tempt her.

He knew that he had to stop soon before things get even worse.

And while the two talk in Sunni's room, Yoongi heard everything. His tears never once stop flowing. He thought that breaking up with Sunni was good for the both of them. He never meant for her to take it the wrong way. And he didn't know how much Sunni suffered after he graduated.

It was his fault that Sunni changed.

He silently cries as he heard how bad Sunni treated his baby sis.

It was his fault that Jisoo's cried so sorrowfully the other night in his arms.

And then he heard those words.

'I'm in love with you Taehyung.'

He was so confident, so sure that he would be able to win her back from Taehyung.

'I hate you Min Yoongi!'

And it was his fault that Sunni no longer loved him.

With a broken and heavy heart, he quietly left her apartment and went back home in tears.

To Be Continued...