
"Min Jisoo?"

Jisoo froze. She didn't dare utter a word for she feared that he would recognize her voice.

A smile spread across Jin's face as he remembers the girl in front of him. It had been so long since he has last seen her.

"It's been a while. How are you?" Jin asks her, but to his surprise, she doesn't answer him.

"Jisoo? Are you okay?" Jin asks as he moves closer towards the shaking girl. Jisoo wanted to turn and run away but her foot was rooted onto the ground. She couldn't move.


To hear his voice call her name, her real name, made her weak in the knees. Jisoo felt like she was going to collapse anytime soon.

"Do you not remember me?" Jin asks the girl with a slight disappointment on his face. He thinks back to the time when he talked to Minji about Jisoo.

'I'm sure she still remembers you. It's hard to come by a handsome fella like you and not remember you.'

'You think I'm handsome?'

'Handsome? Pffftttt.. Haha.. I meant.. uhhh... Not handsome.'

Funny how when he was with Minji he thought of Jisoo. And now that he was with Jisoo, he thought of his Minji. He shakes his head and laughs a little to himself. His Minji was wrong. Jisoo didn't remember him. He pouts just a tiny bit before introducing himself again to Jisoo.

"It's me, Kim Seokjin. Did you really forget who I am?"

"N-no... I-I still remember you.." Jisoo answered a little softer than usual.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Jin asked as he moved in closer towards the girl to hear her better.

"I said I remember you Jin..." Jisoo spoke out before covering her mouth.

Jin's ears perked upon hearing Jisoo's voice. There was something about her voice. Why was it making his heart beat insanely fast? He swallows and his face had a slightly confused look plastered onto his face before brushing it off his weird feelings around Jisoo.

"That's great that you remember me. I was feeling a little sad that you might have forgotten me."

"I'm sorry. I'm going to be late for class," Jisoo said quietly before walking past Jin and tries to get away from him, but he caught her wrist.

It felt like an electric current had shocked him and it made his heart pound way more than it should have. He immediately let go of her wrist when he found that she was making him feel weird.

"I'm sorry about that Jisoo. I just had a question. Do you know a girl by the name of Minji that goes to your school here?"

Jisoo's face loss all colors before she quickly replies to answer Jin.

"No! No, I don't! Sorry, I really have to go now," and she runs away from him.

As she turn around from Jin, his heart wouldn't stop racing. He got a whiff of her perfume and the scent lingered around his nose. It was the same perfume that Minji used.

He watches Jisoo turn the corner and disappear. He looks down at his hand that held Jisoo's wrist. His tiny beating muscle was not slowing down and he couldn't explain what he was feeling.

"What's wrong with me?" Jin softly asked himself, puzzled at what just happened.

"Hyung," Taehyung calls out to Jin. He had seen everything that happened between Jin and Jisoo. He walks up to Jin. Jin looks up from his hand to see Taehyung standing in front of him.

"Oh, Tae. How did you know I was here?"

"I followed you here."

"Oh..." Jin answered, but his mind was on the girl who ran away from him earlier. His gaze landed back down onto his hand.

She seemed to be avoiding Jin and he didn't like it one bit. It made him weirdly uncomfortable that she just ran away from him and didn't even try to stay and enjoy a small talk. He frowns to himself. If she was going to avoid him, she should have just pretended that she doesn't remember him. It wouldn't have made him feel so weird about it.

"What are you doing here Hyung? You weren't even discharged yet?"

"I was looking for Minji..." Jin spoke softly.

"Ah, Minji! I need to find her!" Jin said out loud as he starts to move towards the exit.

"Hyung! Calm down!" Taehyung grabs Jin's arm to stop him.

"Just calm down and listen to me. I have a plan," and he smirks to his Hyung.

"Plan? What plan?"

"Come on. Let's get you back to the hospital and get you discharged first. I'll tell you more on the way back."

Jin agrees and followed Taehyung back to his car. Once they entered the car, Jin spoke.

"Tell me Tae. What plan are you talking about?"

"We have to give them a few days to suffer first before we can initiate it Hyung."

"Them? Who's them?"

"Just two really important people in our lives."

"What are you talking about Tae? Say it in words that I can understand."

"Hyung, don't you want to see Minji?"

"Of course I want to see her! I'm running around her school looking like an idiot because I want to see her. Isn't that obvious enough already?"

"Then just be patient. She'll be coming to see you real soon."

"Okay Tae. I'll trust you....but tell me more about this plan of yours."

"Hyung..." Taehyung asks as he pulls into the hospital parking ramp. He parks his car before turning in his seat to face his Hyung with the hugest grin on his handsome face.

"...how good are you at acting?"


Once out of his sight, Jisoo drops onto the ground. Her legs had given up on her. The tiny muscle crazily raced in her chest as his touch still lingered on her wrist, his sweet voice could still be heard in the back of her head calling her name. And when it was all too much to take in, she bursts into tears.

Only today. Cry only for today Jisoo. Love him only for today... and then you have to let him go...

After her breakdown, she finally got up from the ground and started walking towards her class. For the rest of the day, her mind was on Jin. She couldn't think of anything else but Jin. Her eyes would water and she would wipe them away before they could even fall. She refused to let the other students know that she was crying.

On her way home, she waited at the bus and soon it pulls up in front of her. The door open and she was greeted by Mr. Kang.

"Min Jisoo! How are you, my dear?"

"Hello, Mr. Kang..."

"What's wrong with you? You don't look too well Jisoo?"

"I'm just feeling a little under the weather. I'll be fine. Thank you, Mr. Kang."

She pays her bus fare and sat right behind him. He looks at her form through his review mirror before telling her.

"By the way Jisoo, I think I saw a friend of yours earlier."

"Friend? Which friend are you talking about Mr. Kang?"

"I knew I had seen him before. He was too handsome and I just couldn't get his face out of my head. I couldn't remember where I had seen him before until I saw you just now."

Handsome? It can't be...

Jisoo could feel her heart starting to gradually pick up.

"W-where did he get off?"

"He got off at your stop. He must have been coming to see you. Does he not know that you were still at school?"

Jisoo's heart dropped the moment she heard what Mr. Kang had revealed. She didn't know why, but she felt like her heart was going insane. Her breath got heavier and she suddenly started to feel afraid.

Did he find out? How did he come here? What am I going to say if I run into him again as Jisoo? How do I get out of this now?

The bus halts at her stop and Mr. Kang opens the door for Jisoo. He knew where her stops were and so Jisoo didn't even need to press the stop button.

"This is your stop Jisoo. I'll see you tomorrow."

But Jisoo didn't move a muscle. It was as if she weighed a ton and just couldn't raise herself up from her seat. No matter how much she wanted to lift her feet to start walking home, she just couldn't.

"Jisoo, my child. Are you sure you are fine? You look really pale right now. Have you taken any medicine?" Mr. Kang says before turning around in his seat to take a better look at the girl. He sees her just staring blankly out the window.

"Jisoo?" He nudges her lightly to get her to finally breathe normally and get her head back down to Earth.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. Kang. I'll get going now. Goodbye and I'll see you tomorrow!"

She got out of the bus and made her way home, very slowly. She wanted to take all the time she could to get home. If there was any chance of the friend that Mr. Kang mentioned earlier being Jin, she needed to avoid him.

On her walk home, she couldn't help but think back to the moment she was walking hand in hand with Jin on the same path. The time when she brought him home to her so-called favorite restaurant.

She recalled their sweet moments on the bus ride and she smiled at the memory of herself getting lost in Jin's beauty while sitting next to him. Her thoughts then shifted to the two's silly bet of not letting go of the other's hand. She smiled again at the fond memory before remembering how the whole bet led the two of them to a hot make-out session later at the hospital. How it all eventually led to her losing her virginity to Jin.

They connected that night. They fell in love and the two made love to each other on that beautiful night. Now, those beautiful memories of have turned into a nightmare that was haunting her. She should have never let it get to that point. She loved him, yes she did. But she lied to him. She was never honest about her true self to Jin and made him fall in love with a person who never existed.

Walking past her neighbor's house, their dog starts to bark rapidly at her making her jump and come back to reality. She realizes that she was almost home and quickly glanced ahead to see if she could see anyone at her front door, but no one was there. She looked around just to be sure that no one was really around. When she was positive there was no soul around, she made a run for the front door and opened it before running inside and closing the door shut behind her.

"I'm home!" Jisoo yells out to let her family know. She took off her shoe and her mother came to the door to greet her.

"Perfect timing my daughter. Dinner's almost ready."

"I'm not hungry. I already ate Mom. I'm going to go study and shower before heading to bed early tonight."

"Okay, my daughter. The leftover food will be in the fridge if you get hungry later."

"Thanks, Mom."

Jisoo heads upstairs and into her room. She drops her book bag on the ground before plopping backward onto her bed. She stares at the ceiling before letting out a big sigh of relief.

"Mr. Kang must have seen someone else. It couldn't have been Jin..." Jisoo nods and talks to herself some more.

"He couldn't even see when I brought him home last time. There's no way he would have made it here..."

She was relieved that she didn't see Jin standing outside her house waiting for her. She swallows the thick lump of saliva that had formed in her throat.

"...so why am I feeling so disappointed that I didn't see him?" Her question came out softly, almost inaudible as though she didn't want to admit it.

Her tears found their way into her orbs before they traveled lifelessly down the corner and ended their life as they fell off her face and onto her duvet.

Jisoo closes her eyes and lets more tear streamed down the path that the ones before had taken. She turns onto her side and curls herself up into the tiniest ball that she could form before letting her light sobs finally be heard.

To Be Continued...