I'm Still Holding On

Taehyung smiles at the text message that he had just sent Jisoo before putting his phone away in his pocket. He held Haeun's hand and the two made their way to their cars. He playfully swung Haeun's hand with glee as he drags her along and she just giggles as she let her boyfriend enjoy the moment.

He stops in his track, which caused Haeun to halt her steps as well.

"Oppa, what's wrong?"

Taehyung soon turns around and his wide boxy grin was plastered on his face. Haeun blankly stares back at her boyfriend with confusion in her brows.

"I think it's time for my reward," Taehyung playfully swings their interlock hands back and forth. He pulls on her hand and soon she was in his arms. He leans down to kiss Haeun, but she had turned her head, resulting in Taehyung kissing her right cheek.

"Wae?!!" Taehyung whines like a little kid, not happy that he missed her lips.

"Nah-uh. You get no reward yet until the mission is complete."

"The mission is going to be completed soon. I want my reward now," He tries again for another kiss, only for Haeun to put her hands up to block it.

"Nope. No reward until your brother and Jisoo are together as a couple and in love."

"But they are in love with each other!"

"You know what I mean Oppa. Stop trying to cheat."

Taehyung groans in disapproval. He was impatient and he wanted Haeun now.

"You're a bad girl, Park Haeun! A very bad girl!" Taehyung hmphs as he let go of the girl's hand to cross his arms over his chest as he sends little cute glares at her. She giggles at her boyfriend's childlike attitude.

Wanting to tease the poor boy a little more, she purposely bites her bottom lip letting a small mewl of a moan out as she slowly releases the nip.

"I know I'm a bad girl. So if you'll be a good boy and wait until the mission is complete, you'll get your reward."

It was difficult for Taehyung to watch her bite her lip and not do anything about it. But he wanted his reward and oh he knew exactly what he wanted when it was complete.

"I'm a good boy, so I'll wait."

Taehyung smiles at Haeun and the two interlock their hands before resuming to their cars. Since they both drove their own cars to Jin's place, they decided to drop off Haeun's car at her place first before they went to get lunch.

Taehyung followed Haeun back to her home and once they dropped off her car they went to get some food. They had just finished eating when Taehyung's phone beeped. He took out his phone and saw that he received a text message from Yoongi.

'Meet me at Namjoon's bar.'

Min Yoongi. Taehyung didn't forget about him. He had actually wanted to meet with Yoongi since their encounter earlier in the morning. He let out a small smile at the text before telling Haeun that he needed to leave to go see Yoongi.

"I'm sorry babe, but we have to leave now. I'll drop you off at home first and then I need to meet with Yoongi Hyung."

"Yoongi? Jisoo's brother right?"

Taehyung nods and Haeun smiles remembering Taehyung's story of Yoongi.

"Let's go. I'm sure you want to see him and talk things out with him too."

After dropping Haeun off at home, Taehyung made his way over to Namjoon's bar. When he entered, he spotted Yoongi sitting at the bar with Namjoon on the other end pouring a drink for Yoongi.

Taehyung made his way over and dramatically sat down with a heavy sigh on an empty seat next to Yoongi.

"You're here," Yoongi says once he turns to see the younger seated next to him. He turns back to Namjoon who was still pouring his drink. He quickly gulps it down before asking Namjoon for another one.

"Yoongi Hyung, that's whiskey on the rocks. You should be sipping on it slowly. Why are you drinking it as if it's a shot?"

"Cause I feel like it. Give me another one Namjoon. And one for Taehyung too."


He wanted to be loved by this girl that was next to him and he wanted her to love him as Min Jisoo.

His eyes locked onto hers.

"Min Jisoo, why are you lying to me?"

Jin massaged gentle circles into her cheeks as he gazed deeply into her orbs while asking her.

Jisoo felt like someone had punched her hard in her gut. Her mouth hung open in surprise. Her thoughts ran wild and so did her breathing. Her long forgotten breathing issue that seemed to happen only when Jin was around had come back.

No, this can't be happening. He didn't just call me Jisoo. He doesn't know it's me...

She gasped for air to fill her lungs as she panics next to Jin.

"Jisoo! Min Jisoo!!! What's wrong?" Jin hurriedly grips onto her and he worriedly calls out to her.

Seeing her hyperventilating, Jin grabs her face as he pulls her close.  His forehead rests gently onto hers as he spoke to her.

"Breath, Jisoo. I need you to breathe together with me."

Jin inhaled a deep breath and Jisoo followed suit. She took a deep breath in and exhaled after Jin. They worked slowly together to get her breathing back down and before they knew it, her breaths had normalized.

With their forehead still touching and soft pants leaving both their lips, Jin grips the back of her neck and pulls her into a strong hug. A breath a relief leaves his mouth before he's gently rubbing her back.

He was so frightened. He thought he was gonna lose her. He can't lose her. No, not after he just finally got her back in his arms.

"I thought I lost you there. Don't scare me like that. Not after you left me once already. I can't lose you again. Please Jisoo, I can't..." Jin cries into her neck gripping her body tightly into his arms.

Jisoo melted into his touch. She let her body relax as she let Jin embrace her tiny body. She needed his comfort right now. Even if it was just for a little while.

Once she regains her sanity, she gently broke free of Jin's hug. Her eyes suddenly moisten as they locked eyes again. It right then that she knew. She just knew that Jin has seen her. He's seen all of her and knows that she is Jisoo. She broke their gazes, shame and guilt eating her up. But Jin doesn't let her turn away. He cups her face and kept their gaze.

"Jisoo-ah, don't turn away from me. Please?"

"Jin-" He cuts her off by kissing her. His heart pounding away whiles hers exploded inside her ribcage. The gentle kiss soon turns heated as he pulls her into bed with him. Jin hovers above her as he kisses her deeply and intensely.  He pulled away to look down at the girl who had tears streaming down her face. He wipes her tears away before letting his hand rest on her cheek, his thumb stroking her left cheek in a window wiping motion.

"I'm sorry. I won't ask you again and you don't have to answer me. Just please don't leave me. I can't live without you Min Jisoo."

Jin places his forehead on top of hers as he closes his eyes. He breathes in her scent. Her intoxicating scent that was getting him drunk and high on love.

"I'm sorry Jin. I can't do this," Jisoo sadly voiced out.

Jin opens his eyes when he heard her speak.

"Why? Why can't you? I love you Jisoo."


"No! I'm not letting you go. I love you and I know you love me too."

"Oppa! Please!" Jisoo cries out in pain as she pushes Jin off of her and sat up. She shut her eyes and the tears just wouldn't stop flowing.

"Jisoo-ah..." Jin started as he tries to move in to hold her again.

"I love you Kim Seokjin!" Jisoo screams out and it caused Jin to freeze in place. His heart beating a mile per second.

"I've loved you for so long. I've loved you ever since you were still together with Sunni. I've loved you ever since back then when I was still employed by you, but..." She let out a painful cry and had to catch her breath before continuing.

"...but I can't be together with you. Not like this. I've lied to you Oppa. I pretended to be someone else when you couldn't see. I took advantage of that. I don't deserve you. Not a liar like me."

"Jisoo, please don't do this."

Jin inched closer to Jisoo, but she instantly backs away from him.

"You are still the same girl who cared for me throughout my blind journey. You are still the girl who took care of me when I thought I had no one. You are still the same girl who brought me packed lunch every day and you are still the girl who I am in love with. Whether you are Min Jisoo or Minji. I don't care. All I know is that I love you," Jin spoke towards the sad girl who seems to have lost all faith. He wanted to comfort and convince her that he does love her. He wants nothing more than for her to stay by his side.

She shakes her head, not ready to accept it. How Jin could easily forgive her for lying to him. How he could still say he loves her. Why wasn't he upset? Why wasn't he yelling, screaming at her? Why?

"Oppa, I can't forgive myself. I just can't..."

And she bawls into her hands. She cries her heart out in agony. She needed to get away from Jin. She couldn't stay in the same room as him anymore. The shame and guilt of her lies were too big for her. The weight felt heavier than ever.

Jisoo got up before Jin could react. She runs for the door, but before she could even open it, Jin had caught her wrist and turned her around. His grip on her wrist tighten.

"Jisoo, you promised me!" Jin yells out towards the girl. He was trying anything and everything to keep her.

"You promised to be my eyes. You said if I don't let go of your hands, you wouldn't let go either. I'm still holding on so please don't let go," Jin sadly but calmly tries to convince the hard-headed girl.

With a swift and quick pull, Jisoo had free her wrist of Jin's hold. She locked gazes with a heartbroken and teary-eyed Jin before coldly speaking.

"Kim Seokjin, let's break up."

To Be Continued...