Your name is... well... it's Y/N. You're a big fan of BTS and love watching them grow and be successful. However, you would love to have a magical one on one moment with your bias, or all of them if we're being honest with ourselves. You know the chances of you meeting them are slim to none but a girl can dream! One night, while you were listening to House of Cards, you heard something knock on your window. You waited a few minutes, bracing yourself with pepper spray in hand, to see if whatever it was would go away. After a few minutes you hear an angry high-pitched female voice saying "Do you want me to grant your wish or not Y/N!" You didn't recognize the voice but they knew your name? You approached the window cautiously and peeked around the corner to see a shinning ball of light. You thought you were going crazy until it continued to talk to you. "Do you mind opening the window it's chilly out here." You opened the window and the little ball of light came inside and made itself comfortable on your bed.
"Yes I know you have a ton of questions. Lets just knock them all out shall we. My name is Rae I'm a shooting star, yes like those things in the sky, except I'm one of the few who can actually grant wishes. The reason I'm here is because I heard you have a wish to meet BTS correct?" You nod shocked at everything you're hearing from this shinning light. "I can grant your wish aren't you excited!!!" Rae bounced around on your bed excitedly. " You're my first wish so I'll make sure to make it great! I promise! Are you ready?" You nod once again this time more sure of yourself. In a blink of an eye a contract appears in front of you. The contract of the wish states that:
The recipient of this wish shall have a one on one experience with a BTS member of her choosing. However she may not choose where and how they meet.
It sounded fair to you. You signed the contract and it vanished into thin air. "Alright Y/N the wish is now in affect! Now I just have to choose how and where you guys will meet." You watch Rae as she looks around you're room and she stops at your game collection. "What are these?" Rae asks you. "They're my video game collection. I havent played them in while because I'm busy with school but they're a lot of fun." "Then I choose this. You can meet them through games! Rae twirls around your TV and a screen comes up that says, "Want to meet BTS?" You hesitantly click yes, praying this wasn't all some strange dream and that Rae will grant your wish, and all of a sudden the screen goes dark. You look around for Rae and she's not next to you anymore. You begin to accept your defeat when the TV begins to slowly become a vortex. As the things in your room are getting thrown around you're slowly getting sucked into the vortex and your story begins.