The Art of War...

"How are you not tired yet?" Leonidas asked while trying to catch his breath.

They had just gone over hours of combat training as well as lessons in Drastonian war strategy but Leah looked like she hadn't even started preparing for war.

"You always seem to forget that I already have experience learning about battle strategies as well as the art of combat"

"I indeed did not forget it's just that we've been training for nearly the entire day and you seem indifferent to what has clearly exhausted me"

"We do things differently in Alriya. We refuse to be tired when our people need protection. We refuse to let in any opportunity that could destroy us. We can rest once we're dead but until then we remain strong"

"You're so admirable, Leah. What would I do without you beside me?"

"You would be a mess like me if I were to distance myself from you"

"I know that we are on the verge of war but I want to marry you so badly. We have postponed our wedding date too many times for me to tolerate it. Under normal circumstances, we would be wed today"

"I don't need to be married to you"

"Leah if you're thinking of ever going back to Cha-"

"As much as I find your jealousy attractive, I meant that I'm already yours. You are already mine. We have no need of a ceremony to tell us that we are bound for life"

Leonidas tilted his head down to rest it on top of Leah's. He left a soft kiss at the top of her and lifted his right hand up. Her face rested in his palm, soft and smooth to the touch. He leaned in to meet her lips but she pulled away.

"We have more work to do, Leo. In case it has slipped your mind, there is a war brewing and we must be ready. "

He reached for her hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Very well, my queen. You are right. We have a war to win."