An elementary kid

The restaurant the two of them went to was most definitely a high-end restaurant, judging from its luxurious interior and the waiters hired to offer the services.

Leaving the party mid-way, Lee Minjae— whose card was unfrozen— decided to bring Oh Miyeon out for a meal, and Miyeon knew how to appreciate free meals— more when one was as expensive as this.

The two of them were currently inside a room within the restaurant, and the comfortable seating pleased Oh Miyeon.

Two plates delicious T-bone steak was placed infront of both of them, emitting a mouthwatering scent. Glass of red wine to accompany their meal was beside the plate, and the bottle of wine along with fresh white lilies were at the centre of the table.

Cutting the steak with the knife, Miyeon picked up the soft piece of meat with her fork and placed it inside her mouth. Chewing it, Miyeon had to stop herself from moaning at the taste. Lee Minjae surely knew how to choose the best places!

Extending her hand, she held on to the glass of the red wine and took a sip out of it. The only word she could describe the wine with at the very moment was perfect.

"Now, that you have your card unfrozen, do great me to such foods in the future," she vocalised, "I might abandon my instant noodles because of this."

"You're being quite shameless now, Oh Miyeon," he pointed out.

Staring at Lee Minjae, she curved the corner of her lips to form a wide smile and spoke out, "I don't mind being shameless in front of someone like you, who is way more shameless than me. Plus, I deserve it for helping you at your desperate times."

Lee Minjae let out a chuckle and stated, "Aren't you a coward who is afraid of Oh Bohyun? I am pretty sure you will be too scared to be seen outside with me."

Shaking her head, Miyeon said, "That's nonsensical. I don't want to get into trouble; that's different from being cowardly. Now, that I am already in her target list, why not make full use of you?"

"Make more use of me then, Miyeon-ah, without being afraid of her," he verbalised, "I am there for you. I can protect you from all the dangers out there."

Lee Minjae's words caught her off guard for a second, and raising her head, she stared at him with widened eyes before letting out a laugh.

"Is that how you get those young ladies to fall for you?" she questioned before admitting, "Well, I guess that my heart fluttered slightly, but I wonder how much of it is the truth. You're still scared of your parents."

"I will just say that I am too scared of Bohyun; she is too controlling and doesn't let me have any female friends. She is not even fun. Everytime I pull a prank on me, she cries to my parents about it. What is she— an elementary kid?" Lee Minjae ranted on.