Jimin opened the door. He still laughing looking at rap-line coming to Jin's room.

"We can hear your voices from far," said Yoongi. He seriously can hear their voice from his room. Don't know whether he has a good ear, or the wall is too thin.

"The whole floor filled with your laughter," Namjoon added. Although Namjoon's room is the furthest, when he walked in front of Yoongi's room, he can hear his BTS brothers voices. Too loud. Such a distraction.

All three of them entered the room. Hoseok is curious. While rubbing his neck, he asked, "What are you guys doing here? Is there anything that I missed".

Jungkook laughed, "Wow. BTS is here. This is BTS room". All BTS members filled the room. The big room suddenly looked small.

Jin who is still confused asked, "Why my room become BTS room? I don't understand why everyone came to my room. Can someone explain to me?".

"Wow, Jin-hyung. Your room is nice," said Namjoon. He touched Jin's laptop. Jin who dislike people to touch his things slapped Namjoon hand fast.

"You, God of Destruction. Don't touch my stuff," Jin said short. Namjoon rolled his eyes. Dislike it. But deep down admitted it's true he would cause damage. So, better to be safe.

Jin looked at BTS members. Sighed. Why everyone came without any notice? He pushed Jimin and Hoseok who stand next to each other, "My room is too small. Get out, get out".

Jimin laughed, "Ah...hyung. How can you do that to me? Am I not your favourite brother?".

Hoseok curiously asked while laughing. He also found it ridiculous everyone gathering in Jin's room so early in the morning for no reason, "Seriously guys, what are you guys doing here?".

Jin surprised to the question and sliced Hoseok's neck with his hand, "I am the one who should ask, what are you guys doing here? This is my room. Of course, I should be here".

Hoseok laughing. Jin is right. He started to become confused about what he is doing here. He just followed Yoongi and Namjoon but ended up being in Jin's room.

While Hoseok and Jin talking, Yoongi laid down lazily on Jin's bed. He closed his eyes. He doesn't want to care what is going on there.

Jin saw what Yoongi is doing. He came to the bed and slapped Yoongi's tight, "Don't sleep in my room. Go back to your room if you want to sleep". Jin felt all BTS members became weird today. Purposely annoyed him.

Namjoon laughed looking at them. "Okay, guys. Let's go to eat. We need to do a rehearsal for our concert here in London".

"Let's go. I'm hungry now," said Taehyung.

All 7 of BTS members went for breakfast together at once. The floor filled with their laughter. Usually, they go on their own or only call one or two members to go downstairs and eat together. But today they got all 7 members walked down together just to eat breakfast.

BTS sat at a round table. They took a lot of foods. The table became full in a short time. As the table became full, although they can take more food on their own, instead, they shared their food with each other. Mainly because they just want to taste. While they're eating together, Namjoon suddenly received a call from Sejin. Sejin told them they received an update regarding Steve whereabout. Namjoon told BTS about it, but they didn't put much attention to it. "Let just focus on eating. Let's talk about it later," Jin didn't want to lose his appetite talking about this issue while eating. Namjoon nodded his head. After they finished eating, all of them gathered in a room.

"We received good news and a bad news. Which one you guys want to hear first?" asked Sejin.

Taehyung raised his hand and said, "I like happy ending. So bad news first". Everyone nodded their head. Agreed with Taehyung, although they actually don't really care which one first.

"Okay, so we have two news. The bad news is we managed to find Steve during the concert. He indeed attended all 3 concerts in the US. So the person that you saw during the concert was really him. We located him through CCTV when he entered the gate, but we couldn't find him when he got out from the gate. Too many people," Sejin paused.

Yoongi crossed his arm and asked, "Okay, but is it really bad news? Why it takes so long to know that?"

"The issue is we couldn't find his information from the ticket. We know which zone and which gate he entered, but we couldn't find any further info. You know that we can get their information based on the info that they provided when purchasing the ticket? The problem is, there is no one named Steve. There is, but it's not him. So basically now we don't have any idea how he managed to get in. Even the number he gave me when he sent the photo is no longer in service. That's why it's hard to find him and took a longer time," Sejin explained.

Hoseok found it ridiculous, "It's nonsense. What about the room he got caught with Jin? Did he leave some info when he books the hotel?".

Sejin shook his head, "There is good news about it. Actually, the room was booked under Big Hit. It belonged to one of Big Hit staff. But he wasn't in the US. So he exchanged with a female staff who already quit right after the incident. How Steve managed to be in the room, we don't know. But we will find that female staff. We need to find out why she gave the room to a stranger. What is the relationship between them, we need to find out. It's already breached the rule. Most of the room on that floor was booked under Big Hit. Only some rooms was booked under western celebrities. But all of them on the floor that night was entertainers. Billboard attendees," Sejin clarified more.

"Wow. The scale is getting bigger now. But wasn't it supposed to be easier since the room is belongs to our staff? Big Hit has the information. All of our staff are Korean. So don't have to pay spy," said Jin, trying not to be too serious although it concerning him.

Sejin came closer to Jin and tapped his broad shoulder. "Don't worry. Big Hit is currently contacting the staff to investigate the issue. So I think soon enough we will catch her. She can't run away," said Sejin.

Jimin put his finger under his chin and massage it, "I think the female staff has something to do with the concert. Otherwise, why we couldn't find any info about Steve? Is Steve his boyfriend that she tries so hard to protect?".

Everyone in the room nodded their head. Agreed to that and questioned the same thing. Namjoon found it too easy for the staff to get caught. "Is she dumb? If Steve is her boyfriend, she should just admit it instead of quit the job. The issue won't leak this much. I don't know how to explain this but I don't think it is that easy. There is something not right here, isn't? Do you guys feel the same? I don't think the issue can be solved once we meet the female staff either," Namjoon commented.

"Hyung, I have no idea what you are saying. I get your concern. But I think, first, we need to find the female staff. Second, we can catch Steve after we find the female staff. We need to do this first," Taehyung tried to put things in order.

Hoseok confused with their conversation. He asked, "Wait. During the incident, why no one realises the room belongs to Big Hit staff? Why no one notice? We actually can catch the mastermind on the first day itself. I don't think any of staffs didn't know about this".

"I think because we are too distracted. It was such a messed. If Jin hyung also confused with his room. It is possible for us overlooked this thing," said Jungkook.

Namjoon snapped his finger, "I got it. That is why I said. There is something not right here. Something fishy. I don't think no one noticed it. The issue is not that simple. Even if we found the female staff, there is still a big question mark here. What is their reason for doing this? What they want from us?".

Jin who didn't say much suddenly added, "Yes, why me? Is it a planned incident?".

Sejin interrupted, "But you got drunk that night. No one planned that. You are the one who drank too much".

The room becomes quiet. Jin sighed. He admitted he got himself drunk. But...wait. Jin looked at Jimin. He glared at him long. All questions running through his head. But his heart keeps thumping hard, feeling something uneasy.

Jimin noticed that staring questioned. "Why are you looking at me like that?".

Jin doesn't know whether he should say it or not. Afraid it would backfire him, but he afraid that he might be right. Jin looked really serious. He took a deep breath. His hand started sweating. "You. Park Jimin. Wasn't you the one who called me that night?" asked Jin.

Everyone got shocked by the question.

"Hyung!!" all BTS members shouted at once except Jimin.

No one believes that Jin would see this issue that way. No one ever crossed in their mind thinking that a BTS member could be the one behind the whole incident. Everyone got surprised. All eyes on Jimin. Jimin glared to Jin's eyes.

Quiet. The room becomes silent.