Seokjin sitting alone in his room. He's scratching his pen on a paper. He crossed it and write again.

1. Leave the group, and we will stop making you suffer.

2. Let us hit you, and we will stop dragging the rest of BTS members into this problem.

He stared at his writing. Two options were given to him. He chose the second option. If their words can be trusted, BTS members should already been out from this problem. Only him left.

He stood, walked toward the mirror to put his face mask onto his face. He looked at the mirror and paused. He stared at his face long and monologue, 'Is this the price he needs to pay to have this face on his body for the rest of his life?'.

Seokjin sighed. He put his face mask to his face. After it covered his face, he patted the mask softly on his face for fully absorption. Then, he laid down on his bed. He closed his eyes. Thinking of what BTS members said to him.

It is almost impossible for him to leave the group. BTS members stopped him from leaving the group, and he already chose second option, which is to let them hit him. So, by right, he doesn't need to leave the group since he already save all BTS members from get into this problem. But why he feels like the issue hasn't been resolved? Why does he feels like BTS will still be affected even when they willing to let BTS out from this problem?

If he looked at a bigger picture, regardless of which options, both options will affect BTS. But since the option was given to him in short time, he has to make an immediate decision, so he couldn't think much. He chose to get BTS members out from this mess. Let himself alone handling this issue after this.

Suddenly, he remembers Jungkook. Did he hear anything when he was told to make the decision for the options? He told us he heard the quarrelled inside, that's why he bragged in. But did he know about this option? If Jungkook knew, why he kept quiet and didn't ask anything? It is fine if he doesn't know that he chose to let himself being hit. There will be no issue. But if Jungkook knew and let other members know, it will creates more trouble. BTS members will definitely won't keep quiet. They will definitely want more explanation from him and can even cause Big Hit to get into this trouble. But even if Jungkook knew, he usually will stay quiet and keep it all by himself. Not to add any trouble. But he will definitely feel bad for him and speak up at least to him since the decision has injured Hoseok and himself. The question now is did Jungkook knows about this?

From the past few days, he noticed Jungkook treating him more affectionately than before. He doubted on the day of incident itself. But now it's harder to guess. It is hard to read Jungkook's mind. Since the incident, Jungkook didn't let him go anywhere alone. He even keeps bugging him when he wanted to take photos or do anything. Because of that, Army trolling them and even making a trend. Although he can keep calm and let his brothers bothering him for fun, but deep down he worried that one day he will make them hurt. Did Jungkook hides this fact and treating him with more affection to protect him? As he already knew? Ah...puzzled.

Seokjin can't take it anymore guessing game. Should he ask Jungkook directly? No. No. What if he doesn't know? He must be shock and mad. But what if he knew about it? No. Until he sure about this, he won't ask Jungkook. In this crazy world, it is okay to be a little bit selfish for everyone benefits.

After 20 minutes, Seokjin removed the face mask. He walked outside the room to take water. He saw Jungkook's door room open widely. He went inside to see why Jungkook didn't close the door. He looked around the room. He saw the desktop computer still open, but Jungkook wasn't there.

Seokjin turned around to go to the kitchen. Surprised. He saw Jungkook standing behind him biting a packet of snack on his mouth. Both of his hand have full with snack, a bunch of carrot in a plastic bag, a can of coke and mineral water bottle. He carried those things into his room. Seokjin scanned over Jungkook, he shook his head, 'Tsk...tsk...tsk...This kid is unbelievable'.

Jungkook widened his eyes when he saw Seokjin in front of him. He wanted to ask why Seokjin came in. Jungkook asked, "hmm, hm hmm hm hm hmm?". Jungkook forgot his mouth still has the snack that he bites. But even so, he expects Seokjin to understand what he asked.

Seokjin smiled. He got the message Jungkook trying to say even with his mouth closed. He replied while pulled out the snack from Jungkook's mouth, "Nothing. I saw the door open. Ya, Jungkook-a. What are doing with all the foods?".

"I'm hungry. But it's really nothing here besides than ramen, snacks and fruits in this house," Jungkook answered.

Seokjin said, "Of course only those foods left in this house. What do you expect in this home when we eat outside everyday? Kimchi chigae? Sundubu chigae? Samgyetang?".

Jungkook swapped his table to put foods beside his desktop. He replied, "At least, we should have bread or rice. Something heavy and healthy,".

Seokjin laughed, "The only healthy things you brought here are carrot and mineral water".

Seokjin laughed when he mentioned carrot. He can't understand why Jungkook brought it into his room. He took the plastic bag and asked, "Hahaha. What is this? What do you want to do with this carrots in this room? What concept is this? Are you going to do Vlive now? EatJK?"

Jungkook looked excited when he heard Seokjin's idea. He said, "Nice idea. Hyung, let's do Vlive now. Let's do eat Jin".

Seokjin refused. He said, "No no. I want to do it when I still have the make up on my face. I just put face mask. I want to let my face breathe".

"You're already handsome without makeup," said Jungkook.

"No no. Next time. Let's do Vlive at the company. Not here in our house," Seokjin gave a better reason why they shouldn't do Vlive in their house so that Jungkook can understand. Jungkook nodded his head. He understand Seokjin doesn't want to reveal the house so much to public. Jungkook sat on the chair next to the computer. He opened one of the snack and ate it.

Seokjin left the room to take a glass of plain water. He gulped glass of water fast. He turned around to clean the glass when his mouth still full with water. He got shocked seeing someone standing really closed behind him. He accidentally splashed water from his mouth to Taehyung's face.

Taehyung who originally intended to surprise Seokjin got surprised instead. His face became wet. He stood still in front of Seokjin. Not moving. He let the water dropped to his shirt, while Seokjin's eyes widened out of shocked. Both of them them stoned.

Jimin who stood not far from them cracking out loud. Jimin's laughing voice broke 5 seconds of silence in the kitchen. Jimin still laughing, came closer to Taehyung to check on Taehyung's expression and how wet he is. He happy being the only witness of it.

Seokjin who feels bad, running around the kitchen. He is a bit panicked. While trying to find tissue, he said, "Sorry, Taehyung-a! Sorry! Oh, what should I do?".

Jimin laughed so loud until he sat down the floor, holding his stomach. His high pitch laughed attracted Jungkook and Hoseok to the kitchen.

Jungkook from far away, asked while running, "Why why? What happened?".

Jimin pointing his finger to Taehyung while giggling. Taehyung turned around to Jungkook slowly to show his wet face. Jungkook smiled looking at Taehyung who looked stunned. Seokjin grinned. Hoseok who just dressed up came later and asked. Jimin who was still excited tell everything to Hoseok.

Seokjin noticed Hoseok has dressed up. Seems like he is planning to go somewhere. Seokjin asked, "Where are you going?"

"Studio," answered Hoseok while checking his phone.

"Drive carefully," said Seokjin short.

"But I'm going to eat first," said Hoseok.

"Oh, eat well," Seokjin replied.

"Wanna join?" asked Hoseok.

"Don't know," Seokjin answered.

Hoseok stopped checking his phone and glanced at Seokjin. What kind of answer is that? In his mind, 'That's it? Okay, I'm done with this hyung'.

Hearing that Hoseok going to eat, Jungkook stopped Hoseok. The hungry Jungkook asked whether he can follow. Hoseok said can. Jungkook tried to bring Jimin and Seokjin, but none of them wanted to join. Seokjin told them to buy him chicken since they going out.

Jungkook and Hoseok going to the restaurant using separate car. Hoseok will go straight to the company after eating. Since Jungkook said he wanted to change his clothes first, Hoseok said he will go first and order the foods for them.

At the restaurant, Hoseok ordered the foods them. 5 minutes later, the foods served for them. But Jungkook didn't reach there yet. He waited for Jungkook while watching videos on his mobile phone.

30 minutes passed by. Jungkook still didn't reach there. He gulped his Sprite while checking his watch. He texted Jungkook for his location, but he didn't reply.

Hoseok waited another 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, he started feeling irritated. He called Jungkook. But Jungkook didn't picked up the call. He called again. The forth times he called, still no picked up but ringing. He already ordered 2 servings. If Jungkook cancelled his plan, at least he should have courtesy to inform him. He called Jimin to ask. However, Jimin also didn't picked up. Hoseok becomes more annoying.

Why both of them didn't pick up the calls?

Hoseok called Seokjin. The one who will definitely answer call even when he is sleeping.

Hoseok: Hello?

Seokjin: Oh.

Hoseok: Hyung, is Jungkook there?

Seokjin: Ask him. I'm sleeping.

Hoseok: Hyung, can you check whether he already go out? He's not here yet.

Seokjin: Maybe he is still driving. Try to call him.

Hoseok: I already call him. But he didn't picked up.

Seokjin: If he is driving, of course he can't pick up.

Hoseok: Ah, hyung. If you don't want to check, I won't buy you chicken.

Seokjin: It's okay. I'll order delivery. I'm sleepy. Don't disturb me.

Hoseok: Ah hyung..please...

Seokjin: Hm. Since I'm awakened by talking to you, wait here.

Seokjin gets up. He walked to Jungkook room. After checking, he speaks to Hoseok again.

Seokjin: Hob-a

Hoseok: Yes, hyung.

Seokjin: Jungkook is not here. Maybe you can contact him again.

Hoseok: Hm. Okay hyung. Thanks for the help.

They dropped the call. Hoseok find it strange. It's not that far, it's a weekend, and the road is not congested. Why he didn't reach here yet?

After waiting for 1 hour, Hoseok gave up. He cannot wait any longer. He ate his portion and told the auntie that he will take out the remaining foods. He will bring this portion to studio and give to anyone there.

Hoseok checked his phone. Jungkook read his text, but no reply. He mad. So he texted him that he already left. He told him to buy Seokjin chicken before he goes back. He also texted Seokjin that Jungkook ignored his text. He informed Seokjin that Jungkook will bring his chicken.

After Hoseok reached the studio, he doing his work for 40 minutes before his stomach calling for toilet bowl. While doing his business in the toilet, he read his message. Jungkook still didn't reply. Only Seokjin replied saying Jungkook is not around and he wanted his chicken. Hoseok called Jungkook again. Still unreachable. He decided to text in group chat.

Hoseok: 'Can anyone find Jungkook for me? Why he ignoring me?'

Seokjin: 'Jungkook-a. Did you by any chance eat my chicken?'

Taehyung: 'I thought he's going out with Hobi hyung'

Hoseok: 'He abandoned me. He dumped me. He didn't even come to the restaurant'

Namjoon: 'Try call him'

Hoseok: 'He didn't answer my call'

Seokjin: 'My call too'

Hoseok: 'But he read my text. That kid...hurm.'

Seokjin: 'Oh my chicken'

Taehyung: 'Hyung, I tried calling him too but unreachable'

Hoseok: 'Kinda weird'

Seokjin: 'Jungkook and Taehyung are both weird kid'

Yoongi: 'Jungkook is missing'

Namjoon: 'Jungkook is missing? Wait. Let me check with the manager if they know anything'

Yoongi: 'Where is Jimin?'

Taehyung: 'Sleeping'

Seokjin: 'His body curled when he sleeping. Wait. So I can't get my chicken. It's okay. I'll cook ramen now'

Taehyung: 'Cook for me too. I'll come to you now'

Hoseok: 'Why do you text each other when you're in one house?'

Hoseok: 'Wait. Taehyung-a, what are doing in our room? Get out'

Taehyung: 'I don't know how I reached here either'

Namjoon: 'Guys'

Seokjin: 'Just say it. Don't leave us in suspense'

Namjoon: 'We're in trouble'

Taehyung: 'Why?'

Seokjin: 'What is broken this time?'

Namjoon: 'Manager found Jungkook already'

Hoseok: 'Where is that muscle kid? How dare he leave me alone'

Namjoon: 'Jungkook involved in a car accident'.

Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung, Yoongi: 'What??!'

Seokjin's heart dropped. Is there anything to do with him? If it's something to do with him, why must be Jungkook? Is Jungkook trying to do something without his knowledge? But why now, at 4AM?

Hyunjae better has nothing to do with this. Or else, Seokjin can't forgive him for harming Jungkook.

The main question is, is Jungkook okay?