"And the Billboard Music Award goes to...BTS!!" all BTS members stood. They walked to the stage, unbelievable. Tears on their eyes. Can't contain their excitement and happiness after winning Artist of the Year.

"Only God knows what we feel right now. Thank you, everyone, especially Army for allowing us to win this award. This is the biggest achievement we had with Billboard. You are our whale, you are our sea, and we can only breathe with your air. You are our everything. We will continue working hard in the future and be the BTS that you are proud of. You got the best of me," Namjoon giving his speech with so much emotion until his voice started quavering.

The crowd applauded them loudly. From the stage, they can see a lot of them crying together with them. Seeing their crying face make them couldn't help but crying as well. The louder their cry, the louder clapping sound they heard. They walked down to the stage and sit while wiping their eyes that can't seem to stop crying. They can't focus to the announcement of Album of the Year winner.

"...let me see...Oh wow, Billboard really loves our 7 boyband members from South Korea. Here we go again, BTS!!!!" the whole arena screaming cheerfully. BTS members were very shocked hearing their name was announced as the Album of the Year's winner. They looked among themselves, disbelieving their achievement, unsure whether they should walk on the stage or not. Looking at the screen, the Map of the Soul: 7 displayed brightly on the screen with ON played as the background music, makes them bursting into tears one again. All 7 of them stood and hugging each other at their seats and cried. Once again, they walked to the stage and Namjoon gave the winning speech while crying. Other members still crying beside him while Namjoon giving the speech. Once again, all of them form a circle and hugged each other from the stage. It was such a heartwarming and proud moment for BTS.

Seokjin led the members walking out from the stage. While walking out from the stage to their seats, all his memories when they were trainees and just debuted came in flashbacks in his memories. He turned around and looked at his members. He suddenly saw their faces when they were just high school students. Who knows those faces that once full of sweats now shining so brightly even when they're crying? Jungkook's skinny jeans, Taehyung's half buzz cut, Jimin's chubby body, Hoseok's grey padded jacket, Namjoon's, and Yoongi's blue sweatpants. From tshirt now they're wearing a blinking expensive branded suit. They are now truly successful. Seokjin's tears rolled upon his face. He wiped his tears with his hand softly, didn't want to mess his makeup. All of them sit at their places.

Suddenly, the announcer running to the microphone. "Oh, sorry. Earlier, we forgot to announce Song of the Year. Okay, we will announce it now. Please wait, don't go back home yet". The announcer running to the backstage and they saw the crews running here and there on the stage. Like there's something bad just happened. Everyone was shocked. What is going on?

Seokjin looked at his members. BTS members all stopped crying and laughing. They found it amusing that a huge award show like Billboard forgot to announce the winner of Song of the Year. Seokjin found it weird. He told them to quiet and show some manners. But BTS members can't stop laughing seeing the crews panicking. The other attendees started looking at them. Seokjin felt embarrassed. He didn't want other people to think that because of BTS just won 2 grand prizes, they have forgotten who they are. He glared at his members and forcing them to stop laughing and be quiet, but the members ignored him. He slapped Taehyung's thigh, asking him to quiet but Taehyung still laughing. He pissed. He locked eyes with Jimin who sit at the other end. Jimin grinned. Jimin put his finger on his lips, signalling Jimin to keep quiet. He looked at the stage, why this failure of this event happened on the day they win 2 grand prizes? He saw a beautiful lady came on stage to present the award.

The lady said, "Okay, let's not wasting our time. The Song of the year goes to...Friend by Jimin and V!!"

Seokjin got really surprised. He can't believe one of BTS unit song winning the Song of the Year. The song was played. He still can't believe the song being played at the Billboard Music Award. This is such a big honour. He looked at Taehyung and Jimin. Both of them were really surprised. They didn't even stand up. Both of them didn't prepare any script. But the other members didn't seem surprised. Like everyone already predicted that the song is going to win. Seokjin was happy but a bit envy. He thinks other BTS songs deserve the win. He didn't know why he felt annoyed and irritated. He grabbed Taehyung's hand to stand up and pushed him hard. Seokjin pushed Taehyung a little too hard, which made him tripped together and almost fell. Jimin was fast, he grabbed Seokjin from falling down.

Jimin shouted while holding Seokjin, "Hyung, wake up!".

Seokjin turned his head to look at Jimin. Jimin faced has no make-up and he just wearing a sweatshirt. He blinked his eyes. He saw Taehyung already laying on the floor and looked at him like he was really taken aback. The song Friend by Jimin and Taehyung was still being played. He searched for the sound directions, it led to Jungkook's handphone. Jungkook who sit with crossing legs grinned. He was holding his phone, looked at 3 of them interestingly. Seokjin can see Jungkook's 2 front teeth were about to burst into laughter.

Seokjin looked around. He still at their training hall. He saw Yoongi dancing alone, while Hoseok scolding Namjoon's movement. Only maknae line sitting around him. He just remembered that they were practising for Black Swan first performance after pre-release. It was really tiring because he practising a little too hard these days and he got really tired and nervous. He just wanted to take a nap, but he didn't expect that fell into a deep sleep and even had a dream.

Jimin complained to Jin, "Hyung, what's wrong with you? Why did you throw Taehyung to the floor?" Jimin helped Seokjin to his sit. Sleeping in a sitting position must be really uncomfortable, but Seokjin managed to get a deep sleep. Jimin assumed Seokjin must be really tired after practising so hard.

Taehyung touched his bicep. He still feels the heat after being pushed by Seokjin in his sleep. Taehyung wondering what happened in his sleep that makes Jin pushed him too hard.

Jungkook giggling. He told, "Jin hyung must really hate V hyung interrupting his sleep. He even grabs V hyung's hand and threw it away like a toy".

"Did I?" Seokjin asked.

Jimin and Taehyung nodded. Jimin asked, "Are you that tired? Shall we go back to our hotel now? You looked really tired in your sleep".

Seokjin shook, "No, it's okay. Taehyung-a, I'm sorry".

Taehyung nodded, indicating he doesn't mind at all.

Jungkook came closer, took a chair, and sit next to Seokjin. Jungkook told Seokjin what was just happened during his sleep. "Hyung, you're really funny. You sleepwalking! Jimin hyung and Taehyung were talking beside me, while I put my music in speaker mode before I stretching. You suddenly walked towards us and stood there. I thought you already awake. I paused my music, suddenly you went back to your seat".

"He acted like a zombie. Sensitive to sound," Taehyung described him in short.

"Really?" Seokjin asked. Disbelief.

"Funny thing, you returned to your seat with your eyes closed. You didn't fell down or stumbled," Jimin told while laughing.

Seokjin scratching his neck. It's been a while since he heard people told him that he sleepwalking.

Jungkook laughed and excitedly told him what he witnessed, "I think what is funnier was he did it twice. The first one when he walked to Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung and made a circle. Namjoon hyung looked so clueless! Hahaha".

Seokjin suddenly remembered the dream. He really made a circle in the dream with BTS members. He didn't know it has actually happened in reality too.

Jungkook continued, "Hoseok hyung reaction was funny. He was correcting Namjoon hyung dance moves. Hoseok hyung was a little serious at that time. But Seokjin hyung suddenly pulled them and made a circle for no reason. He even asked Seokjin whether he is drunk, but Seokjin hyung just tapped his shoulder and left. Hahaha!".

Jimin reacted, "Aye...that's too much MSG. You made up a story, isn't it?".

Jungkook insisted, "Seriously, he did it. I saw everything. I thought I was being too noisy playing music when he was sleeping. At first, I thought he would tell me to slow down the volume, but suddenly he walked to Namjoon and Hoseok hyung".

Taehyung looked at Jimin and sided Jungkook, "He's right. He was the only witness. That's why he laughed when Seokjin hyung came to us".

"And then why did I pushed you?" Seokjin asked.

Jimin laughed, "Because we came to disturb you after seeing you sleepwalking. I disturbed you a little, but Taehyung continuously disturbing you. Jungkook didn't do anything and just laughing observing us. Funny thing is you keep on mumbling saying 'shut up' to us but didn't wake up".

Jungkook added, "No no. He said shhh because you are too loud. He wanted to sleep".

Taehyung continued while giggling, "It was too funny. I can't stop laughing seeing his face mad at us while sleeping".

Jimin commented, "That's why you got pushed. You keep on disturbing him. You deserve to be pushed".

Jungkook supported, "Yeah, you asked for it".

Seokjin rubbed his face. He told them what he just dreamed. The dream was too realistic which make Seokjin wanted it to be true. It was just a dream, but the maknae line got really touched and inspired them to continue practising. They believe nothing is impossible. Who knows maybe it can be true. With everything happened to them so far, everything was beyond their imagination before this. Yet, it became true. Seokjin emphasised how much Army gave them strengths even in his dream. With their applause when they received the awards, it made them feel like walking on the sky.

They got touched after listening to Seokjin's dream. The Army is everything in the world to them. They really hope Army don't leave them and take their hand. They want to walk together in this path with the Army.

Jimin felt motivated. Something in his heart is burning. A strong desire to make it work. He encouraged them to make the dream come true. He pulled Taehyung and Jungkook to continue their Black Swan dance practice. Seokjin followed them from behind. Seokjin still feels tired, but his dream gave him a little push to do everything.

Just right after they stood and walked, they heard bickering sound between Namjoon and Hoseok from far. Their argument pulled everyone attention. Including Yoongi, everyone gathered to stop them. It was really strange seeing them bickering because they're not that kind of person who is hard to find consensus. Therefore, it was really a rare sight to them.

Hoseok argued, "I told you so many times not to move like that! You must do this...before this...put your hand down first quickly! How many times do I need to tell you?". Hoseok demonstrated his move as he explained with a little too much pressure which stressed out Namjoon.

Namjoon defended, "Yeah, I know. I already did that. That 'jump jump jump' part, I cannot move faster than this because I will get a wrong tempo".

"But now you missed your tempo," Hoseok argued again.

Namjoon scratching his un-itchy hairs hard, "No. This is not the wrong tempo. Look here, 'bump bump bump', move down 'jump jump jump'. This is what I'm doing. If I move faster as you said, it will become like this...". Namjoon demonstrated his moves again to prove that he didn't do wrong.

Hoseok spotted another mistake, "Wait. It didn't look natural. When you go down, you need to be a little faster, so that when you do 'jump jump jump' it will look smoother and natural. This is why I told you to move down a little faster so that you are ready to do 'jump jump jump'. You looked too rushing".

"Hoseok-a, if I go down a little fast, I will miss the beat by 0.5 seconds because everyone didn't go down yet. Plus, it makes me stay a little too long down before doing 'jump jump jump'. I have to go down at the same time with the other members," Namjoon justified.

Hoseok trying to help Namjoon get his point why he emphasised on being fast, "I know, I understand. What I mean is, your speed when you go down. You need to do this 'bump bump bump'...go down real quick so that you have enough time to stand by and ready to do 'jump jump jump'. Don't take too much time to go down. You need to be quick yet don't look like you are rushing. Especially your hand before doing 'jump jump jump', shaky. Do you understand me? Remember, you are at the front. People can see if you are rushing to move or not".

At this point, Namjoon got a little pissed. He can understand Hoseok intention is to make their performance perfect. But he didn't feel good when Hoseok keeps on pushing him to be faster. He knew he is not a good dancer like him. But he really tried his best and he disagreed that he did wrong. Complaining about his speed and unnatural moves really hurt him. Feel like he's a slow dancer and ruining the performance. He felt a little demotivated as Hoseok didn't understand the challenge he has. Forcing him to be as good as Hoseok is ridiculous. Why makes so much commotion when the moves he made wasn't that bad? Hoseok cared too much to be perfect on every single or little move that they made when he already knew not everyone in the group has a great dance skill as him.

Hoseok from his point of views, he already saw how much Namjoon improved from the past few years. Black Swan has a lot of easy moves compared to other songs. The choreography also expressing the emotions of the song beautifully. He wants Namjoon to break his limit. He believes Namjoon can do better and this is too easy for him. Just a little setback. He knew Namjoon can overcome it. What makes him irritating was Namjoon can't accept his mistake. It was just a small mistake that Namjoon can easily get rid of. To him, Namjoon should try his suggestion to improve this performance instead of giving excuses. He wants to bring out the best of Namjoon.

Jimin understood Hoseok's view, however, neither of them were right in handling this issue. Jimin felt Hoseok could hurt Namjoon if he continued pushing Namjoon with so much pressure. It's not like Namjoon did a huge mistake. It's just about pace. Although they are the same age, in terms of work, this could affect the teamwork. But in his opinion, Namjoon shouldn't give up way easier too. He understands Namjoon could be really tired with so many schedules back to back and his burden as a leader is huge especially none of them is as fluent as Namjoon at English. Namjoon has so many things in his mind. Hence, a thing like this may seem unnecessary for him to give so much attention as it's not really affecting the whole performance.

Seokjin felt his anxiety attacking his mind and heart. To Seokjin, Namjoon did better than him. If Namjoon who dance better than him getting scolded by Hoseok, how about him? He knew his body really well. Although everyone said his dance has improved a lot, he can't deny his body become weaker as he getting older.

Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't say anything. They know both of them were full of emotions now. Both of them hope that this quarrel will resolve there quickly. It was disappointing seeing them fighting about choreography like kids. Maybe, their ego was hurt since both of them are the same age.

Yoongi who observed both sides spoke out since none of them steps up although everyone seemed to want to stop them. Instead, they focusing on their argument, who is right and who is wrong. Yoongi said, "Okay, stop stop. Both of you need to take a break first. Refresh your mind. Don't let your emotions influence your thought. Let's not hurting each other. Everyone, go outside. Go eat or whatsoever. We take a break," Yoongi gave instruction to BTS members. He wants everyone to have their own space and me-time.

Since their manager wasn't around, they don't know where to go to America to chill for a while. Hoseok and Namjoon avoid locking eyes. Taehyung tapped on Namjoon's shoulder to give encouragement, while Jimin went to Hoseok to check on him as Hoseok pretending to be busy packing his stuff into his bag. Seokjin and Jungkook just stood and looked at them. They don't know what to do, what to say and where to go. Yoongi on the other hand, already heading to the door.

Yoongi turned around. They went to separate directions, but none of them seemed like ready to walk outside. All of them scattered in the hall and move slowly. Yoongi sighed. He saw the hall's aircon and fluorescent switch just near the door. He sabotaged them by switching off everything at once.

All BTS members surprised as they thought they were facing power outage. As Yoongi opened the door wide, they can see light from outside. They heard Yoongi shouted as he walking, "Everyone, go!"

Seokjin smirked, "As expected, Yoongi as savage as me".