Chapter 8: I Choose You

Mr. Baroque woke up early that day to bid his guests an apology for the bad night they had the other night. He had given them parting gifts as to show his sincerity in being sorry for what had happened. After the hard work, he went to the library and found his son and daughter playing chess together.

"Lancelot," he called out which made the blond guy look at his direction. "What brought you here? Aren't you on duty at the palace of Princess Odette?"

"It's my day off," Lancelot replied. "The next days shall be a busy one due to the change of plans about the competition."

"Change?" Guinevere asked. Her brother nodded in response.

"King Minsitthar told me that the warriors from the Land of Dusk will be participating so they are revising the rules," Mr. Baroque replied.

"Exactly," Lancelot agreed. "Checkmate."

Guinevere looked at her brother sharply for she had never won a match of chess against him.

"But why did they allow the participation of the warriors from the Land of Dusk?" Guinevere asked.

"It was suggested by King Argus," replied Lancelot. "It won't be a bad idea since this will be the very first event that the two lands both participate in. It would lessen the rate of war against them."

"But that also mean that my winrate would drop," Guinevere added which made her brother smile.

"Are you implying that you're weak?" he asked.

"Of course not!" Guinevere exclaimed. "I'd make sure that me and my partner would be labeled as the Perfect Pair just like you and Princess Odette."

Lancelot smiled upon hearing it. He recalled the time he and the swan princess are paired up for the competition. It felt like it was just yesterday.

"I have a pair in mind that might be labeled as that. Though I won't say anything about it until I am sure of it," Lancelot said.

"Gusion is your partner, right?" Mr. Baroque asked his daughter which made her blush. Lancelot looked at his father in shock.

" Gusion Paxley?" he asked to confirm of it is really him.

"Yes," his father replied. "They had a talk yesterday at the party."

"But we haven't discussed it yet though," Guinevere said. "But back then, when I asked if we could pair up, he rejected my offer."

"I bet he changed his mind," Mr. Baroque said and Guinevere wished that he really had a change of mind.

On the other hand, the royal messengers are already spreading the news of change about the Conquest of Dawn. Angela is distributing the pamphlets while Diggie is announcing the news at the town plaza.

Harith, Nana and Harley are together while listening at the announcement. Harley listended intently as to not miss any detail for he had to tell her sister who is currently on a hunt that day.

"Did your sister already find a pair?" Nana asked. Harley shook his head.

"She haven't said anything yet but I'm sure she's finding one," he replied while looking at the pamphlet Angela gave him. Gusion, who is just behind them, happened to overhear their conversation.

"Where is she anyway?" Harith asked.

"She's on a hunt today. I guess she'll be able to find a partner this day. I just feel like she'll meet someone there," Harley replied.

Gusion, who had already decided on his partner, rushed to the north mountain which is known to be the hunting area of the Land of Dawn. The north mountain is also the perfect place for a long ranged assassin like her to train on. He has to find her as fast as possible before she decide on who her partner will be.

Upon reaching the north mountain, he looked around, hoping to find her. He was startled when he heard a loud roar right behind him. He got his daggers and was about to take charge but a bullet has been shot right at the forehead of the wild bear. It froze as blood continuously flow from its forehead. Then, it dropped dead on the ground.

"What are you doing here?" Lesley asked as she shows herself. She is wearing a blue trench coat which Gusion finds a good for her.

"Er," Gusion blurted, unsure what to say. Lesley refilled the bullets of her rifle and looked at him.

"Are you looking for me?" Lesley guessed. Gusion nodded. "You better tell me why you are here. I've got some hunting to do."

"Didn't you already hunt this huge bear?" Gusion asked. He was a bit startled when three men appeared and carried the bear away.

"I just helped them get a good catch. So, what do you want?" Lesley replied.

"I came to ask if you could be my partner," Gusion replied but he re-stated it. "No, I am choosing you to be my partner."

Lesley stared at him, thinking if he could be drunk. "Are you serious? And what made you think I'd agree with that?"

"We both have a double role plus a combination of a long-ranged and short-ranged warriors is a good match. I will lead the attack and you'd be behind me for support. Ain't that a good idea?" Gusion replied.

Lesley thought for a while and he does make sense, she admits it.

"I'd only agree if you could defeat me," she said as she blended in with the environment. Gusion lost track of her. He summoned his daggers and scanned the vicinity. He thought that he could take her down in just 5 minutes.

A bullet was fired towards him but he managed to block it with his dagger. He charged towards the direction where the bullet came from but Lesley was not in sight. He looked around and saw a distorted image of an oak tree. He spotted Lesley.

Two bullets were fired once more for Lesley knew that Gusion spotted her. Gusion blocked the bullets and threw his dagger towards the oak tree before Lesley could escape. The dagger made a small cut on her cheek and before she knew it, Gusion moved behind her and had his dagger across her neck.

"My victory," he said as he puts his dagger away.

They shook each other's hand as an official sign of being partners. They both decided to go back to town and while on their way, Lesley asked;

"How could you do that?"

Gusion stopped on his track and looked behind where Lesley is. "What do you mean?"

"That move you had done a while ago?" Lesley said.

"Ah," Gusion responded. "I have studied light elements since I was young. I was able to fuse magic on my daggers and of course, physical combat. I call it the perfect combination of might and magic. Once my dagger hit the target, I'd be able to freely move behind him and deliver my finishing blow."

Lesley could not really understand what light elements are but she does get that fact that magic and physical combat is his strength.

"What about Guinevere?" Lesley suddenly asked for she remembered that the two of them are already engaged.

"She has nothing to do with this. My father won't be so surprised about my decision, my rebellious actions are not new to him. Plus, I already rejected Guinevere as my partner both in the competition and in marriage."

Lesley suddenly got pissed off upin hearing those words. She could feel the arrogance emitted by the brown haired guy.

"Why are you the one rejecting when you're the guy? Are you a twisted man?" Lesley mumbled but Gusion was able to hear it clearly.

"Handsome men like me have it hard. Women tail us and we've got no other choice but to reject them or else they'll get annoying as hell," he said which made the lady even more annoyed.

"Selena even addressed me as a handsome man. That's not something new though. I got used to it," he added.

If only she could hit him with his rifle, Lesley could have done it earlier. His arrogance somewhat pisses her off but she does admit that his looks are somehow irresistible. He's got the perfectly shaped nose and lips. He also has a good complexion, even better than that of a woman.

When the two reached the town, Harley spotted them and got mad upon setting his eyes on the brown haired guy. He even got more annoyed when Gusion was holding Lesley's hair, removing the dirts. Harley ran towards them and had his cards thrown right at Gusion. Lesley was taken aback by the sudden movement of his brother. Gusion was fast enough to dodge the cards and cut some of them with his dagger.

Harley stood between the two of them and faced him. He summoned more cards and threatened him.

"Stay away from my sister," he hissed.