5 I Do

The wedding was to be a low key affair. There were the witnesses who were mostly Sebastion's employees. His shrink had flown all the way from England to confirm whether he was having an emotional breakdown. His best friend Frederick was also there as the best man.

Nancy almost heard Frederick whispering to him, "Are you quite sure of what you are doing?"

"Are you kidding? I am never sure. But I am going to do this my friend. There is no stopping me."

Nancy did not know whether to seek confidence in his words or panic. This man is the most unexpected of all humans she has ever meant. Yet she was to spend her entire life with him. She had trusted him with her life and he had trusted her with everything. The prenup was never signed because he cared not for his money. Frederick was opposed to that very much. Yet no one can claim to convince Sebastion of anything. He is a man of his own mind and Nancy is to have him for a husband for as long as they both shall live.

No one was there to attend the wedding from Nancy's side. She was alone as she had had been for most of her life. Mr Khanna couldn't make it and Richa had twisted her ankle just the previous evening. Nancy was left to fend for herself. In the entire church there was only one person who was there to care for her and she was to spend the rest of her life with him.

The ceremony was short and the vows were kept simple. Sebastion signed the papers and so did she. No one kissed.

Sooner than not they were man and wife and Sebastion was being congratulated. With the vows Nancy's adrenaline surge ebbed away and panic overtook her. She started to shiver as her eyes followed the strong shoulders that had promised to support her for eternity. Stupid of her to believe in eternity after all that life had made her experience she thought. Tears filled her eyes as she imagined the moment when her hopes would evaporate as they always do, her dreams would shatter as they are wont to and this extremely erratic man would realise that this marriage was the greatest mistake of his life.

Just then as if he could hear the uncertainties brimming Sebastion wrapped his arms around Nancy guiding her outside the courthouse and rubbed her flesh, now cold with fear, willing them to his warmth. He was still looking away but she could make out the smile on his face from the wrinkling at the corner of his eyes as he animatedly spoke to his friends in a language she did not understand. Frederick was German. Maybe that was the language they spoke. Nancy marvelled at the man's genius. He spoke so many languages, held a masters degree in economics, played the piano magnificently, had singlehandedly created a huge business empire and could see through her soul without even looking. Could this man really be real? Whatever be the case she was his. He was her sense of belonging or so he promised. How long it would last only time could tell.

For the mean time they were staying at a bungalow in the heart of Kolkata. Nancy had found out that he hated hotels. He never stayed in one save with his women. He found it demeaning to keep his wife in one. She wondered how different would she really be from his other women.

There was the one obvious difference. He enjoyed a variety in women and he was stuck with her for as long as she would not decide to leave. Sebastion had plainly stated that he did not believe in divorce. Would this marriage change his mind?

They took seat in the car which Sebastion drove himself. They were not to be disturbed for the weekend. That was the entire honeymoon Sebastion would afford for now. If there was one flaw in this man it was his addiction to his work. His mind could not be kept off work completely for even a single minute, even when he was with her. But it was perhaps so with all men and only he was honest enough to own it up to her that he couldn't keep his mind off work. He explained that he was brought with the notion firmly ingrained into him that the man was to earn and if he spent a moment without doing so he felt he was shunning his duties.

Once in the car Sebastion took her hand and squeezed it firmly and spoke, "I won't ever leave you, I am a man of my words."

"Can you read minds?"

"No, I read faces. Right now your face is saying 'I don't know if this man is sane and I don't know if he will leave me the first thing in the morning.' A little trust in your husband would really be helpful you know!"

"It's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust myself or my judgement. I can't explain properly."

"It was not your fault that Arijit was a coward and Rohan a jerk."

"What are you? Are you even real?"

"I am all flesh and blood and I am all yours. When will you believe me?"

"You are too good to be true Sebastion."

"Whether I am good or not I don't know but it is for you to decide. As for my being real or not, let's wait till we get to the guest house. Then you will find out for yourself."