Awkward Situatuons

As they were talking, Kagura came out, wearing a kimono. She was with Hayabusa, wearing his mask. Gusion quickly took out his Holy Blade from his pocket, only to be stopped by him.

"We're not enemies Paxley." Hayabusa said. "We're allies."

"W-Wait! You work for the police in Antoinerei right?" Gusion asked.

"No. It's his part-time job." Kagura replied.

"Yeah. The main reason I'm here in Moniya is because of Commander Yi. I was only waiting for you guys to come."

Gusion slowly hid his sword. He was still sitting on the sofa, accidentally waking Ruby up again.

"Master, what happened?" Ruby asked, with a sleepy voice.

"N-Nothing, sorry. You can go back to sleep now."

"Wait, is that girl your sister?" Rooney asked.

"N-No! R-Ruby, did you call me..."

Suddenly, Ruby put her arms on Gusion's neck. She was kneeling towards him, and her face was close to his.

"G-Gusion... Don't you like it when I call you master? How about onee-chan?"

"R-Ruby! What's going on??? Get off me."

"Oh I see, I'm guessing you two are in a relationship? And I just realized Ruby is a half-cat, like that Harith boy."

"Gusion has a thing for cats you see. They have been close to each other since they met." Layla said.

"A cat lover I see? I never met a mage having a thing for cats..."

"Ahhhh, Ruby! This is getting embarassing..."

"Tell me... Do you like me Gus?" she whispered in his ear.

"Oh Gusion, you're actually just like Alucard, you have a thing for girls too!" Hayabusa said.

"M-Me? No I don't!"

"This makes sense now. Lesley and Ruby were the ones clinging to you since earlier. Hmmm... How suspicious..." Clint said.

"Not you too Clint!" Gusion said, who was all red over his face.

"That's enough for today I guess. *yawns* We can talk about this in the morning." Rooney said.

They went back to their rooms. Dr. Rooney began to sleep in the couch, with his feet rested on the side. Ruby was holding onto Gusion's arm tight.

"R-Ruby, hey... Let me go now I have to sleep!"

"Gusion-sama, let's stay in the same room and sleep together!" Ruby saying with a smirk on her face.

"God. Stop calling me all those names. It's strange you know?"

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking. I juat wanted to play with someone today."

Gusion went to his room, with the number #07. There was a giant bed, a bathroom and a storage cabinet. He decided to take a bath first before he went to sleep. He went inside the bathroom hearing water splashing down.

"Huh, that's strange. The shower might be left open." he said.

As he entered the bathroom, he immediately took off his shirt, only to know Lesley was in the shower.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Lesley screamed.

She threw a piece of soap, and the shampoo at his face, as he immediately went out of the bathroom covering his eyes.

"Lecher, Pervert! What are you doing here?!"

"I didn't see anything I promise! Well why are you in my room? Room #7 was mine!" Gusion said.

"W-Well, I took #7 as my room too... But then..."

"It's okay, I'm sorry. I'll go to another room."

Gusion took his bag with him, and wore his shirt again. He left Room #7 already occupied by Lesley. He went to #9 which was the last room. he knocked on the door.

*knock knock* "Hello?"

The door opened. He saw Granger wearing earphones as he was holding his MP3 Player.

"Hey Paxley. Why are you calling me?" Granger asked.

"Oh, uhm... Sorry. I thought there was no one here."

Gusion knocked on all the remaining rooms, and it was all occupied. He didn't have any place to sleep. All of a sudden, Lesley pulled Gusion back to her room. She was just wearing her bath towel around her body.

"Hey, I guess you ran out of rooms to stay?"

"No Lesley, I..."

"It's okay. We can stay in the same room together."

Gusion unpacked all of his stuff and took a bath. It was already 9:30 at night, and everyone else was asleep. As he finished, he took some brown hair dye and recolored his pale blue hair. It took him almost 2 hours to dry up all the dye. He wore his shirt and decided to go sleep.