As Caesar was sent back he begun to search the place of the time. While Esmeralda and Harith is still in the district with Erodith around. (It wasn't really that much fun necessarily..) Yet it was unfortunate.
As Caesar returns to his home land he begins his search for Lunox.(He was crying at this very moment.) It was sad come on..
And as for Lunox she finds herself somewhere in the War zone where the sacrifice happens. She was also in the timeline with Caesar in it. Her immortality was overwritten on the hundred years.
As she travels around the place she saw Belerick somehow near the war for some reason.
Lunox:"Dear Guardian of the Oasis, do you have any idea what happened here?"
Belerick:"Uh.. This is the second time you asked me about it? Have you forgot it?"
As their conversation passed and let Lunox confused she began to travel somewhere relevant that may have conclusions or ideas about the war, but she does not know which timeline she is into. Caesar on the other hand travel into another dimension from portals Erodith built-up system. And have gone to the Earth to search her. While Lunox searches for answer, Caesar was also looking for her. Lunox travel to a lot of places same as Caesar did.
Caesar tried to travel to Erodith once more inside the time prism once more, tried but cannot be reached as its primitively undefined able. But he never found anyone at his time not even Esmeralda neither nor Harith.
About days of searching he doesn't stop even.
The he came across a beautiful lake with the sunrise at its most beautiful view he takes his time to enjoy such beautiful sunrise at moments that may cheer him up. He never knew this was Azure Lake.
Then Lunox was about to ask for help in the Azure lake until he bump onto someone.
It was Caesar. They greet and as they meet once more and possibly create the momeries they had together for her to be aware of everything and everyone she encountered along with him.
And that's about it for this story everyone.
(And it was entitled Cosmic Tales and it was about her dreams for her memories to possibly come back to her again.) Yet nothing can be rewritten in the stars, even Esmeralda can't. (Yeah.. I didn't give her powers.. But any let's introduce ourselves to everyone who read this.) This is a official fourth wall breaking for you readers. (I am Erodith and yes their is no quotation stanza since I'm not talking to any charters from the story that he write). And I am Vaspt the author and I put some hyphen so you know this is separated from the story, by the way you will see Erodith in another one. (I'll see you all real soon. If you know what I mean..)