"Anyway, I am sure you are wondering why I asked you to come today. I actually have a task for you. In fact, there is some big news coming soon."
"You mean the President is resigning?" Min-soo asked with barely concealed excitement.
"Oh, you already know? Ah must have been that Kim boy. He is smarter than he looks that kid. But yes, I just got off the phone with the Prime Minister. He was informed earlier this morning that the President was going to resign. But he has been asked to stay on until after the election, since it is only three months away. So, he will be announcing today that he will not seek re-election, squashing any hopes of him staying on which should satisfy the masses. Finally, that old fart gets his just desserts."
Min-soo had always wondered why his Grandfather never seemed to get along with the President and so he could not help but ask.
"Do you and President Kang have some bad history?"
"Hah, you don't even know that? He is your Grandmother's ex-boyfriend you know. At one point in time, he even had plans to marry her. But I got there before he did and the rest is history. He never could quite accept that your Grandmother and I were fated to be together and so over the years he has been rather unhappy with me. You know I wanted to put my hand up for President a few years back but before I could even announce my intentions, I had already been rebuffed. Guess who ended up winning? President Kang. But now, he is going to be forever remembered as a one-term President. In this history of our republic the number of Presidents that served one-term can be counted on one hand. Haha, even I am starting to feel slightly sympathetic."
His Grandfather laughed raucously and Min-soo could see just how happy he was to see his rival in so much misery. But he soon collected himself.
However, there was one thing, Min-soo was confused about, how come the President was able to seek re-election, was there not a term limit in this world's Korea? He was sure he had heard about it on T.V before.
"Wait, Grandfather isn't there a term limit to the Presidency?"
"Term limit? There has not been a term limit since the 90's kid? Have you been reading some old textbooks again? Article 70 was amended a long time ago, didn't you learn this in school? You get 10 years now, two terms just like those Americans."
Min-soo nodded with slight confusion but realised it truly was the case upon examining his high school memories.
"Ah, right. Let's get down to it shall we. The Prime Minister is hoping to revive the old soft power initiative. The economy is not doing so well at the moment and he is hoping we can stimulate the entertainment industry and relive the old dream of a massive cultural export. I know, they failed fifteen years ago, but enough time has passed. We can learn from their mistakes and I hope you will take up the torch. We need young and promising new talent to show that the project is possible, also it will help with the Prime Minister jumping over to the Presidency. He will have something good and invigorating to campaign on. With him out of the picture, I can move into his old office. It will be the first time in a long time that the same party will control all three offices, President, Prime Minister and National Assembly. The stars have truly aligned with us this time round. To think nearly four years ago I almost gave up this opportunity."
Min-soo was shocked by the contents of his Grandfather's words. It seemed like he was already measuring the curtains for the Prime Minister's office, before the election had even been called. This year was bound to be a chaotic year, since both the National Assembly and Presidency was due for an election.
Now that the incumbent President was forced to resign, it appeared it would be a walk in the park for the People's Party to retain their current majority in the National Assembly and claim the Blue House as well.
But what did that have to do with him and this proposal to revive the entertainment industry?
"Wait, Grandfather are you talking about President Kim Dae-jung's failed push to sustain the momentum of President Kim Young-sam's 'Hallyu Wave' policy?"
"Hah, Kim Young-sam thought he had the Presidency in the bag, he even managed to have article 70 amended so that he could seek another term, but who would know Kia would fail and the country would be plunged into a recession. Those were hard years you know, even without his attempts to reform the chaebol. Kim Dae-jung though, poor fellow, beat Kim Young-sam in the '97 election but despite his best efforts to turn the economy around, the collapse of the nascent entertainment industry on his watch was the end for him."
Min-soo listened in fascination, he had learnt some general history about modern Korea in his high school years in his previous life but listening to these divergences from his timeline made him quite excited.
"How did it fail? Surely all the government had to do was continue to subsidise and promote it across the rest of Asia?"
"You would think so, right? But he was too impatient, he campaigned on transparency and holding the chaebol to account, but instead of focusing on what he promised, he chose the fast and what he saw was the efficient route. So, special deals were made and the industry was flooded with all manners of people, both legal and illegal, using it as a front to wash their illicit goods. This was of course, all revealed in the investigation into the collapse of the industry after the 2002 election. I'm surprised you don't know about it. But then again I am sure the textbooks the Education Ministry sets out would not include these details that put them in a bad light."
Min-soo could see exactly what type of impact these sorts of scandals and deals would do to an industry in their growth phase. Where their foundations were not even set, something like this on the scale of a category 5 hurricane would destroy everything in its path. And that was the exact outcome.
"So, Grandfather why now?"
"You see, despite all his faults Kim Dae-jung was not a bad guy, he had foresight and as did Kim Young-sam before him, I can see very clearly just how much potential something like this has. Just think about it, we are a small country with only 50 odd million people we cannot always rely on exporting minerals, agriculture or high-tech goods. We are losing our edge day by day to those in Japan, China and even India. If we lose these, what do we have left? However, if we can replicate the success of Hollywood or even Bollywood, a small country like us could stand on equal footing with those giants. Sure, many people would laugh at us and call it a pipedream, but I don't think so. We are called one of the Four Asian Tigers, we should at least show the world that even a starved tiger is bigger than a household cat."
Min-soo could feel his Grandfather's patriotic fervour. There was a sense that he was speaking in concrete terms about a future he could already see, that he knew could and should happen. Of course, to Min-soo this was a possibility that he was very familiar with, after all in his previous world, the Hallyu Wave penetrated into nearly every corner of the world. He admired his Grandfather's courage and vision for backing something that was proven to have failed before, at least in this world.
"But Grandfather why did you call for me today?"
"Hah, isn't it obvious. You are the future and so this plan of ours should be left to those like you to handle. We old men are not suited for these things, we can barely connect with the voters and you expect us to come up with ways to get people to watch our movies or listen to our songs? I am not saying we can't do it, but by the time it has any effect, you will be my age. Haha."
His Grandfather was obviously in a good mood and joked lightly.
"So, you want me to start a company and make movies, dramas and music?" Min-soo could not help but ask with scepticism.
"Sure, do whatever you want, but since you're my grandson and a member of the Lee family, we are not herbivores, if you get into this industry, I expect you to be at the top, otherwise you can forget about attending my will reading." He warned with a dangerous expression.
This was the pride of someone who held power and knew when to use it. This was the Grandfather from his memories, not the chatty and affable old man expounding about his vision and virtues. It was this domineering man.
"Do not worry though, the Ministry is prepared to subsidise the industry. Of course, it must be through official processes if you wish for them, otherwise you can try and convince your Father to give you access to Antares' accounts. But good luck with that." He wished in a sarcastic tone.
Min-soo continued to listen to his Grandfather's advice as to what to expect and how he should go about getting started.
"The Prime Minister will be officially announcing this revived policy push soon, but the many sons and daughters of the chaebols already know or will come to know of it in the coming days. You are not alone in this endeavour, but make sure to be the best. It is okay if you fail in the early days, we only learn from our failures, and it makes our successes that much sweeter. I will have your Uncle Sun assigned to help you. If you need anything from me, ask him, he knows how to handle everything in the proper manner, the last thing we need is another corruption scandal. But it was good to see you again, Min-soo. Don't forget to go visit your Grandmother, or she will nag me all night."
Seeing that his time was up, Min-soo bid his Grandfather goodbye and followed the secretary back to the lift.
"Goodbye Mr Lee, have a good day." She greeted before heading back to her office.
Min-soo smiled before taking the lift back down to the ground floor. Hyun-woo immediately came over, "Where next, Young Master?"
"Let's go visit my Grandmother."