Land of the Free

Min-soo stepped off the plane. First-class was truly a luxury. The just over eleven-hour flight was the most comfortable flight of his two lives. Having experienced it once, there was no way he would go back to economy.

Min-soo had decided to travel by himself, even though Hyun-woo had insisted on coming along, Min-soo had convinced him to stay behind and help Uncle Sun. After all, he was doing most of the actual work, while Min-soo was off on a holiday.

Breezing through immigration and collecting his luggage, Min-soo for the first time in both of his lives stepped onto US soil. He had always wanted to go visit the US but with his sister's poor health, he had been unable to travel overseas.

Sure, Australia was beautiful and had its charms, but it was still lacking in many other areas.

Walking out of the airport, Min-soo took a long look around with great curiosity. Fortunately, he was not the only one, many other tourists pointed at various sights and 'oohed' and 'aahed', he was merely another face in the crowd, albeit a rather handsome one, if he had to say.

With his branded sunglasses on, he remained an unassuming figure. He had made the mistake of going to the airport without any disguise and had been mobbed by various reporters and women. Many women. In fact, he had forgotten just who he was.

Lee Min-soo was a famous and well-known figure in Korea. It also did not help that he was rich and handsome, which had earned him quite a few admirers and fans, for whatever reason.

It had taken him some effort, well, mainly the security guards' efforts, to keep the growing crowd away from him.

Making sure not to relive that horrifying experience he had donned a pair of sunglasses upon alighting the plane this time. Even though he was sure not many people would recognise him in Los Angeles, it was always better to be safe than sorry.

Min-soo hailed a taxi and made his way over to the Shangri-La Hotel in Santa Monica. He checked in, took his luggage up to his room and then lay down on the bed. He had a lot to think about.

He had only been Min-soo for less than a week. A new life, new family, new responsibilities and new ambitions. Everything was new. Even the world that looked so familiar was in fact void of one of the joys in his past life.

Min-soo suddenly felt exhausted. In fact, the thought of running away, staying in the US and starting a new life briefly crossed his mind. He would not need to keep up the pretence of being Min-soo, he would not need to face his parents and grandparents.

He knew he had decided back in the hospital to live this life as Min-soo and to do so fully. But, doubts and the fear of failure nibbled away at him. This was uncharacteristic of him.

Min-soo frowned at this realisation. He attributed it to jet-lag and being in a foreign country by himself.

Regathering himself, Min-soo took out his laptop and found the contact number for JYP Entertainment. Dialling the number, it was quickly answered by a female speaking in English.

"Hello, this is JYP Entertainment, Monica speaking, how may I help you?"

Responding in his own flawless English, "Hello, I was just wondering if it was possible to arrange a meeting to see Mr Park Jin-young?"

The woman giggled, "Oh, sorry, it's just that I have not heard the PD-nim being called that in quite some time. But this can be arranged, may I ask who you are and why you are looking for the PD-nim?"

"Of course, my name is Lee Min-soo and I was hoping to speak with Mr Park about a possible business venture."

It was then that Min-soo heard a male voice on the other side of the phone.

"Monica, who is it?" It was only when she responded in Korean, did Min-soo realise that the man had been speaking Korean. He had been hearing Korean so often in the past few days, that it had become the natural language for him.

The woman in a slightly surprised voice responded, "Oh, PD-nim, there is a Lee Min-soo asking to meet you…" before she could even finish, Min-soo could hear the sound of someone grabbing the phone.

"Ahh… Mr Lee Min-soo of Antares Group? Mr Lee Min-soo?" the man asked in an excited voice.

Startled, Min-soo answered coolly, "Yes, and this is?"

"Park Jin-young, this is Park Jin-young. Why has Mr Lee decided to find me all of a sudden?"

"Right, I have some questions and things that you may be able to help me with, perhaps it is better if we meet in person, is this okay with you?"

"Sure. Sure. When would you like to meet?"

"Is now okay?" Min-soo asked in a light tone.

"Uh… Are you not in Korea?" Park Jin-young inquired.

"No, I am currently at the Shangri-La in Santa Monica, where do you think it would be best to meet? At your office?"

"Why don't we talk over lunch? 3pm at the Little Fatty restaurant, it's only about 15 minutes from your hotel."

Min-soo could find no issues with this and he was starting to feel a little peckish. "Very well, I will see you then." He then hung up.

Showering and then changing into a new pair of clothes, something more casual and comfortable, Min-soo realised that it was already 2.30 in the afternoon. Even though Park Jin-young had said the restaurant was only 15 minutes away, it would be rude to be late.