Past and Future

Min-soo entered the restaurant and was greeted by a waiter, "Hello, a table for yourself?"

"No, has a Mr Park Jin-young already entered?"

"Oh, are you Mr Lee? Right this way please."

Min-soo followed after the waiter and was taken to one of the only rooms in the restaurant. He opened the door and inside was the familiar looking face of Park Jin-young sat behind a large round table. Beside him was a woman who looked to be around Min-soo's age, she was quite pretty, Min-soo had to admit.

As he walked in, Park Jin-young's eyes sparkled and he got up excitedly, "Mr Lee, Mr Lee, ah it is my great honour to meet you. Please take a seat, take a seat."

"Thank you, Mr Park." Min-soo sat down and so did Park Jin-young, the woman however continued to eye him with interest. Min-soo could not help but once again feel proud of his handsome face.

Park Jin-young seeing his companion ogling Min-soo so overtly coughed in embarrassment, before introducing her to him. "This is my company's best artist, Kelly Lim. Kelly, you should stop looking at him like that." He whispered the last bit to her.

Min-soo acted like he did not hear the last bit and watched as Kelly stood up and gave him a bow,

"Mr Lee it is my great fortune to meet you. My name is Kelly Lim."

Short and simple and then she sat back down. Park Jin-young glanced at Min-soo's face and seeing no expression of discontent, let out a breath of relief.

"Ah, Mr Lee, this place has the best abalone in the city, you must try it, also the steamed fish is very good here too. Haha… what am I saying every dish here is good." Park Jin-young happily boasted.

"Mr Park, please just call me Min-soo."

"Then please call me Jin-young."

"Very well, how about you order whatever is good, I am not a picky eater. I am starving."

"My bad, my bad." Park Jin-young got up and poked his head out the door and waved down a waiter. He ordered and then sat back down.

Min-soo and Jin-young continued to exchange pleasantries and bantered about their respective lives as they waited for the food to arrive. Kelly occasionally made a remark to reaffirm her presence, but she knew she was not the focus of the lunch and wisely remained quiet.

Before too long dish after dish came pouring in and Min-soo's mouth watered from the smell and the sight before him. He was actually starving and seeing Park Jin-young wait for him to go first, he picked up his chop sticks and dug in.

Nearly twenty minutes later and with a satisfied expression on his face, Min-soo nodded his head in appreciation over the great food. After another five minutes, the plates were cleared and a fruit platter replaced it, Min-soo felt it was time to get down to business.

"Jin-young I am sure you have been wondering why I am looking for you. I am sure you have heard the news by now, right? That the Prime Minister is looking to restart the Hallyu Wave Project."

At the mention of the 'Hallyu Wave Project', Park Jin-young's eyes widened and he shuddered slightly in response. It was as if a bad memory had resurfaced for him, with a pained expression he responded, "So it's true. I heard rumours about it but I had dismissed it as just that. But with you contacting me, I had a slight suspicion. Aigo, I guess history does love repeating itself. So, what do you need from me?"

"Well, first of all, I was wondering if you would like to partner up. I recently set up a company and am currently on the lookout for trainees and talents, as well as great producers. I need all the help I can get." Min-soo decided to be honest with him, as that would be the best way to ask for his help.

However, Park Jin-young's eyes narrowed before asking with slight suspicion, "Boy group or girl group?"

Min-soo was a little confused at first but then realised he was asking what his plans were, "Boy group."

Park Jin-young then shook his head with sadness, "Ah, I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you there. I'm sure you know about what happened in the past and why I am here today. I still can't forgive myself and so I'm sorry. I can't help you with your boy group."

Min-soo nodded with understanding. So, this was why Park Jin-young's current artists were all females, it was because he still blamed himself for the failure of the boy group he started over fifteen years ago.

"Very well. I understand, but remember that if you ever return to Korea, please do look for me. I could always use your talents."

Park Jin-young fearing that Min-soo was about to leave, "Uh, Min-soo, I might not be able to help you, but I know someone who can. You know about my old friend Bang Si-hyuk right?"

Min-soo looked at Park Jin-young with surprise, it seemed he did not even need to ask, "Yes I know of Mr Bang, in fact I was going to ask you about him too."

"Oh, well, it might be a little difficult. Si-hyuk wandered around America for a few years looking to spread his talents but the market here and in Korea are very different beasts. So, he became slightly depressed, until he met his wife. They have a little daughter too, they live down in San Francisco, he works as a freelance composer. I can give you his details, but it will be up to you whether you can convince him to help you or not."

Min-soo looked at Park Jin-young with a troubled expression, after hearing about Bang Si-hyuk's current situation. However, he still felt that he could convince him to help him. After all, what would BTS be without Hitman Bang.

Min-soo thanked Park Jin-young and gave him his own contact details, before farewelling both him and Kelly. Park Jin-young looked a little down, but he still smiled as Min-soo left.

Left in the room, Kelly was the first to speak, "Are you sure won't regret not agreeing to help him?"

"Perhaps, but I made my promise to those boys and I failed them. I don't think I can do it again."

"PD-nim, it has been so long, I am sure they have long forgiven you, in fact, I feel you just want to remain the boss."

"Perhaps, but I still have not forgiven myself. But what you say makes sense. A girl group then? Maybe?" Park Jin-young mused.