Min-soo quickly did his business and returned to the table, whereupon he saw that Kwang-sik was already bringing out the entrees. Everyone ceased conversation as they started to dig into the food.
The clinking of cutlery was occasionally interspersed with the delivery of the mains. Kwang-sik had decided to whip up a Western style lunch. Using the freshest ingredients, Min-soo's mouth watered as he eagerly anticipated digging into the steak before him.
Putting the last piece of meat into his mouth, Min-soo sat there thoroughly satisfied with his meal, as he looked around to check the progress of his grandparents and Ji-eun.
Min-soo watched with an amused expression as Ji-eun dug away at her crème brulee, it appeared that for whatever reason, he had been the slowest to finish his food, as nearly everybody else was already onto dessert.
As for why they were having dessert. Well, why not?
After the dishes were cleared away, Aunty Shin started to ask Min-soo about his new venture.
"Min-soo, I heard that you have founded your own company and are having a crack at the entertainment business?" Mi-kyung asked with some curiosity.
At this point Ji-eun's ears perked up and she looked over at Min-soo with some excitement.
Min-soo however, was too busy thinking about how to best answer Aunty Shin that he failed to notice this, however, his Grandfather only raised an eyebrow at Ji-eun's reaction.
"Yes, I'm going to create an idol group and take the world by storm." Min-soo laughed as he cheekily responded.
His grandparents only smiled while Aunty Shin laughed along.
"Well, I wish you the best. Hm, we had better get going now. I do hope to see you at Ji-eun's birthday party."
"Of course." Min-soo immediately responded.
"Sun-ho, it's good to see you again. Jung-hee, see you at the party." Aunty Shin gave both his grandparents a hug before waving to him as Ji-eun bid them all farewell and followed after her mother as they left the restaurant.
As the two women left, his grandparents focused their attention on Min-soo.
His Grandmother was the first to speak, "Min-soo, so, what do you think?" she asked with a smile.
"Uh, Grandma, we barely spoke, I don't think I can make any judgements on her already." Min-soo replied in a defensive tone.
"Hah, liar. You're positively smitten. You can't fool these old eyes of mine." His Grandfather interjected with a guffaw.
Min-soo did not bother to respond to his Grandfather and continued to converse with his Grandmother.
"Grandma, are you coming home tonight? Or are you heading back to Sejong?"
Being ignored, his Grandfather only laughed a little harder, while his Grandma patted his Grandfather's arm in an attempt to calm him down.
"Oh, yes, we are staying in the city for the night, but we shall be heading back tomorrow afternoon."
"Oh, okay. What are your plans after this?" Min-soo inquired.
"Your Grandfather is off to play baduk (Go) with his friends and I'm going to meet up with some old friends at Seoul National University."
"Eh? Who are you meeting at Seoul National University?" Min-soo was thoroughly surprised, even though everyone knew that he was still a student at Seoul National, he had never heard about his Grandmother's affiliations with the university.
It was his Grandfather that jumped in to answer, "Huh? Do you really not know anything about your own Grandmother? Do you know why Old Kang was always chasing after your Grandmother? He was not after her beauty, he was after her brain. Between me and her, your Grandmother's mind far outshines mine. She is a fully qualified quantum physicist, but that is not all, she even has a PhD in behavioural economics." He bragged happily.
Min-soo looked at his Grandmother with an expression of awe, they had known each other for all of his life, yet this was the first time he had heard about just how much of a genius she was. But then again, since she married his Grandfather, perhaps he should not exaggerate her street smarts too much.
"Sun-ho, please. That is all in the past." She said humbly.
"Wait, Grandma, how come I am I only finding out about this now? You're so cool." Min-soo declared excitedly.
"Haha, well what's the point? It's not like you were going to step into the field of science." She stated dryly.
"Pah, your Grandmother has never been any good at promoting herself, she's always been far too humble. You know she even quit her job at Seoul National University after I took over Antares, but they did everything they could to keep her, so they kept her as a professor on their system. Even though she has not submitted anything in quite some time, nor does she teach there."
"Sun-ho, really, it's been so many years, those old men on the university board really have too much time on their hands. I am sure it's not a coincidence that I am still in their system and they happen to always be at your baduk sessions." Oh Jung-hee, his Grandmother muttered in a suspicious tone.
Min-soo watched as his Grandfather merely avoided eye contact with his Grandmother and remained totally unconvincing in his insouciance. Harrumphing once, his Grandmother turned back to Min-soo and asked, "So, when are you graduating?"
Caught a little off-guard Min-soo paused for a second before replying, "Umm… I have one more semester, the new semester begins in September, so I should finish later in the year, but the graduation will probably not be until next year. Well, that's the plan at least."
"I'm glad to hear that…" His Grandmother began, "Don't forget to invite us." His Grandfather finished.
His Grandmother gave his Grandfather a glare for interrupting her before she continued, "Min-soo, it is good that you're growing up, but don't forget to balance work and life. It might seem very exciting to start a new company but don't burn yourself up over it." She said while occasionally giving his Grandfather a side-eye.
Min-soo nodded and genuinely appreciated his Grandmother's concern for him and wisely remained silent, as for his Grandfather who was implicitly being lectured, he continued to admire the wonderful design of the ceiling, while occasionally taking sips from his teacup.
After a few more minutes of conversation, "So, Min-soo, prioritise your studies, you can just let Hyun-woo or Old Sun handle things…" His Grandfather hurriedly interrupted, "Jung-hee, would you look at the time. We're going to be late. Min-soo probably has plans afterwards too, right Min-soo?" he gave Min-soo a nod.
"Uh, right, right, Grandma, I have to meet up with Nam-joon later." He hurriedly stammered out.
Feeling that she had said all she needed, she nodded once, before grabbing her coat as she got up. Sun-ho similarly got up, "Ah, Min-soo we'll be off then. Do take care, see you at home."
"Min-soo, don't stay out too late with Nam-joon."
"Take care, Grandma, Grandpa." Min-soo said as he followed after them onto the street. He waved to them as they got into their car and went their way.