The Vehicle

Erin Kim's POV

"Hey, wake up."

I could hear Lucas say as he was tapping me over at the shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

I open my eyes and saw him looking over to me, concerned.

Officer Morgan was surprisingly at the side of the vehicle. "Everything alright?"

"W-what happened?"

Lucas laughs. "You kind of dozed off after you ate. I didn't know you were that kind of person."

"Woah, really?"

"This guy over here dropped his wallet on the sidewalk, so I quickly got to my vehicle and followed him." Officer Morgan explains. "Are you alright though?"

I looked around me and realized that we were parked in front of a huge gate leading into a mansion of some sorts.

"Where are we?"

"Oh, this is my house." Lucas says, scratching the back of his head.

"21st street?"

"Bingo." He says with a smile. "I have practice so I was hoping you could stay in the car while I change clothes."

"You going with him?" Officer Morgan asks me through the window.

I nodded. "Principal Lawson and Councillor Sawyer asked me if I could tutor Mr Winthropt for his upcoming remedial tests."

"I see. You tutoring him at this hour?"

"No. I just went with him to familiarize the road towards his house." I answered. "The following days, I'll just be taking the bus or a taxi."

Officer Morgan nodded. "Well, you're here now and so am I. Why don't I take you home myself?"

He looks at Lucas with sheer distrust. "We wouldn't want to bother the kind man over here."

Lucas speaks up. "Oh really, it's no probl-"

"I'll be taking her home now, sir." Officer Morgan says in a tone of finality.

Lucas looks at him for a moment before looking at me. "So?"

"It's alright, Mr Winthropt. I'll be going with Officer Morgan." I said with confidence. "Thank you for showing me the road towards your house.. although I practically slept through the entire ride."

"It's no biggie." Lucas says childishly, opening the door's lock for me.

I thank him and got outside his vehicle. Officer Morgan escorts me towards the police car and heads on over to talk to Lucas. They got into what seems to be a sincere discussion before Officer Morgan returns to his vehicle.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is alright." Officer Morgan says, starting the engine. "You'll be tutoring this guy for the rest of the week?"

"It depends." I said, turning my attention towards the window. "I don't really know when I'd get out of the job."

Officer Morgan nodded as he pulled out of the driveway. "Why did you accept the task?"

"I was practically forced to." I said, chuckling. "I made a deal with the principal. That's all."

Officer Morgan proceeds to ask me questions on how my day was and where my parents were at the moment. I answered all his questions with ease, looking at the window familiarizing all the roads that led towards Lucas' house.

As I watched road after road, I realized that we have been through that same traffic light 3 times already. Something was up.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

Officer Morgan looks at the rearview mirror. "We're being followed."

I looked behind us and there a black, 2010 Chevrolet Camaro with tinted glass can be seen trailing us.

"What should we do?"

"I'm taking us to the station." Officer Morgan says, turning right after the intersection.

I observe the black Camaro for dear life for at least 5 minutes before it suddenly disappeared as we approached the police station.

This was getting a little too odd.

After parking right across the building, officer Morgan gets out of the police car and observes his surroundings a bit before turning his attention to me. "I'm going to the station. Do not move from this spot."

I nodded as he moves away from the police car. Looking at both ways, he starts to cross when suddenly-

I looked towards the other side of the road. It was the black Camaro. Speeding at over 200 miles per hour, the vehicle literally followed Officer Morgan's tracks, hitting him with such impact that he flew a couple of meters away.

The Black Camaro, after stopping for a while, immediately regained control and drove off the other way as officers from the station rush outside to see what was going on. I got outside the police car, hands on my face.

What is happening?

Several police officers came rushing over towards me, escorting me all the way to the station whilst the others saw to Officer Morgan.


It was now 9 PM, and I was still at the police station waiting for my parents to come pick me up themselves.

Apparantely, the driver of the Black Camaro never got caught as the plate number was obviously a fake. Most of the police were off investigating what had just happened a few hours ago.

Officer Morgan survived the impact, but he was hit so badly that his body shut down almost immediately, sending him straight into ICU and then into a coma. The doctors couldn't tell whether or not he would ever wake up.

The police questioned me, of course, but it all happened so fast that I didn't know what to say. They let me go as soon as my dad came to drive me home.

That was probably the scariest night I have ever had in my entire life.

The police got back to my dad, and said that there was nothing to worry about as the problem was Officer Morgan. Apparantely, word got out that he busted a lot of drug dealers in the past week, and the investigation concluded that it was some of the gang members paying him back.

My dad was relieved, but he was still concerned over my mental health and contacted the school to give me a short break.

"That's crazy!" I told him. "I can't miss a single day of class!"

"No need to worry." My dad said, patting me in the head. "Principal Lawson was very understanding."

My dad proceeded to inform me of how Principal Lawson felt bad about sending my to 21st street on such short notice, and that he will exclude me from any activities for the rest of the week. No deductions.

I sighed a breath of relief. Resting was the best thing I could do now. What just happened was a traumatizing series of events... and never does a night go by anymore when I don't dream about Officer Morgan's kind face...

and that Black Camaro...